Jobs ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Classifieds PORT OF PORTLAND CITY OF H ILLSBO RO ADVERTISEMENT TO BID THE OPEN GATE PROJECT Sealed bids will be received by the Owner Tualatin Valley M ental H ealth C enter no later than July 22, 1985 at 1 00 P M at the o llic e o l Gary Dom brotf. 14600 N W Cornell Road, Ptld The project consists o l interior construction ol new wall partitions, suspended ceilings cabinet work wall and floor finishes in an existing single story prefabricated metal building A ugm entation of existing m echanical electrical, plum bing and repaii and addition of som e exterior walks is also part of the work The contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder provided that the bid has been subm itted in accordance w ith the requirem ents of the contract docum ents and does not exceed the funds available and com pletion tim e stipulated in the proposal The Owner wishes to occupy the building by Septem ber 9th, 1985 N o bid will be considered unless fully com plete in the manner provided in the Instructions to Bidder upon the bid form provided, accom panied by a bid bond INVITATION TO BID Sealed bids will be received by the Purchasing Manager ol the Port ol Portland. 700 N E M ultnom ah Street Portland, Oregon (m ailing address P O Box 3529. Portland. OR 972081 lor items detailed herein until the individually specified dates and tim es indicated, and thereafter publicly opened and read Plans and specifications may be exam ined and/or obtained at the above address Contact the Purchasing Departm ent at 231 5000. Ext 588 Bids must be on the bid form provided to prospective bidders and. when Bid Surety is required, must be accom panied by a certified or cashier s check drawn on a United S tates bank, or a bid bond payable to the Port of Portland in an am ount equal to at least 10 percent of the total am ount bid W hen p req u alifica tio n is required the preq u alilicatio n statem ents should be received at least 10 days prior to the tim e set for bid opening Applications for prequalification may be subm itted less than 10 days before bid opening, but consideration by the Port cannot be assured Bidders shall be prequalitied in accordance with Chapter 279 ol Oregon Revised S tatutes Prequalification form s shall be com pleted and returned to the Owner 10 days prior to the date of the bid opening A ttention is called to the provisions of the Oregon Revised S tatutes 279 350. providing that workors be paid prevailing wage rates N O N D IS C R IM IN A TIO N : Bidders on this work will be required to com ply with the provisions of Federal Executive Order 11246 The requirem ents for bidders and contractors are explained in the S pecifications DESCR IPTIO N Portland International Airport East Security Fence (MBE) Incentive Program The project is funded in part with Com m unity Developm ent Block Grant funds and subject to all federal com pliance requirem ents The A rchitect is John Finklea. Architect, 208 S W. Stark Street, Suite 307, Portland, Oregon 97204 Bidders may obtain one set of bidding docum ents at the A rchitect s o ffice upon deposit of $25 00 Additional sets and partial sets may be purchased from the Architect for the cost of reproduction SUB-BIDS REQUESTED BROWNING FERRIS INDUSTRIES, one ol the largest publicly owned waste service companies is proposing to bid in the operation of the Saint John's Landfill in Portland. This operation may be subcontracted to women owned business enterprises, and landscape maintenance, grass seeding, equipment maintenance, hauling of soil or covered material and operation of a recycling center. All interested companies please contact. BIDS DUE BY JULY 10,1985 DIRK DUDGEON 55 Alameda Blvd., 4th Floor San Jose, CA 95113 __(4q8£298_1112___ Scope C onstruct approxim ately 4 120 lineal feet of 7 loot chain link fence and a 24 foot opening double leaf swing gate and clear a m inim um width of 5 feel on each side of the centerline of the fence On July 8. 1986 »1 2 00 p m a hearing will be hefd m the Multnomah County Courthouse. 1021 S W Fourth Avenue, Portland. Oregon, to establish Acne Winston a t guardian of Tales ma Winston a minor for a personal injury lawsuit Objections to this appointment may tie filed with the Circuit Court or will tie heard at the time of hearing BID O P E N IN G DATE July 25. 1985 2 30 pm DESCR IPTIO N Term inal 6 Berth 603 Empty Container Yard (MBE) Incentive Program Scope C onstruction of approxim ately 5 4 acres of additional em pty container storage facilities including grading filling, pavem ent, fencing, lighting and storm drainage IN FO R M A TIO N A L A D V E R TIS E M E N T PO R TLAN D P U B L IC S C HO O LS CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received until 1 00 P M on the dates indicated in the Purchasing Department Multnomah County School District »1J 501 N Dixon Portland Oregon tor the items listed herein BID F IL IN G DATE July 23. 1985 July 2 3 1985 July 23. 1985 NOTICE TO ALL INTERESTED PARTIES: BID O P E N IN G DATE July 16. 1985 2 00 pm D E S C R IP T IO N Large equipment for Cafeterias D isp osable S up plies for C afeterias 1985-86 Contract tor the Purchase of Industrial Gas for Various Schools and Maintenance Shops 1985 86 and 1986-87 Formal announcement detailed specifications and bidding documents may be obtained at the >ve address For additional information please contact Mic hael J Hutchens Director of Purchasing 249-3305 JOBS, July 3. 1985, Page 3