Portland Observer, June 19, 1906, Page 9 Brotherly love breaks down IConenued from Page I t be»5j make up 3b percent of the one and a half m lion peupb in the cdy. ware oomfartabb with thee oppresave O«V Stack peupb in Phiadafahn are dumb, the sfaweet and the moat reac Outlay Biecks are iJearty • > the beck of the bus. The whob country a shocked by the bomb, but here ri Phtodefafea. the peopb are serane Kerriy Jackacxi, a rfekxxj resHbot and cab driver sad. There are a lot of uneducated peopb in PMadafafw They do not ur «brstand what education can do tor them There are peopb who twtove n the welfare system » id hevwiy welfare fam ies." Jacksun safa tfa problem » one of oommuracabons. herd to gat together H’s hart tor your educated Bbcks to relate to peopb from an area **w ra they once lived. And the peopb ted thoee who moved out have forgot ten where they came from. " Phtedefah« a a city of grafteti and Good» recently made « dagaf tor a m nor to purchase a can of spray p an t as s way of sohtng the probbm Attention Shoe Lovers! th a kfca a hostage situation ? Robnson sort the Black community a suffer n g from post traumatic depreesron "W e are at the forefront of having a mayor of the same ongn but not the same focus." Robinson added H a group a among the few groups n Phffy questioning the implement at ton of poketas n the Osage tragedy Currently. Osage Avenue a le v etad Louies Africa. »star of John Africa and to whom the house belonged, will ba bbsd for the demolition of her home And n the City of Brotherly Love, there a little love on either srte of the MOVE confrontation And the txggest losers are the innocent neigh bors who lost everything for nothing stacyadams® are now in P ortland So . . . put your Fkxsbeims and your Paddle Pushers to rest and step into some fresh «aevadams' todayl W E ALSO SELL K ID S C LO TH ES. H A N D B A G S Corner of Union ft Fremont (503)2496646 Chuck Stood, a uvkjmnel fax thq PhdgtMpbtg Oqdy N e i n Family Pack Of 3 Round Steak Well Trimmed, Flavorful Beef $149 I Lh. (Single Steaks, Lb. $1.59) (Tenderized, Lb. $1.69) Assorted Pork Chops Lb$139 b G ood» that good? Mayor Wilson Goode has emerged from this tragedy untainted by cntv eism Stone said a number of Biecks and whites will never criticize Goode because he's the city’s first Black mayor. "To whites Goode is our house Negro He mispronounces wonts. He puts singular nouns with plural verbs. White people love him because there is some inferiority ft makes them few* proud. They don't feel good about a Jessa Jackson or Louis Far rakhan tiecause ttiey challenge them on then own level Goode does not.” Stone added that Goode has esca latwd the w ho b notion of warfare m thw American cixnmunity to a dan gerous level. 'He would not have dropped a bomb on white peopb. Anyixie who suggests otherwise in­ sults the histixical intelligence of Black people Goode's actions reached a dangerous level m pobce tactic that bombs are legitimate." Hue King, a producer for New Liberty Video, sard, Rizzo s dreems are Goode's realities Goode a per­ ceived as a liberal but tust look at ha record " Goode « tied xito the Democratic machine During the 1984 Presidential campaign Goode supported and endorsed Walter Mondale over Jesse Jackson Jackson took Philadelphia hands down Rev C Harrwltixi Robinson, chax of the Philadelphia Investigation Com­ mittee. a concerned about the con tradictioirs m [xofessuxial statements during the Osage tragedy "W e have trained Police officers coming out with statements that c o n tre d it each other The maxi question a . why cfedn't the stakeout team harxfb National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 284 7722 A Putite Servie« of the Pn. lla fd G fa rrvtr jfiCHSorrs OIDI ADDIO, IV e REW CO N o r t h w e tt’ i I or p e t’ G o »pet Record A Top« Selection« Authorized Zenith (?olor ( 1 Salt» ft n J SALtS « H K V IC I IINC1 IKS2 W IM 1 JACKSON S I Ow*«t G A IT A JACKSON Certifia* laaka«»«» 1 Sarvica 4*23 N. Vancouver Portland, OR 97217 O ffice 2*7 2042 Mother's Choice Butter Santiam Beans Or Corn Made From Oregon’s Freshest Sweet Cream For All Your Needs. 1 Pound Quarters Cut Or Sliced Beans. 16 Oz Cans. Whole Kernel Or Cream Style Corn, 11 Oz Tender Fresh Local Spinach Chicken Noodle Soup Campbell's Chicken Broth Or Cream Of Celery Or Potato, 10 75 Ounce Can Make A Delicious Spinach Salad Tonight Or Fix As A Hut Vegetable $179 q $1 q $1 J For 1 W F o r 1 Save Up To 5 0 { Bu. Save Up To 4 9 c On 3 Bu. Save U pTo78{ On 3 Save Up To 34* On 42-0unce 40-Lb. Bold Friskies Dry Dog Food Detergent Hearty Chunks Or Sauce Cubes. A Nutritious Meal For Your Dog Buy Bold Detergent And Receive 12 Oz. DAWN FREE! SQ99 WF $199 ■ Save Up To $3.50 Save Up To $1.75 4.6-0unce Crest Toothpaste New Tartar Control Formula. A Breakthrough In Oral Hygiene 99c 1)1 MAGARO , , Iceberg Head Lettuce Fancy Golden Bananas ;< ! Fresh. Crisp And Refreshing Fur A Nutritious Salad A Great Snack Fruit Or Delicious Sliced On Breakfast Cereal Lb. Save Up To 2 0 l Lb. Lb. Save Up To 2 9 ‘ Lb. $1 1 29 Prices Effective 6/19 Thru 6/25/85, At 6400 N. Interstate, 8002 N. Burlington, 5920 N.E. Union Or 1100 N.E. Broadway Safeways Only. Sales Limited To Retail Quantities Only. No Sales To Dealers. ■(SI SAFEWAY w c* • ■ ' it? -' :: 1 . • •• i* U ,- (• • « . « . « , » r, * • 1 t , • . , . 5 k 1 ri