I"— a - -A a Page 2, Portend Observer, July 10, 1986 ■ «a SB ■ a i W SB B ia S p e c ia l C o u p o n “ Sin Fronteras’’ means without frontiers, in Spanish. According to Enrique Escobar, founder and director of the Hispanic Media Project in Portland, it also means unlimited opportunities for Spanish speaking people, both in the media and in the wider community. "Sin Fronteras" is the title of Esco­ bar's new Spanish language cable television program. It airs on Sundays at 9 p.m. on Rogers channel 35 and Liberty chan­ nel 1 1. Appropriately, the show made its debut on M ay 5th, which is Cinco de Mayo, a Mexican holiday. The weekly half hour program "re­ flects the reality of the Northwest Hispanic experience." said Escobar, with news, commentary and features. A short feature each week, " L a Mujer de H o y ," features local His­ panic women. " E l Jardin de Jacinto" is about a Portland Hispanic man and his luxuriant garden. Escobar, 37. a certified video pro­ ducer, produced a series for the show, “ 911 Que mas," which follows a Spanish-speaking person through the Back porch, whara Albarta Tata waa shot, 6101 N.E. 19th. (Photo Kria Altacharl Police s h o o t in n o c e n t v ic tim were made after her death," Herndon by l-antta Duke G R A S S R O O T N E W S , N .W . — Calling the death o f Mrs, Alberta Tate "needless," Ronnie Herndon, co-chair of the Black United Front, said the implementation of police procedure created more questions than answers The questim listed below were publicly asked by Herndon in a Tues­ day morning press conference at the King Neighborhood Facility: W hy were officers in the back of the house given authority to shoot when it was pitch dark at that loca­ tion? W hat time was M r. Graves shot? W hat was the rank of the officer who gave the order to shoot? Were attempts made to involve medical professionals who had treat­ ed M r. Oraves? Were policy and procedural changes made after the death of M yrna Carl­ ton in a similar incident in 1981? “ These and several other ques­ tions need to be answered. This is of particular interest to the Black com- muinity because we have had more people killed by police in the last three months than we have had during the last ten years,” Herndon added. H e refused to address whether the Graves had racial overtones. “ M rs. Carlson was white and in 1983 during a domestic disturbance her dog barked while police officers were deploying themselves outside," Herndon explained. " H e r husband shot up into the air to quiet the dogs. When Mrs. Carlson came downstairs, a police officer was running between two points of cover and shot her. That in­ cident goes beyond race The question is, what procedural changes, if any. added. He felt the officers in strategic positions during the Graves incident were not trained or equipped to han­ dle a hostage ordeal. "T he police did not have any nights«.opes or any back­ up lights. How was the officer in the back able to determine who was coming through the back door?” Herndon felt the delay in deploy­ ment of the police special response team proved deadly for Mrs. Tate, " It took them hours to locate and as­ semble their personnel,” he said. Herndon called a community meet­ ing Wednesday, July 10, with M ayor Bud Clark. However, he was unsure if Clark would attend. " H e ran on a ticket o f being involved with neigh­ borhoods. Since every precinct in this area went for Clark, I would hope he would come out and meet directly with citizens," Herndon added. Responding to a reporter question­ ing if Northeast Portland had be­ come a dumping ground for mentally impaired adults, Herndon said, " It was a common city problem. A policy change in the mental health field returned some patients to the com­ munity without a structure to accom­ modate their needs "Since they are walking up and down the street, 1 would hope that th ' police would come up with poll cíes and procedures to handle them in a humane way,” Herndon stated. Also, Herndon disagreed with Mayor C lark’s aide who said the police exhibited restraint during the seige. “ As far as M n . Tate is con­ cerned. I disagree.” Sources close to the BUF said they were contemplating whether to ask for a national, blue ribbon panel to review Portland Police procedures. emergency response network. "W hat is the Hispanic experience through the 911 system? 1 will identi­ fy reality and possible alternatives," said Escobar Spanish-speaking people need mes­ sages that aren't diluted by culturally insensitive Anglo broadcasting, yet few Hispanics work in the local media, Escobar said The Hispanic Media Project helps to correct that situation by offering the training and moral support that Spanish speaking people need to get jobs in the media, he said. In a little over a year, said Escobar, the volunteer organization has grown to a membership of 30 television pro­ ducers, technicians, students and employees of local media outlets. “ Sin Fronteras" is bong pro­ duced with the help of Hispanic Media Project volunteers who are learning how to produce television programs, according to Escobar. Other volunteers from the Hispanic Media Project have helped produce rock videos, political specials and commercials, he said. " W e ’re creating the stage from which our stars will develop," said Escobar. Several Spanish-speaking future stars are getting their start at KBOO Community Radio, 90.7 F M . The listener-supported station recently in­ creased its Spanish language program ming to 7 Vi hours, (he highest amount of any local radio or television station. Music and news for Spanish­ speaking people can be heard on KBOO Monday through Thursday, from 5 - 6 p.m ., and Sunday, 1:30 - 5 p.m. K B O O program director Bill Wax says request lines light up during the shows, attesting to their popular ! (crest to migrant farmworkers as they work in the fields Escobar is the son o f a migrant farmworker who worked his way up through the A ir Force to become an air traffic controller. He lost his con­ troller job when the Reagan Adm in­ istration ended the air traffic control­ lers’ union. Escobar said the survival skills he learned while growing up in a M exi­ can neighborhood in San Diego arc helping him in his efforts to open up the media to Spanish-speaking people. Spanish cable programming has been won through “ hard bargaining" and sometimes pressure from Ore­ gon’s Hispanic leaders, according to Escobar. " I t ’s been a rough road,” he said. is H u d Office 2717 N E Union Port end, Oregon 97212 h « s I I I I ! I An example o f what Hispanic broadcasters are up against is the re­ cent attempt by a local cable network to eliminate Spanish International Network programming Another lo­ cal cable company resisted his efforts to broadcast "Sin Fronteras," said Escobar. His work with Rogers paid o ff, however, with an agreement that allows the Hispanic Media Project access to Rogers' studios and equip­ ment. K A T U television (Channel 2) donated used news sets, he added. Escobar speaks o f "opportunity building" and "mega trends" when he gets going on the subject of oppor­ tunities for Spanish-speaking people, the state’s largest and fastest growing minority. "W e're not going away,” he said. "W e're going to be more involved in the process than you can imagine.” "Hispanic buying power is our ace in the hole. Our dollar influence in America is becoming reality and the media cannot turn their back on it anymore." I I I I I « a a a ■ i 9* • » d a y Warranty* W e also service washers & dryers IN HOME and IN SHOP at reaaonable prices that fit your budget I. M . Murphy's Appliances 4011 N.E. Union 248-1361 a a s I I a a « J Grand Opening Smitty's Bar-B-Q TAKEOUT You know people are always saying that they have the best Bar B Que in town, or that it's the lenderest Bar 8 Que you ever ate All I have to say is You D o n ’t N eed 3 Sets o f T eeth to Eat M y Beef! Smitty's Bar-B-Q 3940 N W illia m s A ve. • 282 3266 WIN O ur customers at Sm itty’s Bar-be-que feel that our customers are so satisfied that we want you to complete the coupon below and be eligible for a free bar-be-que dinner. Draw ing w ill be on July 12, 1985 Winners will be notified. M A IL T O A D D R E S S A B O V E S m itty ’s Bar-B-Q takeout National Association for the Advancem ent of Colored People 284 7722 A Public S * v i t < ot th» Portland Observar Broadway Halrwaevars would Ilka to Invito you to check out the naw addition to their Arm: Up El- Down Clothing Something for the whole family. A one-stop shopl ity. Javier C Baez, 24, and Damien Torres, 26, travel all the way from forest Grove to host their show on KBOO, " L a Voz del B arn o," which airs Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 5 -6 p .m . Baez and Torres, both from Mex­ ico, play Mexican music and read short statements about Mexican his­ tory. On a recent Tuesday, Rosa Armen­ dariz and David Bello, both from Hillsboro, were in the station learning the ropes by helping to produce the show. " W e ’d like to train some people,” said Baez. His hope is to start a radio station in Washington County that will broadcast news and music of in- Hanard and Hattie just returned from New York, attending daaaaa on de­ signer weaves and cuts. They are ready for any occasion. Also added to our staff is designer Ethel Bates, back from Loa Angeles attending classes. As you see, we are an educated group of operators. Check ua out for your beat in de signer weevee and cuts. Operators are: Flenard Qrlsby H attie Porter Ethel Bates Indians of Mexico believed female twins could not cook tamales. /huerican State Bank AN INDEPENDENT BANK h Ratrtqarators LOW AS ««.00 Waabars, dryara LOW AS W 00 LOW AS «76.00 It’s believed that goldenrod growing near a house means the residents will have unexpected good fortune. W e d o n o t d o b u s in e s s w i t h S o u th A fr ic a m We at I. M . Murphy’s Appliances have the answers to your problem* I W a h a ve ......................... ................. The Easter egg first rolled onto American shores in 1728, when the Pennsylvania Dutch brought the happy custom of exchanging colored eggs to the New World. Some have thought mistletoe the result of a tree being struck by lightning. m ■ Waltl Stopl Don’t beat that machinal ¡ ¡ Help Just arrived I nsMBSH 1 N e w Spanish language program to be aired on Channel 35 by Robert Lothian h IV E fttCDflD CO Northwei»'» Lorgetl G o »pal Record A Tope Selection« B ro a d w a y H alrw eevera Authorized Zenith Co/or <; P óe/ri an ★ D e s ig n e rs B e a u ty S a lo n J Ártica saus a i t i y ici s in e t te s i W IM T JACKSON S I O w m » G A IT A JACKSON. Cart,f,«4 TMkA.nea 1634 N.E. 7th A Servi«« M«a«««« « Broadway IN . Vancouver Portland, OR 97217 Ottica: 2K7-2M2 281-9496 ' » . ‘’A •