Portland Observer, June 26, 1906, Page 9 R oof Coating ‘ : ny Business Let me make a new roof out of your old roof. As Low As $20°° a Sq. I also rebuild chimneys, repair gutters and downspouts. • 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE • • WORK GUARANTEED • Call 287-8474 Between 6 -8 a .m . (668 2296 If No Answer) M e m b e r* o f the Religious Freedom C rusade reach their 40th dey in th eir m arch on M u ltn o m a h C o u nty C ourthouse. The crueadera w ill rem ain in Portland until J u d g e Londer m a k e * a decision on th e *39 mil lion ju d g m e n t against th e C hurch o f Scientology. Mount Olivet holds Women *s Day I he annual W omen’s Day program ol Mount Olivet Baptist Church will he held Sunday. July 7, I9K5 at I l:(X) a tn. Ihe theme w ill be "C hristian Women o f the MBs.” Ihe featured speaker w ill be the Rev. Jams I I red crick o f Orangeburg. South Carolina. Rev Frederick is a graduate o f South Carolina State College, the Univer­ sity ol Massachusetts and Drew Theological Seminary. Madison, New Jersey. She is currently pastor o f Harris C hapel and C anaan United Methodist Church in Orangeburg County, South Carolina. A pre W omen’s Day luncheon will be held Saturday. June 6, at I2:.V) p m. in the lower auditorium o f Mount < Jlivet which is located at N I 1st Avenue and Schuyler Street A special feature o f the luncheon will be the selection o f Mount Olivet's "Outstanding Woman ol the Y ear." ( o-ch.urpersons for W omen’s Day are Mrs Rosie I abb and Mrs. Betty I. Stephens. Pastor o f Mount Olivet is the Rev. John H. Jackson. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 284 7722 Are you tired of your hair being a part of a science project? Does it look like a classroom experiment ? Well — Lashay's has the answer to your problems. They have the best line of products to suit your needs, also a courteous professional staff that will take, care of your hair care needs. And if your hands are out of place, we have a manicurist at A Public Service of Ihe Portland O b s tn rtr v min iiimio, iv c recoud co N o rth w e s t*» l a r g a i ' G o ip e i R e rord A Top« S « l«cfion t A u th o riz e d Zenith ( LASHAY'S PLACE 3806 N. Williams Ave. • 281-3136 (By Appointment Only) I Su/f t u«c/-"S.-n i»z SALIS t S t iv ic i SINCI I9S2 w i l l T JACKSON SI O w w G A IT A JACKSON Certifie« fe