Jobs Classifieds PORT OF PORTLANO W hen a kid joins the Boy Scouts, there’s no guarantee he’ll end up Superintendent of bn J EublicSW ha IN V IT A T IO N TO BID Sealed bids w ill be received by the Purchasing Manager of the Pori o, Portland. 700 N E M ultnom ah Street Portland Oregon (m ailing address P O Box 3529 Portland. OR 97208) tor item s detailed herein un til the individually specilied dates and tim es indicated, and thereafter publicly opened and read Plans and sp ecifications may be examined a n d or obtained at the above address Contact the Purchasing Department at 231 5000. Ext 588 Bids m ust be on the bid form provided to prospective bidders and, when Bid Surety is required must be accompanied by a ce rtifie d or cashier s check drawn on a United States bank or a bid bond payable to the Port of Portland in an amount equal to at least 10 percent of the total amount bid When p re q u a lifica tio n is required, the p re q u a ld ii a tion statem ents should be received at least 10 days prior to the time set for bid opening A pplications tor prequalification may tie subm itted less than 10 days before bid opening but consideration by the Port cannot be assured A tte n tio n is called to the provisions ot the Oregon R e v is e d Statutes 279 350. providing that workers be paid prevailing w a g e rates ocacRipnoN BIO OPENING DATE PrrSwvl tnarrwDMiA Aaport JUy 3D 1985 G r a a n a K. G e ta a «A b 4B6 3-QDpm Aaoeft Groxxxf Power U n a 1 10 00 Derx* iMBE) kicantKe Ptogrwn (2% I Scope f u n a i e x t re ta i two new « » H i gnxxxi power evenne P r n p b ti H ir tla n it St/mrW \ hjh TfriJer fruit TYrmp ( f" H a \ f n \ But you never know. Times change, but the fundamental principles o f Scout mg remain appropriately constant Honesty Responsibility w w Pride Leadership Commitm ent Pniper preparatitin ftir a future that w ill challenge us all KL « 1 Priser «1 Ir a n e u r e Aaport JrAy 31 1986 D e n o t a r Oaenr« b Seer» « 200 p m Scope O e ixi lB uri endor remove! epp n u m ea v 12 atnxnxee remora of te n e « peverrae and dabna. w d a e r e « vyerfcig and eewfcxj EXIE PRINTING CO. Columbia Pacific Council/Boy Scouts of Americ ¡ U S ',« I tir H inland t IK 9'2I)I O .’ < 1463 N.E. Killingsworth Phone: 288- 11<< FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING NEEDS Office ft Business Letterheads • Business Cerds Bulletins • Price Lists • Charts Newsletters • Forms • Flyers Envelopes «ADS PLACED JOBS, July 10, 1965, Page 7