Portland Observer, July 10, 1906, Page 9 Bogle meets Ambassador Attention Shoe Lovers! by Nathaniel Scott Last week at Commission Dick Bogle's luncheon forum at the Red Lion M otor Inn, Edward Joseph Per­ kins. who will assume the ambassa­ dorship to Liberia July 17, was the guest speaker Perkins, a former student at H olla­ day grade school and Jefferson High School, will not be a stranger to the continent o f Africa, nor to govern­ mental work. For the past three years, Perkins managed 16 African nations from his Washington, D C. office; served the U.S. Agency for International Devel­ opment; was assistant director for management in Bangkok, Thailand, and a political counselor at the U.S. embassy in Ghana. The ambassaor told the approxi­ mately 40 guests who attended the noon luncheon that one never achieves anything by oneself, that his career has been "one learning experience. , . and an accumulation of many dungs.'* Ambassador Perkins’ " ta lk ” touched upon many things, particu­ larly U.S. foreign politics with A fri­ can nations. Perkins' understanding o f differ­ ent African nations is derived from the past that his "entire government career" has been spent in either Asia or Africa. Perkins understands the economic- situation of Africa and maintains that one o f the solutions to Africa's prob­ lems lies in "a partnership between the (U .S .) government and the private sector.” "Economics are a part of what me and my colleagues are concerned w ith,” he said "Economics is a large part o f Africa and in future relation­ ship it will become even more im­ portant.” stacyadams® are now in P ortland So pot your Florsherms and your Peddle Pushers to rest and step into some fresh tforyodem?* today1 W E A LSO SELL K ID S ' C LO TH ES. H A N D B A G S Corner of Union it Fremont (503)249 8646 (Erl John Banda. Commlaalonar Dick Bogie. Am beaeedor-designate the Honorable Edward Perfclne at commlaeioner'e forum. (PHOTO Kathryn Bogle) Gi»ide SAFEWAY (S) . Regular U.S Ambaeaeedor elect Edward Perklne ahowa hl» m other. Mr» Tiny Molmaa. accreditation paper» for hla appointm ent to Liberia Both are Portlander» He insisted that the U.S. is mainly concerned with the security and the economics of the African continent. "W e intend to assist African govern­ ments. . . with economic growth, not stifle it," he said. Ghana might become one o f the countries where economic growth is started next year.” The ambassador's vision included the perfection o f "seeds” and “ plant life” that can survive in hostile sur­ roundings. Due to the serious drought problem many African nations have experi­ enced, the ambassador feels that it is imparative that America, with its technological know-how, should assist stricken countries and help them find ways o f becoming self- sufficient. “ Putting the scientific minds of America on causes (for the better­ ment o f mankind) is long overdue,” he said. "Everyone must look to ways to not let Africa's Ethiopian famine happen again.” Perkins said African problems are many, but the main emphasis should be placed on listening to the needs of individual countries. "T he idea is to listen to what a national has to say and look for mutual cooperation," he said. “ Africa is doing a lot for itself.” The International Monetary Fund, the W orld Bank and other agencies are playing vital roles in the economic development of Africa, he said. Ambassador Perkins said some A f ­ rican countries, such as Benegal, Liberia and Nigeria, are making great strides in raising the livability of their people, adding that “ The politics of survival demands that we recognize that Africa is on the move." While admitting that South African politics was not his area of expertise, the ambassador said, “ South Africa's apartheid) policy has caused a great deal o f controversy in this country.” He added that President Reagan's “ constructive engagement" policy with South Africa is a model. . (that) have some possibilities if certain things are done.” The ambassador would not elabor­ ate on the racist policies of South A f ­ rica. However, he did mention the fact that all the African nations are bound to the O A U 's (Organization of African Unity) condemnation of apartheid. Commissioner Bogel announced that the weekly forums will resume in September. While making it clear that he was not making any official statements, he did outline how the U.S. government works to help strengthen the eco­ nomic stability o f many African countries and he urged those in the audience to “ know as much about foreign policy as possible." "The world is always changing," Perkins said. 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