Jobs Classifieds ENGINEERING/SURVEYING Division Manager 1 Washmgtun County Department ol Larxf Use a»«l transportation. $3 066 $3. 720» nxi Has responsibility lor projectl development design. review construe lion, management and surveyor func tions. provides fiscal and iiersonnel man agement for the Division Requires col­ lege level training m civil transportation or traffic engineering and increasingly re sponsible experience in tfie above listed areas County application forms re­ quired. resumes NOT accepted Apply by July 5. ,906 to Washington County Personnel ,50 N First Ave Room 0 2 Hilslioro OR 97124 tq u a l O pptrtunili Emplovrr SMALL A N IM A L SHELTER Attendant Washington County. $1,156 ,o $1,406 mo Receives, feeds disposes of and assAts m the adoption of dogs and cats; cleans cages and animal runs Requires previous experience m the care and hen dhng of dogs arxl axpenenr e working with the public County apphcttiun forms required rsumes NOT accepted Apply by July 5. 1906 ,o Washington County Personnel 150 N First Ave Room 0 2 H4teboro. OR 97124 tq u u l ( tpto^ tu n ili tn iftlio r r M ULTNOM AH COUNTY Casa Manager 2 IM R Z D D I I j I I iMsch would demonstrate the atxhty to perform the jot). a|)ply try July 5, 1906 i Engineering Technician Aide $9 06 per hour; performs basr engneenng support work in surveying. engneenng, (taftinq, nspectxm. or other public works project areas requires 1 year of engneenng elated