Page 2. Portland Observer. June 26. 1966 Scientologistscomplete Park Scientologists completed seeding o f Fowrudalc Park and started a "C om m unity determine further areas o f Portlanders. Center JEANNE HARTZOG OWNER/DIRECTOR Cotumew Plan • M00 N E Fiwnonl «2J0 Portland CXagon»7211 <503)249-2855 STEWART CLEANERS Dry Cleaning Special 2 pc. suits, $3.99 Pants, skirts, b sweaters, $199 o f7 th b N .E . Knott 281-4372 doin issue has gone far beyond P ort­ land now. In fo s Angeles and in Washington there are demonstrations scheduled w ithin the week involving thousands in both locations. The people o f Portland may not know how much their city has contributed to the rekindling o f spiritual freedom in this country. I hey arc to he thanked for providing the platform enabling us to stand up for what we believe, as well as accepting u.s into the com­ m u n ity." Relating the diverse activities o f protest and community service. Stan ard simply stated. " A Scientologist is a Scientologist as much as he can im ­ prove conditions. This can be in any form from improving a park to en­ hancing the quality o f life through protection o f our basic rig h ts." Stan ard w ill be in town the next few weeks coordinating Religious Freedom Cru­ sade actions with other churches around the world. BOYCOTT CREAM OF EXPLOITATION IN SUPPORT OF MIDWESTERN FARM WORKERS GRASSROOT NEWS, N .W tin August 3 the Farm I abor Organizing Committee (FI ( X ) will host their third Constitutional Convention in Toledo, Ohio, to solidify their com mitment to winning a contract with the Campbell Soup Company. Since 1979 the Fl.OC has spon­ sored a national boycott on all Camp­ bell Soup products for the exploita tion o f migrant workers and children Because o f a federal District Court ruling, farm workers are paid sub­ minimum wages, children under 14 years old arc employed to pick and workers’ compensation and unem­ ployment insurance are not binding. Through a legalized form o f near slavery called sharecropping, farm workers are exempt from the Federal Fair Labor Standard Act. In 1967 farm workers went on strike and discovered that growers were locked into a contract with processors. Those growers w ho signed a contract with the FI ( X ' found that processors would cancel their contract In 1973, the FI ( X started organiz ing to fight the processors. In 1979, a FLO C ’ s attorney was beaten by Put nani County Shcrilt and deputies. Sy/van DIAGNOSTIC ft P « e 9C « lP T tV t INSTRUCTION IN READING A ND MATH FOR ALL AGES (heir re­ recently P o ll" to need to The Scientology delegation to the Religious Freedom Crusade, com posed o f members from various coun­ tries around the world, along with students from the Delphian School and Columbia Academy worked throughout the weekend plowing, raking, fertilizing and seeding the 30.000 square feet o f the park. Crews worked late into the night Saturday and Sunday to complete the prepara non work so that the final seeding could be done Monday . Some o f the younger members o f the work crew crayoned signs warning to keep o ff the grass and illustrated them with rainbows and the like. Over the next several weeks the Scientologists w ill m onitor the park, ensuring that the grass grows properly as well as keeping the park clean until its first mowing. It is estimated w ithin six weeks the park w ill be mowed. Between the Scientologists' sod ding o f Lownsdalc Park and its re­ seeding, they have been active in com­ munity service projects including a blood drive fo r Red Cross, perform ing for rest homes and boys' homes Thirteen members o f the Crusade's French delegation presented to the Mayor's o ffice a five-foot tall scale model o f the Eifel Tower, as a thank you gift to the C ity for its hospitality. In order to expand their commun­ ity service activities, pollsters began a survey o f Portlanders to determine specific areas o f need so that the Scientology Com m unity Services program may continue to provide useful services. Meanwhile in down town Portland, daily demonstrations continue. Rev. Sylvia Stanard. in Portland from the Church o f Scientology's In ternational Washington, D .C .'s Na­ tional O ffice o f Public A ffairs, com mented on the continuing protests “ The delegation w ill remain here until there is a decision from Judge l ondcr. However, the religious free • Their attorney sustained permanent nerve damage. In 1984 the attorney won a $187, (MX) case against the Sheriff and Prcsiden tial candidate Jesse Jackson elevated their struggle into the forefront of national attention as he incorporated their plight in his convention speech. In 1981 the British Broadcasting Corporatin said evidence o f child labor was flagrant in Ohio. According to the FI ver <■>> gas Sa«e tim e and m e n e v at' (■ qetr.e« Chuck Cashing Opon 1 2 p m 10 P M SO said. Estimates o f the number o f Amer asian chldren range between 7,(MI() and 15,000. About 1,500 have been admitted to the U.S. since 1982, ac­ cording to the U.S. O ffice o f Refugee Resettlement, and according to the three local agencies that work with refugees, about three dozen Amer asian children now live in Portland. While they were lathered by Amer ican citizens, the children are recog­ nized as refugees only by the U.S government, and no special services are available to them, according to Kammann " I think that's pretty shameful," she said Unaccompanied minors are not adoptable, and end up in foster homes, sometimes bounced from family to fam ily, she said I he fathers can put in a request to have their orphaned children come live with them, but only a few have. Some don’t even know they have children. It’ s irresponsibility on their part, sayd Kammann. " I hat's basically the way the country has dealt with the C*3e CHECK C A S H IN G 4601 N W illiam s Ave. 287 5605 ENROLL NOW Immaculate Heurt Community School ts now registi* n g for the 198586 sctxxji v*** If you are interested n providng quality education fr* your ch4d m p u M education ft* y w old to 8th g n m tw .1*** ! *»<1 For •vk f student I »kJr»* i*» Mona Four »•rkx.TfR - needs e information. cal Æ ’ 2332 Four yoar old through rwghth grade A, NE Moms