Page 8, Portland Observar, July 10. 1986 H. R. W eb ster funeral held ÍBíES Send notice of your church activities and events lo. fteligion Editor. Portland Observer P O Box 3137 Portland O B 97208 4S V RELIGION UPDA TE by Dee Armstrong Hosanna C o m m u n ity Choir under the direction o f Alfred Taylor, viiited the city o f Portland Sunday, July 7, at Maranatha Church during their evening service to minister in music. Hosanna Gospel Community Choir united dunng the spring o f 1983 by founder Alfred Taylor who has now reached one goal, “ to direct his own gospel choir," reported The Pacts publication in their June 12 issue. Alfred has amassed considerable accomplishments in his career to date, including a varied history of performance as a vocalist, songwriter, arranger and musician. Because of Alfred's powerfully fiery, energetically sweeping choral conducting style, he has earned the title o f "D ean of Directors" among gospel circles. The Seventh Biennial Meeting of The American Baptist Churches were held June 25-29 a( the Mem orial Coliseum here in Portland. Guest speakers were Margaret Prine, Gustavo Parajon, Joan Parajon, M arvin M cM ickle, Cardinal Bernardin, Gerhard Claas, Kenneth Parker, Paul Nagano, Prathia W ynn and Domingo Diel. The major topics were Peace Porum, "W ar/Peace and Global Concerns." A statement of concern on "T h e Quality o f Public Education in Am erica" and joblessness among American youth, the feminization o f property, the sexual abuse of children, and chemical abuse An estimated 5,800 American Baptist Churches attended the meeting to elect the denomination's national officers. Cardinal Joseph Bernardin, arch­ bishop o f Chicago was the featured speaker. His subject was "Peace during a session in which the denomination will present its national peace aw ard." Cardinal Bernardin said he was "touched that our fraternity in the Lord Jesus offers us an opportunity to dialogue on so crucial a topic as the issues o f war and peace facing the entire human community today.” The Reeding Tree et Irving Perk got off to a booming start as 130 chil­ dren ranging In egee 3 to 14 regletered the first day. July 1, 1MB. This program la beginning Ita 14th year at the park and la fast becoming a permanent fixture In the perk during the summer. Along with the regu­ lar staff, volunteers come daily or ae often aa they can. The Reading Tree has established a long record of service to young people and párente In the community at large. The Reading Trae pró­ vidas Instructional ectlvltiee and exciting games for children of ell egee There are ectMtiee In phonics, storytelling, games, songa end oppor tunltiee for children to eelect books of their choice to take home to reed end share with other». Ths Reeding Tree Is successful because the children went to reed and leem. Each year the program gets better. More children particípete, par­ ents gst mors active and the community develops greater appreciation for the positive work being done for their children Funeral services for Herbert R. Webster were held M onday, July 8 at W illiam s Temple Church o f God in Christ. M r. Webster died July 2, 1985 at the age o f 101 at the Care West Nursing Hom e. M r Webster was born Apnl 8. 1884 in Atlanta. Texas, where he worked as a sharecropper until 1944 Then, upon moving to Los Angeles. California, he was employed as a gardener until the age of 84 Upon retirement in 1969, he moved to Portland. He was a faithful member o f W il­ liams Temple Church o f God in Christ for 16 yean. He was a member o f the Senior C hoir and enjoyed keeping the church clean and the lawn looking beautiful until his health failed. He was also a Deacon in the Church o f God in Christ for 63 yean, always supporting the church and sharing with othen. After his retire­ ment he enjoyed visiting the sick in the hospital and convalescent homes M r. Webster is survived by two sons: O . L. and Willis o f Atlanta, Texas; four daughters: 1 eols lawscxi. Lula Mae Cook, Melvina Giles, and Opal Johnson, all o f Portland; one brother, Jay Bennett o f Atlanta, Texas; one sister, Loonie Booth of Dallas, Texas; 29 grandchildren. 73 great-grandchildren, and 31 great-great-grandchildren. Interment was at Rose City Ceme­ tery. COME AND CELEBRATE with «John and V ivian Parker The summer staff Includes three trained adults. B. Anderson, direc­ tor; Kitty Anthony. Laura Ford and seven youth workers from ths Port­ land Privets Industry. Tonja Williams. Jamas Broadus. Hung Nguyen. Laverne Ballard. Heidi Durrow and. not shown. DsShewn Pennington and Manual Roura. Thu week's UPDA TE with food fo r thought: "Enow ye that the Lord He is God; it is he that hath made us. and not we ourselves, we are His people, and the sheep of his pasture " — Psalms 100:3. Greater Mount Calvary "Church of God in Christ" Prison Ministries, Inc. presents lOth Anniversary Tea •r Snndav. «July 21.1985 SLIM-SAFE BAHAMIAN DIET On« of the staff member«, Mr». Ford, 1« working with three young ■ter«. Two of the children |u«t cams to Portland from Pakistan and had little or no knowledge of the English language. They are learning the sounds and simple words helping them communicate end follow elm- 3 .0 0 — 5:3 0 p.m. Music by: Ths Warren Family. Virginia Shephard. The New Beginnings, Qreg and Qerutha Fevorel. Hazel Brown and Dorothy Butler. Speakers: Senator William McCoy. Chaplain Harlan Nelson. Bishop A. A. Walls, with remarks by others. A safe, u ic n tifit program for appetite co n tro l an d caloric reduction. C h o ose from tw o plans; G rad u al or 7 Day R apid W eight Loss. at MARANATHA CHURCH 4 2 2 2 N.E. 12th 1234 N.E. Killingsworth St. (503)284-3721 RSVP 75( >3 1 .... Mrs. Anderson Is preparing the children to enjoy the etory she Is about to reed to this enthusiastic group. (Photos: M ett Mlndolovich) DOES YOUR HAIR LOOK LIKE A WIRELESS WIG? WELL, VALERIE HAS THE ANSWER TO YOUR PROBLH^ISI SO - TAKE THAT BAG OFF YOUR HEAD, AND GIVE VAL A CALL TO D A Y ................................................................................ Val's Hair Designs 2736 N. Killingsworth (603) 2B6-7977 ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH C orner of 8th and S k id m o re Sunday School 9 30am Sunday W orship 11 00am Christian Youth Fellowship 6 00pm (second and fourth Sundays) BEREAN B A P T IS T Bibb B*nd Thursday Choir R«h««rwl 84 N.E. Killingsworth • 281 0499 4822 N. Vancouver Ave. "A warm spirit of fellowship always'' 284-2334 iÄß Services: UVftMM» DO The Barnetts E» Berean welcomes your family. \ t Banian w a em ph asize building strong fam ilies. You'll get solid Expository Biblical Preaching f t Teaching. “ th e ) 30 P m ) 00 p m Sunday « Sunday School 9 1 5 a m Mommy 11 15a m Worship 6 30p m YPW W Evanyalistic 8 00 p m Worship Tuesday Friday Noon Day Prayar Friday Safely The ’hurch o f (>od I in Nathan Barnett, Pastor » ✓ A V » 2