ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS C IT Y OF S A L E M . O R E O O N D E P A R T M E N T OF P U B L IC W O R K S D E P A R T M E N T OF Q E N E R A L S E R V IC E S CITY OF ST HELENS. OREOON N. VERN O N IA ROAD SEWER PROJECT Seeled Bide tor the oonetructron of SA N ITA R Y SEW ERS. A NO M A N HOLES in the City of St H H I I H . Oregon eddreeeed to the M a y o r end Cltv Council, City Ha*. 2 » Strand Street. P 0 Bo« 27B. St H ater,. Oregon »7061 wt* be received unt* 2 : ® p m local time on the 26th day of July 1966 In the City Recorder'a Office in City Ha*, at which ttme btda wM ba publicly opened and read aloud The protect conaleta of conetructtng approximately 4.030 kneel feet of 8 Et 10" diameter gravity flow aewer. appnoiometary «76 imaei feat of < ’ aervtce lateral, and 12 menholee INVITATION TO BID FOR THE S ID E W A L K R E S T O R A T IO N A T N O R D S T R O M M ALL Seeled txda wt* be received at the office of ttie City Recorder. City Ha* Room 206 Salam. Oregon, unt* but not after 11 00 a m . Local Time on July 31. 1386 at which time ell txda w a be publicly opanad and read akxxl at the Council Chamber. Civic Car,tar 566 liberty Street S E , Salem, Oregon for the SID EW A LK RESTOf TION AT N O R D STR O M M A LL The Contract Docum ent, may be examined at the St Helena City Ha* at the Northwest Plan Canter. 801 SE Oak. Portland. OR. at Bulkier. Exchange. 1126 SE Madteon Portland, OR. at Impact Buewieea Con aultanta. Buarnaaa Development Canter. 8868 S W Barber Btvd S u it. 102. Portland. OR; and at the office, of the Engineer. Whrteley Jacob aan 6 Aaaodatae. 8626 N Lombard, Portland. OR 8703, ph 2868803 Coplaa of the Contract Document» and D raw ing, may ba obtained from the City of St Helena upon payment of (6 0 tor aech aet Bidder, upon returning the Document». In good condition, within 10 d a y . of the bid opening wt* ba refunded than payment Bidder, in doubt aa to thaw quaHflcattone to perform the work are an oouraged to contact the Engineer intormeHy to determine if a prequairf, cation request la nacaaaary PrequaHflcatlon requests must ba submitted no later than 6:00 p m on the 16th day of July. 1886 Each Bid muat contain a atatamant by the Bidder that the provwona of OR S 779 360 aha* be compiled with Proapectrve Bidder, are edvieed that the work a partWfy funded by a grant from the State of Oregon Intergovernmental Ralationa Dtvaion and that the work wW ba subject to the prevaWng wage ratae aetabkahad by the U S Department of Labor and to Equal Employment Opportunity requirements Each propoaal muat be aubmittad on the preecnbed form and eccompa 2 *^ • certified check or bid bond payable to the City of St Helena, Oregon In an amount of not leas than 10 percent of the total amount of thaBId The successful Bidder wt* be required to fumlah performance and pay mant bo nd. In the to* amount of the contract price A City buarnaaa » cense » also required tor domg buameea m the City The City reeervea the right to reject any or a* txda or to waive any m tormaNbaa In bidding No Bidder may withdrew h a bid for a panod of 80 calendar day» after the opening thereof The proposed work conaata ot the raetor atxx, of the t«e pavei a»lewaik surface at Nordetrom Mall by removing and replacing appro ornately 226 equaie t*et ot .«rating til. and pouring axpoeed aggregate pedeetnen rempe, and rmaceHaneoua appurtenant work Plana epeerheetmne end other bid document» may be rnapaefad and obtained at the office of the City of Salam Department of Public Work» 666 Liberty Street S E . Room 326, Salam. Oregon The bidder aha* not file the book of Standard Construction Specrflcationa with h i. bid Bide ehell be made on the form , fumiehed by the City addraaeed anti mailed or delivered to the City Recorder. City Ha* Room 206 Salem Oregon 9 7 X 1 . In a sealed envelope plainly marked BID ON NORD S TR O M M ALL SID EW A LK PROJECT." and the name and addraaa of the bidder A eurety bond caahwr ■ check or certified check of the txddar merle payable to the City of Salem m the amount of tan percent 110% I of the bad muat accompany each bid ae aecurrty Bid security of a* aeve the three loweet bidder» will be returned following the bid opening a* bid aecurrty will be refunded upon execution of the contract by the success ful bidder No bid will be received or conetdered by the City of Salem unleae the bid contain, a atatamant by the bidder the provieione of ORS 279 360 •hall be included m h e contract Contractor • PrequelrftcetKx, Applicatio ns muat tie aubmittad to the City Purchaamg Supervaor 11340 20th Street S E Salem OR 973001 tor approval on or before July 23 19B6 which a at least five working ile y . pnor to the acheduied txd opening data Upon aptxoval the txrklei w»n receive a valid pmrxieei for bidding purpoeee No bwl aha* txi received or < rwieidered from any txrtdei who doe* not 'e v e an approved prequaliflcetion epplKatxir, on fue with the City Pur chaeiny Superviaor PREQUALIFICATION CLASS BUILDING CON STR UC TIO N RAM ONA HUOSON The City of St Helena a an Equal Opportunity E m p lo rrr ROSALINE L M A LLO RY City Administrator Q ty of St Helena e o c ao f City Recorder BIO NO 2873 BID OPENING July 31. 198b oo oo b b o o o o o u o o o o o o c o c o o o o q o JOBS Magazine M63N.E. Killingaworth Portland. OR Ï7211 (503)288 0033 JOBS, July 1Ö, 1965, Page