Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 17, 1985, Page 13, Image 13

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Sealed bids w ill be received by the Owner Tualatin Valley Mental
Health Center, no later than July 22 1985 at t 00 P M at the
o ffice ot Gary D om brott 14600 N W Cornell Rudd Ptld
The protect co n sists ot interior co n stru ctio n ot new wall
partitions, suspended ceilings, cabinet work wall and floor
finishes in an e xisting single story prefabricated metal building
Augm entation ot e xisting mechanical, electrical plum bing and
repair and addition of some exterior walks is also part ot the
The contract w ill be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder
provided that the bid has been subm itted in accordance w ith the
requirem ents of the contract docum ents and does not exceed
the funds available and com pletion tim e stipulated in the
proposal The Owner wishes to occupy the building by
September 9th. 1985 No bid will be considered unless fully
com plete in the manner provided in the In stru ctio n s to Bidder
upon the bid form provided, accompanied by a bid bond
The City of Salem will receive eeeied bide et the office of the City Re
corder. Room 206 City Hell, Salem Oregon 97301. until but not after
11 00 e m . July 26, 1986 el which time said bide will be (xjMcfy ripened
end reed In the City Council Chambers Room 240 City Hell for the
project specified herein
Prime contrectore miereeted m bidding on thie propel may receive one
copy of the epecificietione end other bid documents at the office of the
Purchasing Supervisor, 1340 20th St. S E Salem, OR 97302 The pro
posed work concrete of the metelletion of 80 range rsceptcles end 80
range corde in 80 houeing unite
Bide must be submitted on the proposal forme furnisher to prequelified
bidders Puipossis shell tie submitted in a eeeied en velop e plainly
ITY UNITS end show the name end business address of the bidder
Bidders shall be prequalified In accordance w ith Chapter 279 of
Oregon Revised Statutes Prequalification form s shall be
com pleted and returned to the Owner 10 days prior to the date of
the bid opening
A surety bond, cashier a check or certified check ot the bidder in the
amount of ten percent 110*1 ot the bid must be attached to each pro
poeal as bid security Unsuccessful bidder will have their security re
funded to them when the contract has been swarded
NONDISCRIMINATION: Bidders on this work w ill be required to
com ply w ith the provisions ol Federal Executive Order 11246
The requirem ents for bidders and contractors are explained in
the S pecifications
No bid will be received or considered by the City ot Salem or eny ot
Its officers unless the bid contains a statement by the bidder that the
provisions ot the Davis Bacon Act, 40 USCA 278elsl shell be included
in his contract
The protect is funded in part w ith C om m unity Development
Block Grant funds and subject to all federal com pliance
The City of Salem reserves the right to reiect any or all bids to waive
formalities end or postponing the award of the cont act for 30 days
The A rchitect is John Finklea Architect, 208 S W Stark Street,
Suite 307, Portland, Oregon 97204 Bidders may obtain one set of
bidding docum ents at the A rch ite ct's o ffice upon deposit of
$25 00 A dditional sets and partial sets may be purchased from
the A rchitect lo r the cost of
Port of Portland
An Equal Opportunity Employer
For Information on current job openings,
call our Employment Information Desk,
231-5000. Extension 700.
— ^ u T bids T equested “
Mt 8t Helens Visitors Center
Qlfford Plnchot National Foreet
Bid Date: July 19 1998 - 1:00 P M
Emerick Construction
P O Box 98100 • Portland. OR 97299
(603) 777-6631
H r a rr an rquat opportunity rm p toytr anii r n ju rit tuh huh
fro m womtn and minority ownrd h u n n n i rn lrrp n te *
The attention of bidders is directed to the provisions of Chapter 97.
Salem Revised Code, concerning unlawful employment practices
Violation ot such provisions shell be grounds for immediate termination
of this contract without recourse by the contractor
NOTE This project is federally funded through the Department ot
Housing and Urban Development end ell requirements of that agency
pertaining to bidding and contract performance shell be strictly a t
hered to
It IS the policy of the City of Salem to promote Equal Opportunity to all
persons in matters affecting but not limited to, recruitment employ
ment, compensation benefits promotions, training, discipline transfer
and layoff practices without regard to a person s race, color religion,
national origin, disability, sex or age (except where sex age or non
(keebkity are bone tide occupation al qualifications! This pokey extends
to all contractors receiving public money for fulfillment of public con­
tracts with the City of Salem
Inquiries concerning the contents of the bid specifications should tie
directed to Tom Anderson Salem Housing Authority 588 8388
Purchasing Supervisor
BID NO 2871
OPENING July 26 1986 11 00 a m
International Staat
Building manufacturer awarding dealer
ship in available areas soon Great profit
potential in an expanding industry Call
W ad g c o r
(303) 759 3200. Ext 2403
JOBS, July 17, 1985, Page 3