Page 6, Portland Observer, July 3,1985 by Roy L tt Jemiyan Sports Editor Time-out to talk It over. Howard Avery eye* the talent. • • SPORTTALK• SPORTTALK• R*y stops g am * action Ray Leary introduca* the next guest speaker. "Duper" Kelly listen* attentively. Academ ic* w ere primary. M ark Radford discussed life after sport*. Jimmy Kilpatrick emphasising being positive. M ark Radford speak* to a captiva audlanca. The OLYMPIAN FITNESS CENTERS 7 8 7 - ,„9N.B Wbe"° Look for Special M iller "SaveThe E agle" Displays a t\b u r Favorite Retailer «5 The sam * move once too often. See related story on page 7. MADE TH E AMERICAN WAT Beer Brewed by Miller Brewing Co Milw Wl Photo* by R.L. Jemigan .. . ■’.’V r - t • d ... j'.fc jf e r • • •?; ' -1 W W W -? ■ t ' . ■ •