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KILLINGSWORTH Five black woman who have mada algnlfleant contribution* to American Ufa will receive an achievement award aponaored by tha National Council of Negro Woman INCNW) Tha award, daaignad by reknown Mack sculptor Elizabeth Catfatt. will ba given at tha 60th Annlvaraary Convention of tha NCNW to ba hold at tha Capital Hyatt Regency Hotel In Washington. O.C. on November 16. 1 (loft to right) ara Dorothy I. Haight. NCNW President Tarry Fas* burg, and sculptor Elizabeth Catien. creator of tha award. Affiliates and community baaed sacrions of NCNW will nominata woman for tha award. ^OLLETIN Iranian Student Explains Conditions by Robert Lothian An Iranian engineering student studying ai Portland State says that things are getting so bad in Iran under the fundarnenialist Khomeini regime that people are sometimes (logged for smiling The man used a pseudonym. Bah- man, to protest himself and his fam­ ily (who remain in Iran) Hahman. 27, said he same to the U.S. just before the successful 1978 insurrection that ended the Shah's rule, to study elec trical engineering. He had been active in the revolu­ tionary student movement in Tehran. Due to shut-downs of the educa­ tional system, it is difficult to obtain a higher education in Iran, he said. Rahman said he keeps in touch with the situation in Iran through com­ munications with family and friends He said that Khomeini and his followers seek to transplant a Medie­ val and tribal mentality into modern Iran by imposing their version of Islamic Law. "What they really want is complete conformity with their ideology. You can't seem very happy in the streets, and all music is considered sacrile­ gious. It's a dismal hell,” he said “ Absolutely nothing could describe the tragedy that our people are going through right now." Women cannot let so much as a streak of hair show under their mandatory veils, and men cannot even roll up their shirtsleeves, according to Bahman. The Revolu­ tionary (iuards patrol neighborhrxxls and can invade homes at any lime. Transgressions of "Islamic la ss” are cause for the (iuards to haul peo pie in for interrogation. Torture is routine, he said, and public hangings occur at least once a week. "When it’s a crime to laugh on certain occasions, you can imagine wht it’s like to actively oppose the government. Lor political prisoners it’s like the Nazi concentration camps." Women political prisoners an considered prostitutes and slaves, which justifies methodical rape and torture by their guards, he said. "All these inhumanities and atrocities are really sanctified by Khomeini and others. These people consider their acts very redemptive, for the benefit of Islam." Bahman said that in many ways, Khomeini is worse than the Shah. "That shows what kind of animal we are dealing with People like Jerry Lalwell and Jesse Helms would be like social reformers compared to those people in Iran." Khomeini seemed like a savior at the time of the revolution because of his steadfastness against the Shah, said Bahman He described the revo- lution as the best stage of his and millions of Iranians' lives. "It was violent, but also joyous. It was like coming out of a long illness." "But nobody in their wildest imag­ inations could have dreamed of such an eventuality as what Khomeini has become " An ominous aspect of the Kho­ meini regime in an international con­ text, he said, is that it destabilizes the Persian Gulf area, where flows the life blood of Japan and the West That could provide an excuse for U.S. mili­ tary involvement or a nuclear con­ frontation. Bahman said that in spite of all the problems, he wants to go back and help rebuild his country’s ravaged economy. About I, (XX) Iranian exiles live in Portland out of about one mil­ from lion worldwide, according to Bah­ man. Bahman and other exiles have formed the Committee in Solidarity With the People of Iran The commit­ tee is working for a United Nations negotiated settlement of the Iran- Iraq war, an end to the Khomeini regime, and restoration of human and civil rights. Are you hred of your hair being a part of a science project? Does it look like a classroom experiment? Well — Lashay's has the answer to your problems. They have the best line of products to suit your needs, also a courteous professional staff that will take care of your hair care needs. And if your hands are out of place, we have a manicurist at ARMOUR THE MEAT PEOPLE BACON PAN SIZE LASHAY'S PLACE 3806 N. W illiam s Ave. • 281-3136 (By Appointment Only) SAVI 30' 12oz PKG LUNCH MEAT 6 VARIETIES G rand O pening S m itty 's B ar-B -Q TAKE OUT 10 to 12 oz. 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