ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS CITY OF SALEM OREGO* DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES INVITATION TO BID COMPLETE MODERNIZATION OE 24 UNITS AT HILLSIDE PARK A LOW INCOME HOUSING PROJECT INVITATION TO BID Tb» Housing Authority of the County ot C leek ernes will receive seeled wtitten bids lor the first of a three phase complete unit modernization program at Hillside Park, Milwaukie. Oregon FOR THE REHABILITATION OF ANBINCH SANITARY SEWER IN THE ALLEY WEST OF COMMERCIAL RURAL TO LINCOLN Bid peckages may be picked up at The Housing Authority office at 13930 South Gain St . Oregon City. Oregon 97046 for a $26 00 refundable ileposit Sealed written teds must tie received on or before 2.30 p m July 8 1986 at the above address at which time they will tie opened and publicly reed aloud All bids must be on supplied form Outside ot sealed tad should state Attention 0 Robert Miller sealed bid for Phase One Unit Modernize bon Hillside Park All questions should tie direr ted to Mr M4w at 866ffl67 Tie Huunrig Authority of tte Cixwity ot (Jai-kamas ' « o e , ttm nqht to ma« ' any i» <4 bids or to warwi any aifrmiaatnw n the tadrkng S tad sfuA te with rtwwn for a period of 30 caHndar days suteeraierit to the operwig of the tarfc without the consent ot the Housaig Authonty of the County of Ctockamas The im a « t e fkwioed through The United States of Amenca L m «fin««i of Houang and Udian Dnyw4««’»«'l anti h s o le « t to mr)ulat««e if the lie SaaMH-l twfc wA tw received at the L»ffxe of the City »ec**der City HaM Room ZJ6 Sale»" Oregun unto but nut «her 11 00 a m local tmw on July 10 1986 at w toth tana an tacts w$i ba putActy «pened arxl read fAnjd at the Courxto Chan»bers Cwx Center 666 liberty Street S E Sae»»" Oregun Ha THE REHA B ILITA TIO N OF AN 8 INCH SANITARY SEWER SYS TE M IN THE A llE v W EST OF COM M ERCIAL RURAL TO LINCOLN The proposed w o rt cixssasts of cunstructxm of 1 »•«•eel toet of 8 a xh w w er 100 i$r xxa teat of b wxh sewe» pipe 1<> ie»eet feet »>f 12 * x h Storm drain three manbote* arxl meu eManeoos « m rv e n a n t work Plans arxl spacrflcatona arxl other tacts documents may tw '«**** ’ed a»xl i4>tamed at the office of the City of Sate»" Department of P utt* W o rts 666 Liberty Street S E Room J26 Satan• Oregon The balder g$aM not toe the b a * of Starxlerd Construction Specif* atoms with totted [ertnients of Labor arxl Htxjang tl Urtwi DvuXopment Attentwn » rzAwl tri toyyai proves«» of Frairt Employment (Juxntianty A ffin native Action, HUD Section 3 Her a m r w its , a x l payment of not less than the maamum Dave Baam wages Bets sbai be made un the forma turrxahed by the City addressed arxl "anted or L>et«ve»ed to the City Recorder City H at Room AJ6 Sate»" Oregon 97301 m a waled envelope twenty merited BID ON ALLEY W EST OF COM M ERCIAL SEWER and the name arxl address of the Ladder Battlers shal submit with ttwr ts l a tad guaranty rail Has ttian 6 («scent of the ¡»noun, of the ba) as provided ai tte bwttucwxis to Bwktwx The» tfial be retjuatal to fumeh smerate («rft«manui arwt peynaint bunds, each tor ,00 percent of tie craitratl («ice AI tadders ‘k v A t e i«wxx*t»«l with the State of Oregon ai acoonlar«» with tte State OnSnarxie No ORS 279 039 W least 10 rkrys pnor to tad ' ««a*«) A ixetad conference wA t e held at the site n is at « » nt the comer of "A a id Hfcaiki Streets MSwaiAe Oregtai at 9 0 0 a m on Jute 21. 1986 Attiw«l«wn m it » aaiferenre »xwzixi«1 No t»k> st«A te * < ejaed horn gerenS , rwittat.nas who taf to attend AI the urwts to be naatenazeri are vêtant and wA te upan fta rapacdon ta i rkry of the (ae tari aaiference ia>ti 4 00 p m ai»l tte h *iw » « j ton ilavs tie ftta n 9 0 0 a m to 4 0 0 p m NOTICE TO ALL INTERESTED PARTIES On July 8 A surety bond t. a*r»aw s check ■ * certified t,’ * * I of the tadde« made peyatAi to the City of Salem ai the a» xxm t of ten percent 110% I of the tad must accompany each tad as security Bal security of ati save the three lowest tadders will t>e returned following the tad opening all security w a tw retmxted upuri aaedtutaxi of the cuntract by tr < so* cawful tadde» too tad wA tw received or considered by ttw City of S A * " unless the tail contains a statement by the ladder the provisions of ORS 279 360 shall tw included in his contract Contractor s Preijuebt* at«*» Ap>pe approval tr«e t»ddef will re» eive a vaSd propose for bxfcfctq i«o»i«-se* too tad s/vaS tie received or considered from an* t«kle» who does not tiave a»' approved i*e»>uaefx a tx*i ai4A *at**> on toe with the City Pu» thes*»»g Superv«** 1986 «1 2 0 0 p m , a hearing will be held »n the Multnomah County Courthouse. 1021 S W Fourth Avenue, Port lend. Oregon to establish A //ie Winston as guardian of Tales the Winston, a mirm* for a personal injury lawsuit Objections to this appointment may ba Ned with the Circuit Court or will be heard at the time of hearing PR E Q U A IIFIC A TIO N C LASS SEWER R AM O NA H UD SO N City Reo*