Portland Observer, July 3, 1985, Page 3 DR. PHILIP MEGDAL - METROPOLITAN DENTAL GROUP .»> QUALITY AFFORDABLE DENTISTRY DR PHILIP MEGDAL. 008 PROFESSIONAL DENTAL SERVICE INCLUDES t.xcnr F*ng» C'Owo» • CMdKK I Dentisti • Pi*«wn>.<« Otnlnlr) Onlm*» • Wool Cm»« W X Rey» < M EitiW-lionj W Rep»»» » Rennes SPECIAL OFFER $19” CHECK-UP X RAYS • EXAM CLEANING • D IA G N O SIS I Limited Time Offer STATE AID WELCOME NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Frl. 9 a.m -8 p.m , 777-0761 3680 S E. 82nd St.. Portland Portland anti-apartheid activists listening to Joe Henderson explaining why he w ill not retu rn to South A frica 1 blockjjouthjjiPowelLBIyjL EMERGENCY ANSWERING SERVICE 777 0781 “With a little less luck, I could w in a fortune.” Sam Naito Elected to Board PO R T LA N D — P ortland busi­ nessman Samuel T. N aito has been elected to the board of directors of First Interstate Bank of Oregon. “ We are enthusiastic about Mr. N aito ’s joining our b o a rd ,” stated P.W . Wilke Jr., board chairm an. “ He has a fine business sense and has proved through his civic in­ volvement to be a dedicated citi­ zen ." N aito is a principal o f the long­ standing Portland firm Norcrest C hina, an im porter/w holesaler doing business nationally. Norcrest also operates a chain of retail stores. A nd the com pany is a m ajor de­ veloper o f dow ntow n P ortland real estate. The prom inent business executive holds a B A . in econom ics from the University of U tah and an M S. from the Colum bia University graduate School o f Business. N aito serves on the board of d i­ rectors o f S tandard Insurance C o., and he is a member of the Oregon T ransportation Com m ission. A few o f the other boards on which he serves include: the Oregon Historical Society, U nited Way, Lewis A Clark College, the Intern a­ tional Trade and Com m erce Insti­ tute of Portland State University, the M etropolitan Family Service F oundation, the Portland Sapporo Sister City A ssociation, the Japan esc Ancestral Society, the Medical Research Foundation, and the Japanese G arden Society of O re­ gon (past president). N aito resides in P ortland with his wife M ary. They have three grown children. Sony Lou Guess you'll just have to buy a ticket for the Oregon Lottery's new game, "The Sky's The Limit Only this time, try not to cross your fingers quite so hard St> exclaimed Mr. Lou Lucas of Salem after winning an instant $S,(XX) in the Oregon Lottery True, he said it w ith a grin on his face stretching from sea to sea But, maybe he wasn't all kidding If, for instance, he'd been just a little less lucky, and won $ KM), ht‘ d then be eligible for a chance to spin the Giant Jackpot Wheel For up to millions of dollars more With "The Sky’s the Limit”, you can now win up to $ 10,0 H rgh o a J ( Hfk e 15000 S V Upper Btamea Ferry Rd sotte 12« lAke ( wwr> i OR 9*034 < 5t)3) 6 3 9 R 9 I ' C IMH3 ( Mr» <1 haters a .« ■ » . • ■ < Rrgg -rial < XTU r N F Stephen«. Sp* e »22 Ri *eburg. <)• 9^4*0 (5 0 3 )4 4 0 Mm St H ith e m ( >re>M i 1 350 F AAtern ( > r r » * i Reg), waa ! ( r PO Boa 3230 I ^ A d a n n 3sm ue U O oM lr < Nl 9'WRO <503)96 3 6916 And rem em b er, O regon w ins with ev e ry ticket you buy. So far, over $10 million has been raised for Economic Development So, go ahead, buy yourself a ticket Who knows, you ma\ be reallv lucky, by being just a little less lucky than Lou OREGON < entrai « Mr» n Regx «ul Prometer Bk Ig S p > r C & LOTTERY « NTk r M id % A iks H r g». «tal < HTk r ■ 1 M ■ 11 6 3 4 3 5 N H w s •>’ S a lrm < >R 9 * 3 0 2 Brnd < « 9” 01 <503) 3RB6<>r I 503) 3**M 4 0 2 6