■ . V i..'- ; - • ' . . . • • Jobs Classifieds EXAMINER COACH Two Coaching Positions SAIF Corporation One tieed fixiibell and one head boys’ basketball Both teaching assignments require history and social studies certifi cat«>n Applicants must tie qualified tor Washington State credentials Submit Oregon's leading workers compensa t» n carrier is seeking an examiner for its Portland west branch office The indi vxfual in this position will manage time loss and medical only claims insuring that compensation and modical benefits are paid timely. Review medical bills received, authorizing payment when appropriate. This is a rover position being assigned to a claims team as a substitute dunng absences letter of appticatxxi. resume, and piare meni file to: Robert Junch. Supt P 0 Box 1,5 Cotton. W A 99113 15091 2 » 3385 Closes July 8. ,905 Equal Opportunity Employer EDUCATION Corvallis School District 909J Senior High Principal Salary Range $44 196 $48 567 Plus Benefits Qualifications Secondary Admmrstra tors Certificate. Experience as classroom teacher and/or administrator Dosing Date July 5. 1986 or until suffi aent qualified applications are received Starting date As soon after July 5. 1985 as possible Middle Schoo, Principal Salary Range $41.928 $46.075 Hus Benefits Qualificato«« Elementary nr Secondary Administrators Certificate, Experience as a classroom teacher and or admin« trator dosing Date July 12, 1905 or until suffi cienl qualified applicai«»« are receiver) Starting Date As soon after July 15. 1905 as possible Elementary School Principal Salary Range $36,302 $39.893 Plus Benefits Qualifications: Elementary Arknnatrator Certificata, Experience as a classroom teacher and/or admxvsnator Ctoavig Date: July 5. 1905 or unfit suffi dent quatffied applications ere recerwed Starting Date August 13. 1905 Write: P e rs o n n e l O ffic e Curvali« School Detnct 509J 1566 S W 35th S, Curva«« OR 97333 Applicants must have 2 years successful work experience or college level educa tion that has provided them with knowl edge of office organization and pro ceduras; ability to exercise judgment and applying procedures, ability to oval uate technical medical and industrial information. W e offer excellent salary and fringe benefits Send resume to: Human Resources Division S A IF C o rp o ratio n 400 High Street S E Salem, Oregon 97312 Equal Opportunity Employer MANAGER A lbina H u m a n Resource C enter Program executive D Notes of Employ ment Opportunity. Salary $2,447 $3,127 monthly. Open June 21, 1905. closing July 23, 1905 Company Job Announcement mailed to you Call 15031378 4242 or pick up at Albina H u m a n Resource Portland, Oregon Telephone: 280 6901 PORTLAND VOCATIONAL C o o rd in ato r SAIF, Oregon's leading workers' com pensatici. corporation, is seeking a vo rational coordinator in our Portland West branch office Candidates must be W C D vocationally certified Have a col lege degree with 1 year workers' com pensation vocational experience Addi tional experience may be substituted for education Candidates must also have knowiertye of winkers compensation billing procedures and Oregon work men's compensation administrative rulei and a valid Oregon driver s license The vocational coordnator manages workers compensation claims, approves voca txinal plans and coordinates vocational placement. Insurance experience is pre ferred W e offer competitive salary and excel lent fnnge benefits If you meet mini mum qualifications and are a self starter with ability to relate to vocational ly handicapped workers, ability to make decisions by evaluating written material, both medical and vocational, send resu me to: H u m an Resources Division SA IF C orporation 400 High Street S.E. Salem, Oregon 97312 Equal Opportunity Employer SCHOOLS/INSTRUCTION N o rth w e s t N annies In s titu te FIRST state licensed vocatxmel Nanny tramxig school m Oregon Free piece merit incredible demand Contact NNI 710 N E 21st Portland, OR 97232 Tel 1503)234 4671 Private Industry Council M onthly Board of Directors Meeting has been rescheduled to W ednesday, July 10, 1985 at 7 30 a m in the Port land Building, 4th Floor Training Room E. E L A IN E S EVAN S BAUDER Administrative Assistant Equal Opportunity Employer MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Bridges 85 Ft Flatcars strong enough for tieavy trucking All welded High strength steel including sleet deck $6.500 $8,500 Deliverer) most kicatxx« Skip Gibbs 17071263 0326 CLASSIFIED DEPT. 283-0090 JOBS, June 26, 1985, Page 1b \ . ♦ *• * * .