Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 10, 1985, Page 24, Image 24

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    * z
Jobs Classifieds
D irecto r
I Responsible for all education program#
at O M S I. Require« adviced degree,
strong background in science math, or
I education. Program development and
[ edminietration Cloeing Aug 10, 1986
Computer Education
C o o rd in ato r
I Develope and coordinates computer ed
location programs for school, groupa,
I and individual* of all agea. Requires
I experience in program management,
I diverse background in computer aci-
lence, grant writing, and supervision.
| Cloeing Aug. 15, 1986
Early C hildhood
I Develop«, teechee and coordinetee eerty
I childhood
programa for
I school# groups, and individuals agea
1 3-6. Requires experience in program
management, strong background in
ECE and experimental learning theory,
staff and volunteer auperviaion Cloeing
| Aug. 15, 1986.
Science Education
(Full end Part Time)
Develope and teechee science education
programs for achools, group« and indi­
vidual* of all age*. Requires strong back
ground in 1 or more of the following:
elementary, or secondary education
(certification not required). Biological,
earth, or physical science, math, enrich
ment education, natural history, out
door education, scientific reeeerch or
curriculum development Cloeing July
25, 1985.
AM of the above: send resume, letter of
interest, and 3 references to:
Personnel, OMSI
0 1 6 S W Canyon Rd.
Portland, OR 97221
Equal Opportunity Employer
(H o m e H ealth Aids)
Needed for immediate home
M ed ica l Personnel Pool
234 0968
Equal Opportunity Employer M /F
P ro g ram m e r A n elvs t
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon, a
major health insurance company, is
seeking a Programmer Analyst Statia
tician. This position provides program
mmg support for the Actuanal Depart
ment, which include* the development
of new programs and improvement of
existing programs to aolve actuarial
problems gathenng data for problem
analysis, identifying and adapting ap
propnate D P applications, and design
ing data codes and files
A college degree with a major in Bust
neas Administration, math, or program
ming, with emphasis in statistics, re­
quired. Programming experience de
sired Applicant must also have excellent
oral and written communication skills.
Blue Croee and Blue Shield of Oregon
offers an excellent employee benefits
package, flex time work hours, and
competitive salary Please apply or send
resume to:
Disabled. H and icapp ed .
Senior C ltlie n s and
L ow In c o m e Fam ilies
H ousing Assistance Program
O pening
Beginning at 8.00 a m. July 17, 1986.
and ending July 18, 1986 at 4:30 p .m .”
the Houaing Authority of Portland will
accept applications for the Section 8
Houaing Assistance Payment Program
from low income renters W e are accept
mg name« from one (1), four (4), and
five (5) bedroom families If you are cur­
rently on HAP'a Conventional waiting
list, you must make another applies
t» n specifically for thia program
To have your name placed on the w ait­
ing l«at, call 24 6 5636. or 249 5638
PHONE CALLS ONLY W e will not ac­
cept names through the mail or from
welk ins O nly one fa m ily 's ap p lic a ­
tion w ill be tak en per p ho n e cell.
Blue Croea and
Blue Shield o f O regon
Personnel Department. 5th Floor
100 S W Market
Portland. OR 97201
W e are pleiiged to the letter and the spir
it of US policy for the achievement of
equal houaing opportunity throughout
the nation W e encourage and support
an affirmative advertising and marketing
program in which there are no barriers to
obtaining housing because of rat», color,
religion or national origin
Equal Opportunity Employer
Equal Housinft Opportunity
A aeletant D ire cto r fo r Public
Service# - T a c o m a Public Library
T aco m a , W ash ing to n
Salary: M 2,178 to 168 620
A n n u a lly plus B enefits
Executive and administrative work assist
mg the Director as part of an Admimstra
five Team Must have at least 6 years,
M o b ile H o m e
Beautiful setting in country on 2 H acres
4 Bedroom, 2 bath, mobile home with
pasture, garden, stream. If interested,
Leroy Davis
(503)426 4888
of progressively responsible admimstra
trve experience as a libranan and be a I
graduate of an accredited library achool
and have or obtain a certificate issued by |
In busy downtown agency providing I the Washington State Board for Cer
medical and mental health services to, trfication of Librarians Application forme/
Supplemental Questionnaires are avail­
low income people and street youth«
Ability to type required Part time, »683 J able from
T e c o m a Public Library
per month plus medical and dental bene­
fits Send resume to:
Outside In
1238 S .W . Salmon
Portland. OR 97206
Resumes due July 22, 1986
Personnel Office
1102 Tacoma Avenue South
T ecoma, W A 98402
Phone (206) 591 5802
and must be completed and in the
Personnel Office by August 9, 1986
Espial Opportunity Employer