Pag« 6, Portland Observer, June 26, 1966 Q by Roy Lee Jermyan Sports Editor • • SPORT TALK • SPORT TALK • • brought to you every week i>y AM ERICAN STATE BANK MfluefR xoouve waosir Urritoaaoa*’ « * » S iH H B B M B H IB B B i Woodrow Wilson's picture was on the U S. Treas ury's $100,000 bill. • You don't have to wait for lilacs or forsythia to bloom outdoors. In February or March, when buds start to appear, cut off some and put them in a vase of water to "force" them. • Cocaine is a very dangerous, addictive drugs, rob bing the lives of our youth. W e d o not d o business w ith S o u th A fric a B American State lia ufi AN INDEPENDENT BANK H e ld O tlire 2 7 3 7 N E. Union Port and. Oregon 9 7 2 1 2 WALLY SCALES UTE NBA PRO AM LEAGUE Our man behind the scenes I have never been an as id Ian o f ihe Portland Trail Blazers baskerball learn, but I have always admired iheir business sense. When yuu look at the leain in lerms of dollars made, the Blazers should rank right up there in the Fortune 400. One o f their better moves »as when they hired Wally Vales io handle their special events and promotions. Wally is truly a man behind Ihe scenes that gets things done II you choose to believe that those laiihtul 12.666 would show up anyway, that's your choice. I f m ar­ keting and promotions didn't have some part in it. believe me. the Blazers would not be paying salaries to their marketing stall. Wally Scales is now the Director of Community Relations und success has followed him again When the Kuz ins lournumeni ended last summer. Byron. Tracy and Dennis upprtvachrd Harry (Hickman about sponsoring the tournament this summer Wally re­ called Harry's thoughts, “ Harts believed in the project because ol need, it provided a showcase lor the N /N .E . com m unity." The hall was then placed hi Wally's capable hands 8 5 SUMMER EXPOSURE CLASSES MB«»" • • • • • BALLET STREET & BREAK DANCING ETHNIC MOVEMENT AFRICAN DANCE JAZZ le t« 0 »VCV’-' • LUNCH STRETCH and painted New backboards and baskets A new dramuge system was installed Additional lights were added A new scoreh>>ard, a public address system and :24 clocks were installed ''Portland is now one of I6 cities in the L'.S. that has the 1 tie N B A Pri»- Am lea g u e," said Wally " In 3-J sears this league can rival the Rucker league in New Y o rk ." W all further stated. "This summer league belongs to the Kuz-ins Miller and the Trail Blazers are »»tils subsidizing their e f­ forts with funds that have been ear­ marked lor this purpose." True enough, but it still took that man be­ hind the scenes to locate that ear­ marked truvney W alls Scales has been in promo­ tions for 12 sears gaining the knowl­ edge and his contacts. The contacts he has developed in that time have benelnted our community immeriselv In upcoming an ivies. I will give you a complete breakdown of what this Pro-Am tournament is doing lor the paiiciputing cities across the country. W idiv Scales is a young brother on the rise and our community is fortu­ nate lo share in his continuing suc­ cess as a businessman. Those kuz-ins must have some good business senses, loo They went lo the right spot tor the assistance' that they needed I tust love it when the brothers work to- get her and all the people around them benefit from their dilltgence at the Greyhounds Send $5 to: Gro-Wise, Inc. 1115 Madison Ave. NE, Suite 236B Salem, Oregon 97303 30-day Moneyback Satisfaction Guarantee PLUS FREE 3 Days 2 Nights in Reno and $200 in Cash, Chips, Meals, etc. Kevin is acting up y'all * SIGN-UP NOW THROUGH JUNE 29TH. ** CLASSES BEGINNING JULY 1ST ” * SPACE LIMITED!! ! ! ! FOR MORE INFORMARON CONFACI WIN and the N M community has bene­ fited already. Irving Park underwent a tew changes to prepare tor the I tie NBA Pro-Am The Kuz-ins met with Rick (.■undersoil ol the Park Bureau and received immediate satisfaction. The basketball courts were re-surlaced 287-9883 Tnaminic* Syrup Triaminicin* Tablets or Tnaminic-12® Tablets For Allergy Relief th at’s nothing to sneeze at. C IW $ PofM v Laboratori»» D u iito ti of ••»braaka UVi Í P M V B » Or P<|< >' > Publishers Association B ft H IV llag and sucked back about 4 feel, coming to rest ai the bottom of the hole. Kevin must have had that hull load­ ed with pro mice to suck it back in this part o f the country For as long as I have been playing around here. I'se never see anyone consistently put that kind ol juice on the ball C O N C .R A T U l A T IO N S . Kt \ IN* Portland Observer Th» Portland te n rrv a r IU SPS a pubinhad »vary Thursday by E«ra Publishing Company Inc . 1463 N E Krfhnjjs worth, Portland Oregon 97211. Post Ottica Bo» 3137. Portland. Oregon 97208 Second clast poataga paid al Portland Oregon .»»• ■“ »I», •.*■ sa *•, The Portland < e n arrar was astaMshad in 1970 1829 N.E. A lberta MEMBER p r o d u c e d m e n tirely b y D e b o n a ir e P ro d u ctio n s A dvertisin g C o m p a n y leisure Hour’s Kevin Ness borne has alreads begun lo work his game into shape lor his junior year at Grant nest year Kevin was playing with the Men's ( lu b at Broudtmvor Thurs­ day when he scored his first ace. 1 oung New borne was playing from the back tees with the atTabtr 'Bums*' and pulled out hie 9-iron on the 143- yard pur 3. The ball Hew over ihe NMWA pe * « jjo rre h o n - Founded IM S Subscriptions »15 00 pai yaw in the Tn County area Post m a tta r Sand address changas lo rha Portland t enarrar. P 0 Bo» 3137. Portland Oregon 972OB Alfred L Henderson, Editor/Publisher AI Williams, General Manager 288 0033 N a tio n a l A d v e rtis in g R e p re s e n ta tiv a A m a lg a m a te d P ub lishers Inc N a w York