ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS PO R T OE P O R T L A N D ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bada mkl ba raceerad by the Oragun Stara Board o l Mrgtmr Educa Bun *1 Admeratralnra Seneca* Btakkng. Room BtOO Oragun Stata Uni varsity C u rva ** Oragun unM Jikv 23 1985 at 2 JO PM POT tur the Oceanography II Room JB2 Harry nial project located on the campus of Oragun Stata Urmraraty C u rva **. Oragun Brd* «e* ba upanad and p u b *ty read ak-ud n the Atkixrratratnre Seneca* Buktkrig A Room A t 10 by tha Undarognad or h a Usai grated rapraaantauva Tha prüftet cunaras ot tum atvng a* labor m a ta n * a q u p n a n t y u p * m an d a n e * and dueig a* murk Io la n ru d * room 3B2 a* n slnci « c u rd *< .a with the p t * a *rv) ypacihcat*»a P O R T L A N D IN T E R N A T IO N A L A IR P O R T C O N C O U R S E K G A T E S <9A A N D «9B IN T E R IO R P A R T IT IO N S A N D E X IT S T A IR S Sealed bid* tot the Portland International Airport. Concourae X. Gate* and *9 B ln t * io t Partition* *n d Exit S tair* mill be received by the Purchasing Manager of The Port of Portland, 700 N E Multnom ah Street, Portland, Oregon Imailtng address Post Office Bon 3529. Port land. Oregon 972081 until 2 00 p m . July 9, 1985 and thereafter pub 49A licly opened and read minority B U SINESS ENTERPRISE A pre tad m a * through m d ba hakt un Munday Jury 13 PM Partrcoant* m * m a * * tha Phyw c* Ptant ottica IM B EI INCENTIVE PROGRAM A 2 PERCENT BID DING A DV A N TA G E W ILL BE GIVEN TO BIDDERS 1986 at 2 KJ WHO 1 HAVE BEEN CERTIFIED BY THE PORT OF PORTLAND AS MBEs. B«»t mkl ba racarvad un a lum p aum b a « * tur a* o l tha murk Ona w t ot p t * a spaciRcatuna end Fem e ot cuntract duccmanis n a y ba Xu a va il bum tha Phyyrc* Plant Oragun Stata Unmarwty BOB S W 15th Street C u rva**. Oragun 97331 tpbona n u m b * 75**9011 by pnma brddary only upon dapiad ot »25 00 A d tk t» a i* Wty n a y ba o t a a n a d tra t t a cual ot rapnajucbun Subcrmtreclory « a t ottrary n a y purr hate a yet ot [Vans and apacihcatam a tur IB 00 OR 2 EMPLOY SUBCONTRACTORS THAT HAVE BEEN CERTIFIED BY THE PORT OF PO R TLAN D AS MBEs A N D ARRANGE FOR THEM TO PERFORM WORK TH A T REPRESENTS NOT LESS THAN 10 PERCENT OF THE TO TAL DOLLAR A M O U N T BIO C onatructun of exit stair* and modification of the te/minal building Oapiwty m d ba -»turai») ha (k a u n a n ty rarurrad n guud craaklajn by « t u * taddary mutar two meats a f l * c ar vug ot bai* or by nun t* d d * y by tha tad upaneig date Drawings tpacrkcatuna and k a m * o l cuntract ducum ant* n a y ba a * a rm a d at the Oragun State Unrversrty Phyyaai Ptant a * matt «a *t tha kdum arg tucatiuna Bukdars E«Chang* C u u p **tn re Pi a tl» a ) Oragun Fugara Bukdars Exchange Curpurahun Eugene Oragun N urhm aai P iv i C a n t* Purttand Oragun. Salam Cuntractura Exchange Salam Oragun Cúrrame trun O at* H an C a n t* Portland Oragun. Impact Buaneas Cunaiktant» Purttand. Oragun and N a tu ri« B u raa a * le a g u e Oragun C hapt« e/o C SS b Aaauaataa Purttand Oragun Praquakhce.aai* ut taddary a not raquead tur th a prufK t AH tad* m u « cuntan • «tatanant r a n g cumpkanca mith ORS 279 360 ralaiaig to pr a «kng ratea ot m ag* No tad md be rorw darad unta** tidy completed ei the m « « i * provided the kram chuna to Brddary upon tha Brd Fumi provai«) « a i « c o m p a ra d by Brd Security n I Concourse KI by the addition of partitioning walls A prabid conferwice mill be held Thursday. July 27. 1985 al 10 30 » m in Conference Room 3006 on the third floor mezzanine i in the terminal building at Portland International Airport to discus* all phase* of the work B**)x m u ll be on the lad form which mill tie provided Io prospective ted (ten and must tai « .c n rn p *n e d by a certified or cashier s check drawn on ■ United State* bank or • bid bond payable to The Port ot Portland in *n amount equal to *1 least 10 pwcent of the to t« amount bid Betrtery are required to praquelity Prequalificalion statements must be r«