Jobs LOW INCOME FAMILIES and Senior CMaen Housing Assistance Program Opening Beginning July 19. 1966 and closing July 19, 1986, 8:00 a m. thru 4:30 p.m OR UNTIL THE FIRST 500 APPLICA TIONS HAVE BEEN TAKEN, the Hous­ ing Authority of Portland will accept ap­ plications for the Section 8 Housing Assistance Payment Program from low income renters W e are accepting names from tw o (21 bedroom families. If you are currently on HAP's Conventional I waiting list, you must make another ap­ plication specifically for this program I To have your name placed on the wart ling list, call 249-5636, 249-5636, or 24b 5637 PHONE CALLS ONLY W e II not accept names through the mail I or from walk ins. O nly o n e fam ily 's ap p licatio n w ill be ta k e n per phone call. W e are pledged to the letter and the spir it of US policy for the achievement of equal housing aopportumty throughout the nation W a encourage and support an affirmative advertising and marketing program in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race. | color, religion, or national origin. Equal Housing Opportunity HOUSE FOR RENT «380.00 I Beautiful Victorian home, 3 bedrooms 2 baths, modem kitchen, dining room, J utility room end garage Delightful I Drive | by 3946 N Bortwick, than call 6364084 Evenings b Sundays Available for oc I cupancy July 22, 1966 Section 8 par ticipants welcome SCHOOLS & TRAINING INANNY ACADEMY NORTHWEST ■ STATE LICENSED Outstanding Ijo b Opportunities Trained Nannies lm demand Apply now |July/September classes Day/Eve 15188 SW Baird, Portland 97219 1(503)244 0470 Page 14, J Ö B S , July 10, 1986 Classifieds Jobs Classifieds RECEPTIONIST/SECRETARY RECREATIONAL VEHICLES (Reopened) Level 3. Part T im a (12 noon-6 p .m .) Office of the Associate Executive Direc tor. CkiakficaOons Prmaous recepborsst R V ’s For Lasal Komforts, King of the Road and Sun raders LOW EST pnees around. O cean W a y RV M c M in n v ille Call (503) 434-660E experience with strong telephone pres ence Previous experience in operating a FOCUS switchboard system perferred Strong interpersonnel skills. Demon strated ability to interact with variety of staff and clients. Strong professional personal appearance/presence Ability to maintain stnct confidentiality of infor­ mation and matenals. Ability to type 60 W P M with accuracy Ability to main­ tain composure under pressure Begin nmg salary «8,062 »8.241 for .67 FTE (»12,022 »12,300 per annum) depend ing on background and experience. Term of Employment: POSITION AVAILABLE August 1, 1966 Applies txxis: Letters of application and resumes must be received in the Portland office by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, July 19, 1986. In letter of application indicate the post tion for which you are applying. Apply to Northwest Regional Educational Lab. 300 S W 6th Ave Portend, OR 97204 Equal Opportunity Employer MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE W holesalel Best flashing arrow sign, »359 complete (Four) slight paint damage signs, »297 Lighted, no arrow, »263. Non lighted, »199 Factory: 1 (800) 423-0163, an ytim e. (Not repossessed) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES O w n a Ladles or C hildrens Fashion Store Our 10-year old company can help you open your own business. W e supply in ventory, fixtures, training, site evalua tion, and airfare. Famous lines include Calvin Klein, Gloria Vanderbilt, Li Zena, Levi, Esprit, 100's more. Purchase pnee »8,500 to 18,400. For more infor matiori call Ed B randt Collect: (406)238-5096 BUILDING MATERIALS Pole Building Kits LOANS & FINANCING Complete building packages. 1/sliding I Need M o ney? door, 4 /colored walls. 6x6 poles, ' W e loan on all types of real estate, easy 24x36x10 »1,860; 24x48x12 »2,460, j qualifying! Rapid fundingl W e buy con­ 30x60x12 »3,360 many other sizes La tracts, call now I Toll free: bor and financing available 1 (800) 637 6488 1803)283-1806 Oregon Land Mortgage HELP WANTED «90.000 Yearly Poeatbie Prepare at home for Post Office Clerk Carrier employment exams Write: Federated (OR7) Box 3006 Hattiesburg, M S 39403 LOANS/REAL ESTATE/ MORTGAGE INVESTORS WANTED, needed $150.000 00 at 14% for 20 yrs., 10 yr call, paid monthly, 2nd on nice farm Have other loans for sale, call 1-370 7301 Oregon First Mortgage.H Salem for Paul ITEM OF INTEREST A re You a M issin g Adult? Have you moved more than once in your life? If so. maybe you're one of the miss­ ing friends or relatives w e are searching for Call 1-800-FINDERS toll free and eee if someone is waiting for you to get beck I m touch with them. Friend Finders Intern ation al 314 (Joyd Building Seattle. W A 96101