nursing faculty Seattle Community College District Full time tenure track (2 positions) available in accredited ADN Program Masters degree nursing rrequired Recent Med/Surg experience mandatory with additional expertise in Peds/Ob psychosocial nursing Must be able to demonstrate curriculum development skills. clin ica l expertise & knowledge ot teaching methods tor non traditional adult learners. Salary commensurate with education & experience as applicable to the faculty salary schedule Official application by August 2, 1985 For information call Donna McCarter, Program Coordinator (206) 587 4161 For application call (206) 587 5454 Personnel Services 300 Elliott Ave. West Seattle. WA 98119 Equal O p p o rtu n ity Em ployer OUTREACH WORKER Street Youth, 40 hr VISTA position resumes due July 10. Outside-In 1236 S.W. Salmon Portland, OR 97217 223 4121 PLANS A N D SPECS HIGHWAY EN GIN LLR 7 (E n g in e e r in g $166? - C la ss ified s Jobs C lassified s Jobs C ost S p e c ia lis t) $ 7 1 7 0 M o n t h ly THE OREGON DEPARIMENT OF TRANSPOR­ T A T IO N , HIGHWAY D IV IS I O N , IS ACCEPT ING A P P L IC A T IO N S FOR IHE ABOVE P O S IT IO N . WHICH IS BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN C I V I L OR TRANS PORTATION RELATED EN G IN EER IN G AND ONE YEAR OF EXPERIENCE IN THE PRACTICE OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEER IN G . FOR INFORMATION CONTACT 0 0 0 T PERSONNEL. 4 1 9 SALEM. OR Q uick Cash for co ntra cts M o rtg a g e s-T ru st Deeds-W rap arounds or payment purchases. Estate Appraisals a specialty. Call Del collect for quote (503) 232- 3989 TRANSPORTATION BLOG. 97310. APPLY BEFORE JULY (S 0 3 ) IS , 3 7 3 -7 6 6 3 . HELP W ANTED 198S. The Oreyon Deportinoti! o! Trompot totun »r rto < *» MONEY TO LOAN LOCATED IN SALEM YOU MUST HAVE EQUIVALENT TO A Im p lo » MANAGER N ursing (H o m e H e alth Aids) Needed for immediate home assignments. M ed ica l Personnel Pool 234 0968 TCI Cable Television 025 S.W. Sherman Portland. OR 97201 Equal O p p o rtu n ity Em ployer MOBILE HOME For Sale Beautiful setting in country on 2 'i acres 4 Bed, 2 bath, mobile home with pasture garden, stream If interest RECREATIONAL VEHICLES R. s FOR LESS1 Komforts. King of the Road and Sunraders LOWEST prices around OCEAN WAY RV. McMinnville Call (503) 434 6505 P.tqe 14, JOBS. Ju ly 3, 1985 .’.•i care Equal Opportunity Employer M /F A lbina H u m a n Resource C en te r Program executive D Notes of Employ­ ment Opportunity. Salary $2,447 - $3.127 monthly. Open June 21, 1986, dosing July 23, 1985 Company Job Announcement mailed to you. Call (503) 378 4242 or pick up at A lbina H u m a n Resource Portland. Oregon Telephone: 280 6901 B o b N e ls o n Associate Broker now with Farrell ft Associates Realtors To buy or sell property, Call Bob 283- 1900 or 287-4080 TCI CABLE TELEVISION Now taking applications for Direct Sales Representatives Call 242 1208 for information « N e w A rrivals Daily Available at N o rth ea st Business C enter 4232 N E Union Ave. Portland. Oregon 97212 HIGHWAY ENGINEER 2 [ H y d r a u lic s TEACHER Day Care Temporary position available to replace teacher on 6 month leave starting July 20th - 28 hr . per week 2 hrs per week planning time - Professional development - $4 per hour ’ Multicultural program experience desired ’ Co-op experience helpful Apply at: M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty D ay Cara 1624 NE Hancock or call 284 8797 by July 8, 1986 Equal Opportunity Employer $1662 - S p e c ia lis t) $ 2 1 2 0 M o n t h ly THE OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPOR­ T A T IO N , HIGHWAY D I V IS I O N , ING A P P L IC A T IO N S P O S IT IO N , WHICH IS ACCEPT FOR THE ABOVE IS LOCATED IN SALEM YOU MUST HAVE EQUIVALENT TO A BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN C I V I L OR TRANS PORTATION RELATED EN G IN E E R IN G AND ONE YEAR OF EXPER IEN C E AND H YD R A U L IC S . FOR IN HYDROLOGY INFORMATION CONTACT ODOT PERSONNEL, 419 TRANS­ PORTATION B L D G ., SA LEM , OR (6 0 3 ) APPLY BEFORE JULY 3 7 3 -7 6 6 3 . 16. 1985. The O regon D eportm ent ot Tromponotton »o I I O AA l mpioy- ¡ J l* 97310,