Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 26, 1985, Page 10, Image 10

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    10, Portland Observer, June 26, 1906
by Sievin Bailey. N. U. and
The recent article in the May 9,
198$ issue of the New England Jour
nal o f Mednine. " on the inverse rela­
tionship of fish consumption and the
development of coronary heart dis­
ease is another step toward the under
standing of how important nutritional
factors are regarding overall health,
especially heart disease
The first article in this issue draws
the conclusion that an average of
30 grams of fish per day (28.5 grams ■
I oz.) in a person's diet will, as a sin­
gle variable significantly decrease the
chance of developing heart disease
The second article in this issue in­
vestigates the role of fish consump­
tion associated with serum triglyceride
The role of fish consumption, as a
protecting factor against heart dis­
ease was first reported 20 years ago
by researchers from Portland. These
scientists were aware that their study
group (Greenland Eskimos, had no
heart disease, yet consumed over half
of then calories in the form of fat At
this time the medical community
considered fat/cholcsterol consump-,
lion as a primary factor in the devel­
opment of heart disease and the
health of the Eskimos was an enigma
to say the least.
What resulted from this study was
the discovery of a particular type of
fatty acid that actually serves to pro­
tect the consumer from the damages
incurred by high fat consumption.
This fatty acid is called an “Omega 3"
fatty acid, meaning that (lie 3rd car­
bon of the fat has a double bond.
This may be meaningless to those
who have limited chemistry back­
grounds, but basically it is a form of
fat that must be consumed, as the
body cannot alter fat structures at
this position by itself (the body can
create double bond from the 6th
carbon on). This fat is called cicosa-
pentacnoic acid “ EPA” , and is read­
ily available in salmon, as well as
many other forms of fish.
Wtulc human and animal studies
have shown that EPA will alter clot­
ting time and thrombus formation
(essential activities in atheroschlerosis,
this report falls short of linking EPA
solely with the positive results of fish
consumption. It does, however, con­
clude that 2 fish meals per week are
a justifiable guideline for the pre­
vention o f coronary heart disease.
The second article on triglycerides
Is very closely related, but research­
ers fall in the common trap o f com­
paring polyunsaturated oils with sat­
urated oils and avoiding the single
best oil for heart concerns, which is
the mono-saturated olive oil. Tri­
glycerides arc a type o f fat in the
blood that have proven over time to
be accurate indicators of general coro­
nary health. The triglycerides are
separated into three groups: HDL
(heavy density lipopcoteins), l.Dl.
(low density, and VI.DI. (very low
density,. The greater the percentage
of HDI. to EDI. and VI DE the bet
ter the overall coronary health.
Pish intake tends to increase HDL
levels and decrease (he overall tri­
glyceride levels which are important
factors toward good coronary status.
Ironically, serum cholesterol is not as
indicative of coronary health as are
triglyceride levels, and the polyunsat
urated oils (no cholesterol, actually
increase EDI. and thus act in an in­
jurious manner when consumed.
Olive oil has the unique ability to
Auu tu
Attention Shoe Lovers!
lower cholesterol levels as well as
increasing HDL levels. Garlic has aLso
shown these positive influences (lower
cholesterol and increased HDL). One
final negative imput to triglyceride is
simple sugar. Sugar in excess will in­
crease LD1 and thus the chance of
developing heart disease.
Considering the recent N.E.J.M.
article that showed no real benefit
from bi-pass surgery ($60,000 average
cost) over a 10-ycar follow up period
and the consistent research that has
linked dietary factors with heart dis
ease. I wonder why the I .D A. stands
so firm in condemning the health
are now in
P ortland
pot your Florsheims and your
Peddle Pushers to rest and step
into some fresh
Next w eek The “ Will Rogers”
phenomonon, or the statistical ma­
nipulation of cancer results, that lead
us to once again question whether
lung cancer patients have paid bil­
lions for fraudulant claims of suc­
cess in what may be the greatest medi­
cal quackery of this century, brought
to you by great expense by the A M A
Corner of Union ft Fremont
1503)249 8646
Grade A
Whole Fryers
Manor House
Plump, Juicy, Great
For Barbecues.
Save Up To 30e Lb.
More licenses
The Molot Vehicles Division revoked
nearly 2,4(1) Oregon drivers last year as
habitual traffic otlenders The 1984
figure represents more than a hundred
percent increase over 198)
The increase resulted from a change
in the law which took effect January I,
last year. Il allows DMV to revoke a
dnver license for five years when the
driver has three or more ma)ot convic­
tions, such as driving under the influence
of intoxicants (IHTI), or 20 or more
rules of the road convictions, such as
ignoring signs, signals, or right-of-way
laws — all within a five-year penod.
Hcforc the updated law took effect,
courts had to order revocations for ha­
bitual oflendcrs. but many were escap­
ing revocation because of demands on
time of prosecuting attorneys.
DMV officials say the law, as amend
ed in 1983, makes it difficult for habitual
offenders to escape revocation.
food industries for their marketing
of EPA at $20.00 per bottle, while
tolerating so many questionable sur­
geries that pray on the helplessness of
patients, who are told that bi-pass is
the needed treatment for their con­
Van (amp*
H.US.W 1
Kosher Style Or
Homestyle Fresh Pak
46-Ounce Jar
Revlon Flex
Shampoo Or
Lucerne Quality,
Fresh White Eggs
Dozen Per Carton
Enjoy Your July
Fourth Picnic,
16-0unce Can
Assorted Varieties,
15-0unce Bottle,
Your Choice!
Sweet Ripe
From The Imperial
Valley...Slice, Dice & Eat!
nr Asa Hilliard
King Facility speaker
Dr. Asa Hilliard, chiet consuiuuu
for Portland Public SchooLs Dcsegre
gation Plan, will speak to Irvington
parents and other intersted persons on
Thursday, June 27, 1985 at 7:00
p.m., Kin« Facility, 4815 NE 7th
Save Up To $1.00
No Lim it At Safeway Save Up To 61' On 3
The friends of Herb Cawthorne
cordially invite you to share in ex
pressions of appreciation for out
standing contributions to the com
•mumty and to congratulate him on
his appointment as President and
Chief Executive Officer of the Urban
League of Portland.
The event will be held Sunday,
June 30, 1985, 3 - 5 p.m. in the Cas­
cade Student Dining Room, 705
North Killingsworth, Portland
Prices Effective 6 / 2 6 Thri
7 /2 /8 5 .
Som e
Ite m ?
A v a ila b le O n ly A t Lloy<
C en ter, S t. Johns. 6 4 0 0 N
in te r s ta te O r 5 9 2 0
N .E
U n io n . S ales L im ite d Tr
R etail Q u a n titie s . No Sale*
To D ealers.