ta* fr iiifar ■ » ’ . , • •• !r ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS CITY OF SALEM. OREOON DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES PURCHASING DIVISION INVITATION FOR BIDS PROJECT NO C 48801 INVITATION TO BID The City ol Salam will rscstvs s e a le d txda at the office o l the City Re confer. Room 206. City Hall. Salam. Oregon 97301. untU but not after ,1 0 0 a m., July 31. 19S6. at wfecfi ome aaad ixtfe w 8 ba pubbcfy opened and read in the City Council Chamber», Room 2 0 . City HaM, tor the prolject specified herein The specifications and other bid documents era available at the office 0 , the Purchasing Supervisor. 1 3 0 20th Street SE. Salem Oregon 97302 The proposed work consists of THE C O N S TR U C TIO N OF C H A IN LINK FENCING A T W A LLA C E M A R IN E PARK Bide must be submitted on the proposal forms furnished to prequelihed bidders Proposals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope plainly marked "B ID ON W A LLA C E M A R IN E PARK C H A IN LINK FENCE" and show the name and business address of the bidder A surety bond cashier s check, or certrfied check of the bidder in the am ount of 10 percent 110%) of the bid must be attached to each pro posal as bid security Unsuccessful bidders will have their security re funded to them when tha contract has been swarded No bid will be received or considered by the City of Salem or any of its officars unless tha bid contains a statem ent by the bidder that the pro visions of tha ORS 279 360 shall be included in his contract Tha City of Salem reserves tha right to refect any or all bids, to waive formalities, and of postponing the award of the contract for 30 days Contractor s Prequelrfication Application must be submitted to the City Purchasing Supervisor (1340 20th Street SE, Salem. Oregon 973021 for approval, on or before July 24, 1986. which is at least five working days poor to the scheduled bid opening data Upon approval the bidder will receive a valid proposal tor bidding purposes No bid shall be received or considered from any bidder who does not have an approved prequalification application on fils w ith the City Pur chasing Supervisor Sealed twda for window modification« will t x received by Tha Mousing Authority of Portland (H AP) at 8910 N Woolsey Avenue Portland. Or a g o n 97203. until 2 00 p m POT Wednesday August 7, 1906 and following a short interval b*ca will ba opened and read aloud Bid dart are welcom e to sttsnd tha b*d opening Basically tha work consists of removing eighty three (83) existing angle glazed wood sash and replacing with double glazed medal win dows and weatherstrip eighty three (83) existing wood sash that a rt to remain Extend and upgrade existing fire spnnkler system A prebid inspection of tha arts and conditions thereof will be held at 10 00 a m , Thursday July 26 1986 The joberte is located at 1218 S W Washington St , Portland Oregon A H AP representative will conduct a tour of the building at the time indicated and win discuss questions posed that are relative to tha work Answers to queetme that are not defined m tha Specrficstions w ill tw forwarded to all bidden by a d d e n d a Contractor« and parties interested m bidding this protect should attend this tour Prospective bidders may obtain one aet of bidding d o c u n x n t a a t th e H AP office. 8910 N Woolsey Avenue between 8 0 0 i m and 4 00 p m upon deposit of 120 which will be refunded upon return of un damaged documents wrthm tan (IO i day« «her the bid opening Addi to n al sets of plans or specifications may be obtained at $10 each which is not refundable A minimum of 20% MBE participation in tha execution of this protect it a HAP requirement and tha methods of tha bidder propoeee in com plying with thia requirement is subject to H AP review and approval prior to initiating tha contract No bid will ba considered unless accompanied by Bid Security in the form of certified check, cashier a check, or surety bond payable to the Housing Authority of Portland in tha amount equal to 10% of tha bid to be forfeited at fixed and liquidated damages should bidder neglect or refuse to enter into a contract or provide suitable bond for the faith ful performance of tha work m tha event contract is awarded to the bidder PR EQ U A LIFIC A TIO N C LA SS M ISC E LL A N E O U S H IG H W A Y AP P U R TEN A N C ES (Guardrails. Riprap. M edian Barriers. Curbs. Retain mg Walls. Walks. Fenceal No bidder may withdraw from a bid after tha hour set for the opaning thereof until after tha lapse of sixty (80) days from tha bid opaning Inquiries concerning the contents of the bid specifications should be directed to: M r Jerry Gooley. Landscape Architect. Regional Parka and Recreation Agency. 666 Liberty Street SE. Salem. OR 9 7 X 1 . Phone 588 6261 Tha Housing Authority of Portland may refect any bid not in compliance with ail prescribed bidding procedures and requirement« and may reject any or all bid«, and waive all informalities rf in tha lodgment of HAP. it it in tha public interest to do so Questions regarding thia pro| act should ba directed to Ray Kuykendall at 249 6660 H O U S IN G A U T H O R IT Y OE POR TLAN D By W E Hunter Executive Director This protect ta to be assisted in whole or in pan, with Federal Funds m ade available from the National Park Service. Land and W ater Con servation Fund. The provisions of Executive Order 11248. as amended, require tha cooperation of bidders, contractors, sub contractors and > proposed sub contractors m the administration of the compliance with equal employm ent opportunity and affirmative action require m ents Prospective bidders may direct inquiries concerning these re­ quirements to the office m entioned above where plans and bid are obtained In addition, attendance at pre bid. pre award and or pre construction conference may be required to discuss specific require ments and programs for compliance ROBIN J K IRKPATRICK Purchasing Supervisor BIO NO 288B BIO OPEN IN G July 31. ,986. 1, 00 a m RECREATION Great Saltw ater Hshlngl On 101 at new Nehalem jettiee Ocean Bay and Jetty salmon fishing. Crabbing great I RV parking, tackle, boat rentals Jetty Fishery ( 5 0 3 ) 3 » 5746 i* .-\ B a jw • • ‘s v T j n a - . x . w . ' j i « ’•.» y a s k • r .'- .x .r . * % JOBS. Julv 17 19RR Pane 5