Jobs ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS CITY OF HILLSBORO ADVERTISEMENT TO BID Classifieds I ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS I S e « « l t a k wW be -w a n e d by the OregLa- State B rw d ot H a /w r iO u .« THE OPEN GATE PROJECT I I non m Adm m eirative ServKse Bukxkng Rratrn 8100 Oregon State Un. vererty Corvette Oregon untf 2 00 PM POT Auyuet 8 1986 for the Sealed bids will be received by the Owner Tualatin Valley Mental Health Center, no later than July 22 1985 at 1 00 P M at the Ottice ol Gary Dombroll, 14600 N W Cornell Road. Ptld I Ferre, School Mancheeter Arene OSU Horae Center P m «ci located on I the campus ot Oregon State University CorveHe O-egon I opened end publicly reed aloud m the A dm a,«native Services Building I “ A . Room A110 by the Undersigned or h a deegnated representative The protect consists ot interior construction ol new wall partitions suspended ceilings, cabinet work wall and door »imshes in an existing single story prefabricated metal building Augmentation ol existing mechanical, electrical plumbing, and repair and addition ol some exterior walks is also part ol the work Bale will be I The protect concrete of tumefying elf labor I vteron end doing ell work Io construct e Fern« School I arte work inteno, walla new doors, window ekyfighta forges eeeocated I mechanical end efectncei work cutting end patching end mecetleneoue I items all in strict accordance with the drewinge end specification« I I I I I Bah w * be received on a lump turn beers k a a« of the work O ra sel ot peens specifrceioru « id tu rn « of c o n n «.I docum enti may be obiened hum the P hy » « « Plant Oregon Stale University 8U6 S W ISlh Street Curve*« CXegm 97331 Ipbone number 754 48211 bv prime tedders unfy K X C decked of »25 00 Adddam « sets may be nbiened lor the cusi I I of reproxJuctxm Subcontractors « k J other» n a y pun h « e e set of |4« is « id specihcatHKia tor »5 00 NONDISCRIMINATION: Bidders on this work will be required to comply with the provisions ol Federal Executive Order 11246 The requirements lor bidders and contractors are explained in the Specifications I I I Deposits wrk he returatMl to, documents return«! m giaal cunrktajn by actual tedders wdhm two weeks e h « sen naj ot beta or bv non tedders by the ted opening dare I I Lk»w„ajs specihcernm» « k J to m e of contract docunants mev ter er ammed at the Otrajia, State University Physe;« PUmi es wwi ee er trie The protect is funded in part with Community Development Block Grant funds and subtect to all federal compliance requirements k 4k 1 we KJ locations Bu4d«s Exttvwige Ciuperahve P u n l» id Oregivi Eugene BuWfers F a lh «K je ClKpraetain (u g « ie Uregiwi Nnrytiwrwl Plan C « n « Pi Kt i« h I O e g o n Salem Contractors E