Page 8, Portland Observer, June 26, 1966 ALLEN TEMPLE CM E CHU RCH I- C orner o f 8th and S k id m o re Sunday School 9 30am Sunday Worship 11 00am Christian Youth Fellowship 6 00pm (second and fourth Sundays) f Elonza J E d w a rd s (P a s to rl Send notice o f your church activities and events to. Religion Editbr, Portland Observer P O B o x ) 1)7 Portland OR 97208 10 0 0 A M 7 00 p m of Safety ( hurch o f God in Cnrist 'ovtere zhw - w u m w n w -» tx> 9 15 a m 11 1 5 a m W o rship 630pm VPW W Evangalianc W o rsh ip 8 00pm ■ Tuesday Today Noon Day Friday T o l l o « ’ P CQ“ ' u ' i l b Th* p“ ,o' sPM “ M o rn in g P rayar 9 00 a m Ib c WWA M > aa * i« a u y iu a Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ore. holds 25th annual conference Lodge w ill also be at the Jantzen Beach Red Lion. Sessions for both groups were opened by a formal service held Sun day afternoon at the Vancouver Ave. First Baptist Church with Or. O. B. Williams officiating. Charles Jordan, former Portland City Commissioner, now o f Austin, Texas, w ill make the principle address at the Monday evening proceedurcs The ensuing days will be devoted to the conduct o f the society's business affairs. Elections o f new officers are to be held on Wednesday, the closing day o f the conference. Berean Baptist Church 4822 N. Vancouver Ave. PRESENTS FOCUS ON THE FAMILY FILM SERIES H im D a ta t t» T im a 6 00 PM > C u n d id . .S e n iilin .1 Life-Changing i Expertem e hur Fam ilies Xaliotnvide. M I I I I STRONG W IL L E D C H IL O 1 t'hildish irresponsibilitv vs w illfu l deliance Understanding sour guili when disciplining sour child 61 min M SHAPING I H I W il l W IL H O l I BREAKING 2 l l l l SPIRIT How io assoc i.ue mr w uh consequences When to lei go of sour child and how 60 nun FI I M C H R IS T IA N FATHERING 3 .It America survives, u will be because lathers begin to pul their families at the highest level of priorils 61 nun M PREPARING FOR A D O I.I SCENC.E: I H I 4 O R K .IN O f SI 1 I n o t B I Ihe secrets ol sell esteem 5(1 nun M PREPARING LOR ADOLESCENCE: PEI R 5 PRESSURE A N D S E X U A L IT Y changes, sexual development 4X nun M W ilt I WIVES WISH I I I I IR H l S B A N Iis 6 KNEW A BO l I W OM EN: f i l l LONELY M a y lt - Juna 2 J u n a IS - July 7 J u ly 14 Aug 4 HOUSEWI11 Sources ot depression in women I 11» sell esteem Absence ot romantic love in marriage 4V nun M W i l l ! W i n s WISH I H I IK III SBANIIS 7 KNEW ABOUT WOMEN MONEY, SEX ANO C H IL D R E N .Materialism a root cause I he maior sexual dit le m u r Menstrual and psychological problems 14 min Building Up Your Family C o n g reg atio n al W orship V esper S ervice B aptism Fo u rth Su nday BEREAN BAPTIST CHURCH Prayar 7 30pm a l l m e n . t- »U ncos u j i l b o u l u ’h i c b 110s’"1'* * M sw a n iry M D The American Baptist Convention, American Baptist Churches of Oregon Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention National, Oregon. P o rtla n d E cum enical M in is trie s , A m e rica n B ible S o cie ty. M b M Board. M o rn in g - K ltj* - m a n s h a ll s e c M id C h urch S chool 11 0 0 C o m m u n io n ta c h First Sunday S u n d ay ____ A r t Conferences running concurrently with the Grand Lodge are being held by Prince H all Grand Chapter o f Oregon and its Jurisdiction, the Order o f Eastern Star, P .H .A . Charles M. Person is W orthy Grand M atron for the Order. Meetings fo r the Grand 11 0 0 A M 5 00 P M i S u n d ay S c h o o l Beach. J o h n H Jackson M m n ie t 7 30 p m Thursday Choir H » h « a r « i " A warm spirit of fellowship always" The Must W orshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge o f Oregon and its Jur­ isdiction, F. and A M ., is holding its 25th annual conference and Thanksgiving service this week in Portland Andress Childs, the Most W orshipful Grand Master, is the pre siding officer fo r the four-day session being held at the Red I ion at Jantzen b S ch u yle r • 284 19S4 9 30 A M Hibw Band 84 N.E. Killingsw orth • 281 0499 fo rò N E First TuM day YOU ARE WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT tH - fllW j. THE M O U N T OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH -A u g 11 Derrick, Jewell Bell W omen 's D ay speakers 4822 N. Vancouver Ave. The Black woman is a treasure to her home and a principle asset to the race," was the pivoting statement made by Dean Derrick Bell, dean o f the lx»w School o f the University o f Oregon, as he spoke briefly on W o men's Day, Sunday, June 23, at Portland’s Bethel A M L. Church. I he dean was there to introduce Jewel Hairston Bell, his wife o f 25 years, the principle speaker at the morning serv­ ice, which is traditionally arranged to honor women. "Sharing your life with a Black woman is an investment that is guar anteed to pay dividends all your life through," the dean said, " l iving in marriage with a strong Black woman is not always easy," he smiled, and went on, "b u t it is always beautiful. SJte is a source o f support, under standing, and a source o f advice based on love and the commitment to mutual sharing My wife is my trea sure and my heroine." A fter acknowledging her husband’ s tribute to her. Jewel Bell repeated ihe theme, "W om en Committed to Spir itual Renewal." chosen by the W o­ men o f Bethel. She suggested that "spiritual renewal" was a time for celebration. " I n order that our spirits may be renewed," Bell said, "the members o f the Black church must take a hard look at some issues which should concern us all, but are espe­ cially painful for Black women to c o n fro n t." Site reviewed some o f the statistics concerning conditions in the Black community and commented, “ We feel hurl and outraged because in this often heard litany o f symptoms the focus is less on understanding Ihe causes and on seeking solutions and more on suggesting that we Black folks must get ourselves together Now I want to he very clear I believe that conditions for Black people arc fast approaching the crisis stage, it must be the concern o f every Black person to stem the decline in the qual­ ity o f life that most poor people (Black and others) are facing in to­ day’ s world. But I refuse to accept all the blame for these temhle conditions. The culprits are many and they are multi-colored." Bell exhorted Iter listeners to look huck in history to the many eixiragexxix Black women of the past who created kindergartens, orphanages, homes for delinquent girls. faohbes fur training nurses anu iu m . ik . t s aim w ik i cixise. tenth lived up to tlietr motto: "Lifting as We C lim b." She inentiixxxl the A fri­ can IXtrvas Society o f the IH2(k in Ness York, the Black Women s Club move molt and the names o f 1 ucy latney, Nannie Burrixighs, Mary Mel eixl Bethune and ixhcrs. calling them “ proud and resourceful." Bell challenged the women to use the legacy those women had left to "assist our partners, our children and our communities to develop skills, pride and respect for each other to reverse the symptoms ot pathology which cat away at the Black family and com m unity." Bell also pointed out the "rig h t as an American to press lor the noble goals" as a woman’s responsibility. As she closed her remarks. Bell charged "m y sisters here at Bethel to con­ tinue to regularly do the impossible and do it w e ll." The congregation was invited to celebrate and pledge to he mutually encouraged by each other's faith Un the morning program. Bethel's women were repesented by Mrs. Marian Walley, wile of the Rev. M. A Walley, who acted as presiding officer o f the service, under the direc­ tion of Rochelle M cI lroy, included music by the Women's Day choir and guest soloist Celesta Paul, ac­ companied by 1 ouise Jones. 284-2334 I he guest speakers were introduced by Lenora M orris, co-chair for the program Alyce Robinson presented a history o f Bethel’s Women's Day with Jeanne Hartzog giving a summary o f the law and Clarine Smith making the day's announcements. June Terry was general chairperson lo r the entire morning's activities. "W om en o f the Bible,” a feature presented by the Lois Petke Players, was an event o f the Sunday after noon Women’ s Day celebration at Bethel Nathan Barnett, Pastor (B Theotogy • M O v r u ty ) Services: 9 30 a .m ., Sunday School 11:00 a.m .. M orning Worship 6:00 p.m .. Evening Worship The Barnetts b Berean welcomes your family. A t Berean w e em phasize b u ild in g stro n g fa m ilie s. Y ou'll g e t solid E xpository B ib lica l Preaching b Teaching. Community Directory and pro files A d i O n This P a g e A re O l Local B u sin e sse s Thor A rc H e lp in g B u ild A B e tte r C o m m u n ity AUTO BROAD >WAYr M ISC E LLAN E O U S 9 BT “T T /M a ft" 307 N E B ro a d w a y P o rtla n d . OR 97232 (503) 284 1105 RENTALS •$!) 234-7466 Broadway Exxon C o m p le te Ce« Ce»e C en ter At»ee •r o d u r 18 T o w in g Be»xrtce Benrtce eti fo r x g n (* d o m e e tic e O m » m er 6 > 6 ‘« C htrck K rto M w lk k S O ' d u ty B I M » W e op en | U M S B 1 11 Bunde« B red M o r r » B tetto n M e » e y e r Rant to o w n 519 N E B ro a d w a y 284 5050 Fran White Appliances b T .V BEAUTY t j l ja 'bell’s Seres b Ser«.« ao • tn but»-see »or ■ veers • O » <>r me w «. h < i • -noet tetonted 'e- *n>< »ne B tA U T Y b BARBER S U P P L IE S « r» - b 'eee«e 5001 N E U n io n (C orner o f A lb e rta ) 288 5303 *4ou» B ’ Mi.- Se’ 5834 N E U nion Ave 1503) 281 6393 a MAS C $ W lO S H4H S c a 'v e s A Ac««BBOT»et 707 N t FRF M O N T 291 55Ä F R ID A Y S B t A U T Y S U P P L IE S W ho lesale and Retd" A n a ’ ry produr IB dr» seen in Jet and I bony M a y a rm e O pen 9 a m 8pm 3612 N t 1 5 t h * 2<9 0363 CLEANERS JEWELRY ELK CLEANERS b LA U N D R Y PATON JEWELERS E s ta b liB h e d «n 1912 a n d st«t' q u a lity dry clean in g at reaso nable rates 1634 N E 7th Nt B r o a d w a y 281 9495 UNITY OF LOVE BEAUTY SALON Come ex and 'nee* i w o e C e re M ' 0 Janice 8720 N.E. UNION „ 283 4123 Saturday » e m SwMdey BOB a • |)u m *» n d y rttin y 11 <® p m U ® ie I 2 « ) a wv 11 0 0 p » Phone: 284 3979 V S d h h A |e » c ltx Repair U I« . S 1 Sands The» ’ ® » e F rM e y T W e e t D u m n n rfx VS jl< h r * |«*wi*lry pru.idinq 1014 N K illin g s w o rth 500 N W 23rd A ve n u e BARBS Stop A Mlnlt Mart 2 N Killingsworth M o« 2*1 H W EVICTIONS STOPPED PHARMACY WHY BE BALD7 B 'o a J w d y H a n w e e v e r s b D e s ig n e r* B e au ty S a lo n has the solution T V , Stereo VC R video gam e» b m o v ie i Rental tenants* D o you feel you er»» being unfairly treated? P R M C C L IN IC PHARMACY* »ne • Counter »Mix»» v u » •»•ng »e* “nee a-eterne 16 N M o r n i St P o rtla n d O re g o n 97227 291 9*11 - > 1 • > l „ - W I Professional Services n •OEWK RATIONS' PHIL REYNOLDS M E D IC A L C LIN IC t Aterina Service T R ID A V S B E A U T Y S U P P L Y W diter C R»«ynoldB M D Kalpana H R a id e . M D Phy^icians b S u rg eo n s •V* aeee