ADVERTISEMENT When a kid ioins the Boy Scouts, there’s no guarantee he’ll end up Superintendent of ^TlBiihKrSehnob FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF S E SUNNYBROOK STREET STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT CLACKAMAS COUNTY. OREGON Sealed bids will be received until July 15. 1985. 2 00 P M al the otlice ot the Clackamas Counly Development Agency 902 Abernetby Road. Oregon City. Oregon, 97045 and publicly read aloud immediately thereafter tor the Construction ot site work including grading, streets, driveways and storm sewers N o bids will be received or considered alter that time The Sunnybrook/84th Protect includes approximately 2.700 CY ot grading. 3.430 SY ot paving. 1,600 LF ot curb, special crosswalks, and 380 LF ot storm sewers Drawings and Specifications, including bidding documents and conditions ot the agreements may be examined at the following offices 1 Clackamas County Development Agency. 902 Abernethy Road. Oregon City. Oregon 97045 2 Wilsey & Ham. 521 S W 11th. Portland, Oregon. 97205 3 Contractor s Management Association. 3933 N E Union. Portland. Oregon. 97212 4. N W Plan Center, 901 S E Oak, Suite 208. Portland, Oregon. 97214 5 Construction Data Plan Center. 925 N W 12th Avenue Portland. Oregon. 97208 ____ 6 National Business League. 6939 N E Grand Avenue «4 Portland. Oregon, 97211 7 Builders Exchange Coop. 1125 S E Madison Ave Portland. Oregon. 97214 In i rvr/rfvf | A-ri.rv>/<»2 7h../i v/v»2'in tor a future that w ill challenge us all | Colum bia Pacific Council Boy Scouts ot Americ. ErontAw HmUndl >R9*Jlll JJoO J* Contract documents including plans and specifications may be obtained at the otfice ot the Clackamas County Development Agency. 902 Abernethy Road. Oregon City Oregon 97045 Telephone (5031655 8521 upon receipt ot a plan tee ot »25 00 tor each set ot documents All checks shall be made payable to the Clackamas County Development Agency The plan tee is non refundable Each bidder must be prequalitied in order lor their bid Io be considered No bids will be considered unless the bidder states that the provisions ot ORS 279 350 shall be complied with Evidence of prequalilication shall be submitted to Clackamas County Development Agency prior to or at the time ot bid opening A CERTIFIED CHECK OR BID BOND IN THE AMOUNT OF TEN (101 PERCENT OF THE TOTAL BID MUST ACCOMPANY EACH BID AND SHALL BE MADE PAYABLE TO THE CLACKAMAS COUNTY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY The Clackamas County Development Agency reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and can waive any irregularities not affecting substantial rights First Publication July 1, 1985 David R Seigneur Development Agency Director CLACKAMAS COUNTY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Dale Harlan, Chairman Robert Schumacher Commissioner Ed Lindquist Commissioner JOBS. Ju ly 3. 1985. Page !