I Page 4, Portland Observer, June 26, 1906 EDITORIAL/OPINION Dr. Frankenstein Brady The actions o f Dr. W illiam Brady, the State Medical Examiner, violates the public trust as Brady was discovered practicing the medieval horror — grave robbing. Brady sold body parts and autopsy reports o f deceased persons, and with funds deposited into a checking account in his name, financed parties, decorated his office and did landscaping. Iro n ­ ically, Brady wrote the statute that made it legal to remove body parts fo r scientific research w ithout consent from the families, thus proving that just because it ’s legal, it ’ s not necessarily right. Brady’s actions reveal that he has the ethics o f Dr. Frankenstein, as he used the funds to up­ grade the quality o f his office to benefit a few county employees. One o f the list o f questions to ask is, how did his personal checking account continue fo r a decade undetected by M u ltn o ­ mah County? Brady was earning a salary to perform a pub­ lic duty (overseeing the coroner’ s office). Here, he sold p ituita ry glands, sections o f skin and bones o f deceased persons, along with autopsy reports. He used the funds to buy coffee, C hrist­ mas trees and God knows what. In essence, Brady parties o ff the proceeds from the dead. Just like a pim p who exploits the flesh o f the liv ­ ing, Brady pimped the flesh o f the dead. What Brady did was disrespectful to the fam ­ ilies o f the deceased, bureaucratically depraved and socially deplorable. But his actions will never be reported w ith the intensity it deserves because Brady is the darling o f the local mass media. In the June 22nd edition o f P ortland’ s only daily newspaper, the reporter called the street where the morgue is located (in the A fro .American community) decrepit, while treating Brady’s improprieties with kid gloves. Well, there is nothing decrepit about the street kitty-cornered to American State Bank, nor one where M att Dishman Com m unity Center, St. Phillips Epis­ copal Church and a warehouse fo r the public library is located. The only thing decrepit are those editors o f The Oregonian who allow words to surface in their newspaper that reinforce rac­ ism. Residents in Northeast Portland should not have to pay 25 cents to be insulted. Brady got caught w ith his hands jar and he should be disciplined Jus, because he’s one o f the boys Boy N e tw o rk" should no, excuse in the cookie accordingly. in the “ Old his violation o f public trust fo r his personal satisfaction. In, this instance the actions o f the State Medical Ex amincr was unthinkable barbaric as he pimped the dead by robbing the grave. Ants dream movie or not bv R obert L o th ia n A t firs t, “ Where the Green Ants Dream” seems like it's going to be another wacky movie from German director Werner Herzog. But a few minutes in to the film and it becomes apparent that some­ thing im portant is going on. The film pits A ustralian aborig ines trying to preserve their culture against an avaricious m ining com ­ pany. We soon learn that what ap pear to be thousands o f anthills from the air are actually piles o f mine tail ings from uranium exploration. One morning a group o f aborigines shows up to stop the mining. A n irate Anglo bulldozer operator almost covers them with dirt as they sit in the way o f operations. “ What do you w ant?," asks the enraged racist. “ There w ill be no more blasting or digging here," because this is the land where the green ants dream ," says a tribal elder Incredulous, the cat driver sputters and fumes, and stalks o ff muttering racial epithets A call to headquarters wood with indecipherable markings. A native who is the last member o f his tribe takes the stand. Nobody can understand him because he is the last to speak his language. Needless to say, English common law wins out. The film is at its best showing the absurd clash o f cultures: A native standing on the plane and measuring Its wingspan with his spear, a circle o f natives praying in the aisle o f a super market. The quiet, dignified aborigines stand in stark relief to the slimy, racist corporation people and the apologetic- legal system. No rhetoric here, cither. Just s im ­ ple, emotion-packed images — the desolation o f the aborigines' habita Hons, the glitter o f the city, the rac­ ism, the corporate political machine It could be South A frica, Guatemala or the Columbia River as well as Aus tralia, A t one point, the elder tells the young geologist what native people from Australia to Arizona to the Columbia River are saying that the white man is destroying the balance o f nature and w ill soon disappear from the face o f the earth. is necesary. The rare green ant "dream s" the universe, say the aborigines, who believe that if it is disturbed the world w ill end. The aborigines set up camp and prepare for a long wait. Corporate big shots fly in and attempt to bribe them without success. "W h a t do you really w ant?," a young liberal geologist asks the tribal elder. "A re you a Christian?,” the elder asks him. " I f a bulldozer came to your church to dig it up, what would you do?” The corporation appeases the na lives somewhat by giving them an airplane which looks like a huge green ant One o f the aborigines, who ap­ parently learned to Ils m the air force, manages to get the plane in the a ir’ la te r, aborigines from the mountains report seeing the wings o f a huge green ant. The natives persist in their block­ ade, and a court battle ensues which points out the absurdity o f trying such a case in a white court. The aborigines enter into evidence their most sacred object — a piece o f whatever your vou make vour best hl, with us Mah#» a v im in sates ibr ,gh newspaper advertising1 W e re y >uf best bet as far as readership (the bigger our circulation, the large» your audience1) > .onomict (»1 s the most economical eay to pr mote business) and effectiveness (you It get results you can bank on') Let s d s c u ll your advertising future soon) P O R TLA N D O B SER VER OREGON S AWARD WINNING BLACK NEWSPAPER 288- l i t « IZ PORTLAND OBSERVER 115 for o n e year for tw o years Bo« 3137 Portland 0« Mr i $ 5) o © i -< h m < O Cb © I O MrSS 3J 2 Apt s ta tf z ip o tn ¿2 r 5 * x * © > JO AkSS Practice fire safety at all times Some people "gel away from it a ll" in the winter, others in the sum­ mer And some lake a vacation when­ ever they can fit one in. Whenever you go on vacation, whether it takes you to a hotel or motel, review fire- safety procedures with the family be fore you leave home and when you arrive. Spectacular fires in hotels and mo­ tels have claimed or injured many lives in recent years When you arrive at a hotel or motel, ask the desk clerk about fire safety features in the build­ ing: Are there smoke detectors? Does the building have built-in protection from sprinklers? After checking into your room, locate the two exit stairways nearest it Make sure the doors to them are unblocked and unlocked Remem­ ber: In case o f fire, never use eleva­ tors; an elevator may stop at the floor where the fire is raging. Count the doors between your room and the exits. This way you'll have a reference point if the corridor becomes filled with blinding smoke. I f there is a fire in your room, fo l­ low these steps: • Get everyone out o f the room immediately. D on’t stop to collect bags and baggage. Close the d«x»r tightly behind you. Head for the near­ est exit. Sound the fire alarm on the way to alert others N otify the desk clerk when you reach the lobby. If the fire alarm sounds, act im ­ mediately. Don’t take time to investi­ gate. Follow these steps: • Eeel the door. If it is cool to the touch, open it slowly and go to the nearest exit. Take your room key in case you’ re forced to return to your your room. I f the corridor is fillin g up with smoke, crawl on hands and knees; cleaner air is near the floor. Remember to take your key in case your escape route becomes blocked and you have to return to your room • I f the door is hot to the touch. Applications taken for '86 scholarships Foundation announces that appli cations are now being taken for 1985 K6 scholarship awards for the 2 + 2 + 2 ( «operative Honors Program in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Engineering Particpant.s in the program com­ plete a two-year Associate o f Science degree in Engineering at Portland Community College, take upper division «’ision courses at the University o f Science Degree in Electrical Engi­ neering, and continue at Oregon (iraduate Center to receive a Master o f Science and Engineering. Eor acceptance in the program, students must have a 3.5 high schixsl grade point average overall and in math and science if entering from college. Students who meet these qualificatons may apply fo r a schol- arship A< Awards are made on the basis o f financial need as well as academic ex­ cellence. Fourteen freshmen and six sophomores have already been se­ lected for awards ranging from $430 to $1,515. Additional awards are still available. Students should apply to the En­ gineering Admission office at the Sylvania C ampus, ST B 8. Applica tion forms may he obtained from Carol Grant in that office. Newspaper Publisher convention by Nathaniel Scott SEATTLE — Julian Bond, state senator from Ckxxgia, was the keynote speaker at the Natxxial Newspaper Publishers A vaxiatiixi’s 45th Annual Convention held last week in Seattle The Senator’s theme, for both the Bhck publishers conference atxl the press conference that foUowcd was the Black press. He outlined the role the press has played, and the role t l r press must play, if Blacks are to receive justice in America. He told the 2U0 or so people gathered at a noon luncheon Lhursday, " I want to talk about the past and the future (because) it’s important that we kxtk hack as well as forward." To underscore his point, the Senator said, "There arc more poor Black pco- pie in America today than 30 years ago." Aside from his legislative duties. Senator Bond is also a journalist. He is one of only two Black national col lunrusLs in Amenta (William Raspberry is tlx- other.) A txl while speaking direct ly to the responsibility o f the Black press, he said, “ In I960 no newspaper in At lanta, Ga., would publish news alxxit the student movement" until the Allan ta Int/utrrr. a Black newspaper, began giving people what they deserved: an un­ biased and iincvnstxcd account o f what was taking place. I he student movement. Sen. Ikxxl said, was unrest It was part o f the social change that «lemanded equality for Blacks; the nght to vote; tlx- right to he recognized as first-class citizens; the right to enjoy the fruits o f a larxl where Blacks have (ought and died since the Resolutionars War In another instance Sen Bond re- membered Dr. W E. B DuBns' state­ ment: " I believe in God, Who made of one blood all the nations o f the earth. . . hut especially do I believe in the Negro (Black) race." "While our (Black people's) general condition in 1985 has improved, our rel­ ative condition is getting worse," Sen. Bixxl suul "It's a kind o f hopelessness for most (Black people)." He reminded the audience that "deep ly nxXed in the A nm can axtsexxis rxss e. the cixxept that d ry (white America) have d tx r too much fix Black |xx>pk- " He .xklressed tlx- urrmpkrynxmt rate am«xig Black youth, in stxne places as lugli as 50 percent, as a problem that stents from “ racial" roots. And he drew attentKXi to a paradox of grave impix lance. He saxl we have c«xne from a presi dent horn in Texas (Lyrxkxi B Johns« xi) who had the cixirage to stand up fix civil rights to i x r (Rixiald Reagan) who uptxx-s everything. "Reagan intends to eliminate affirmative action fix wixnen and the poor," he added. Ihc Senatix admixushed the people fix reinstalling "an evil empire" four sears ago when Ronald Reagan was defied. As a result o f d r President's policies, he saxl, 'Thousands and tfxxisands of Blacks .ire being pushed deeper and deeper into poverty. The policies ot the iPresxlent’s administration have the sanr effect ixt the Blue k populatxxi as if the (‘resident went into every hospital and sht the throats o f all (he Black pa­ tients." D r Senator admitted to thinking about natuxial politics hut refused to he more specific However, he did say, "A ll Amencaris fact the danger o f d r escalation o f the arms race." And he challcngtd the Black press, which he saxl is “ under capitalized," to take the side of "people fighting against oppression." He .xkkxl that the white media won’t lure more Black journalists because "there is no Big Brother kxsking over their s h o u ld e rs A n d he warned the Black cixnmumty that you can't depend °n "Jesse Jackson" to do everything: Black leadership must assume its respon­ sibility. • V don't open it; the tire may be nearby on the other side o f the door. Instead, veal all cracks around the door with wet towels. Turn o ff fans and air conditioners. Call the fire department and wait to be rescued. Remember to call and give your room number and the number o f occupants even i f you see fire trucks below. Signal at the window so they will sec you. • I f smoke begins to fill the room, open the window a little at the top and bottom to circulate some fresh air. Stay low to the floor. Covering your nose and mouth with a wet cloth w ill help filter the smoke when you breathe. The great number o f people who stay in a hotel or motel while vaca­ tioning may never experience a fire. But fires do happen in hotels and motels. Eorget your troubles during a vacation, but not fire safety behav­ iors. Learn Not To Burn A ll Through the Year. It’s distressing that the two largest minorities in th i country are not more aligned. Sen. Bond saxl, in referetxe to Blacks and Hispanxs cohesivencss. there has to be a steady line o f cixn- munxatuxi between d r two groups, he saxl. In regard to Sixith Africa’s racist regime and its apartlrxl policies, Sen. Bixxl said "W e (the Amencan people) tolerate the people who suppixted the Nazis during W ixld War II It’s a hor reixkxis situatxxi and we «night to get out.” Another DuBtxs quixe Sen. Bixxl used, was, " I hdrse in liberty fix us all, d r right to breathe, d r nght to vote; I hdrse in pnde itself, (and I hclrvel men may he bnxhers in Christ even dxxigti d ry may mx he broihcrs in soul.” Hock Shop EOR SALE Lm thw coats. IK M 2 0 , Bikes. S15S6U 5600 NE Union 287 5330 , •