Page 8, Portland Observer, June 19, 1986 ALLEN T E M P LE C M E C H U R C H C orner of 8th and S k id m o re Sunday School 9 30am Sunday Worship 11 0 0 a m Christian Youth Fellowship 6 00pm (second and fourth Sundays I t < 4 Elonza J. E d w a rd * (P astor) Send notice o j your church activities and events to: Helig.on Editor. Portland Observer P O Box 3J37 Portland O B 972OH Divorce hardest on kids by Lynne Phillips Werbd (This is a reprint from Lutheran Family Service Newsletter.) RELIGION UPDA TE by Dee Armstrong The F rit Ecctoratocai Aatokc*on oí It * Church« oí God * Otra» hatd fera 43st Arwwfe Hoiy Convocaran Jura 30 3«. »hra feam * waa Keagm« fe $ M » w t t t e * S a M .~ “Oh, gtra fe w * * to fee Lord. t o Ha ia geodi For H b mercy « to to a t o ' * w (PaWn m I H iw m Ood t o « • of a * Manat«* bMbwMd on MXUfVWfcBh H b DUfPOBS The God weearveaairaracb-worlungGod Let ua to d tow erd to the com r g yew rap*c «mg greet atetge and knotrnng Our Father e abb to provub and *fce cera ol our every need ' The Metili » n oí Frafe we) babai waa grran at the onto oí Orana worah* and e raprtnted by parrraaanrv •We b a k e * a * M bb to be a * vepeed and only r t o t i t» Word oí God VW babave a w a w e • One God etemaby ewatent at Three toraone; God a * Fefeer. God the Son. and God fee Holy Sped "W e t i t i t in fee Meaeed Hop*, which e fee rapture oí fe * O to c h oí God wiach » in Cheat, at Hb return "W e b a k e * t»w the only mean* oí b ra g e banaed bom an e through re­ pentance; toth n the prectou* blood of Jeeue Cheat and bang baparad n waeer W v t i l l i a w reganeretron by fee Holy Ghoat e abaobitoy eaaanaal t o personal «ehtoon •We t i l l i a w fee red en to »* work of Otra» on fe * croe* p ro w b * heakng t o fee human body m »newer to bebevmg prayer •We behave that the bapaam at fee Holy Ghoat. accordo« to Acts 2 4 b grven to b edbevera t o o aak t o b. "W e beb e* at fee sanctayfeg power ol fee Holy Sped by whoee ndwefkn« i b enabled to fee a holy and separated M * m fera piaran» world There are over 12 m illion children in this country whose parents are d i­ vorced, so it would seem logical to assume that the stigma o f divorce no longer exists for these children and their fam ilies. A fte r a ll, it ’ s not as though a child is stamped with a capi­ tal “ D ” when his/her parents decide to end their marriage' U n fo rtu n a te ly, the error in the above assumption stems from the fact that what a child feels or experiences is N O T always logical. The truth o f the matter is that most children whose parents have separated or divorced fed very alone with their pain. Each child feels like something terrible has hap­ pened to him /her which no one else could possibly understand, because he/she is the only one in the w orld whose's ever experienced it. When divorce hits a child’s life, it’s as if the bottom drops out. Not only does it affect the child’s sense o f se­ curity and stability, it hits at the core of his/her being: i.e ., his/her sense o f self. A fter all. so much o f a ch ild ’s self-concept is based on his image of his parents and what the child per­ ceives as his parents’ image of him. D i­ vorce distorts these images (at least tem porarily) and , thus, distorts the way the child feels about himself, just as he’s feeling so d iffe re n tly about his parents. Parents speaking badly about each other in front of the child only intensifies this, because the child internalizes it and ends up feeling worse about himself. Offen a child will experience his/her own feelings as though they were com­ ing from the people around him /her. For exam ple. " I 'm angry at my YOU ARE W ELCOM E TO W O R SH IP AT 84 N.E. Killingaw orth • 281 0499 •'A w arm spirit of fellowship always" IhcArkol’ (hurch of God In Cnrlst tU M M » w .m m a n shall sec Ib e l L 0 V d «swami» The Morning Star Baptist Church will be burning the mortgage on the church on Sunday, June 23. 1985, at 3.00 p m . Members are requesting others to share this joyful occasion, extending an invitation to the community to attend. The Morning Star Baptist Church was organized M ay I I , 1947 in the Hughes Memorial Methodist Church, which was located on the corner of Vancouver Avenue and Knott Street In 1959, the Morning Star Baptist church moved into its present loca­ tion. The church was founded by the late Rev. Sylvester McCullumn. Many dignitaries and guests from throughout (he city are expected to participate in this celebration. Berean Baptist Church H im D a ta * * T im a • OOP M Materialism - a root cause The major sexual d if­ ference Menstrual and psychological problems 34 min. Building Up Your Family 307 N E B ro a d w a y P o rtla n d . OR 97232 I503)284 1106 Services: 9:30 a.m .. Sunday School 11:00 a .m .. M orning Worship 6:00 p.m ., Evening Worship The Barnetts & Berean welcomes your family A t Bereen w e em ph asize building strong fam ilies. You'll get solid Expository Biblical Preaching & Teach in g. O f L o ca l B u tin a tta t T h ai A rc H e lp in g B u ild A B e tte r C o m m o n ,ly M IS C E L L A N E O U S Attorney at law -y x X M a y tr JASPER L. A M B ER S 2 3 4 -7 4 6 6 « Br RENTALS Injury, Accidents Criminal Oefense W ills/Probate Drunk D riving/Traffic Divorce Juvenile Broadway Exxon c omp»*»a Car Cara Canta« A »»a* «»•«Meta T o w in g U r a it t le»»'«» a*< »o»«#" « aomaattca Ow» raacKanu CKvcfcRnoa. -f e b e o - «wry » t M » A t open • 1} M t » 1 11 twrtpav •ra d Morrra tta tta n Manage« 519 N E B to a d w a y 284 5060 -»«1 Rent to own T V Stereo VCR vtdeo games b movMg Fran W hite Appliances & T V. BEAUTY ja’èell’i 8 1 A U T V b B ARBER SU PPLIES b V». i— » Sara* Í» Sen, - ra • in (»,*» * * * io« R ’ * * - • • Ona of ma reœW a «noo» taranta») taxhnoan* 284-0804 Mown • ' Mor SO- 5834 N E U nion A ve <503)281 6393 5001 N E U n ion (C o rn er of A lb e rta ) 288 5303 716 N. Alberta A Ac <•«»€'-•« BARBS Stop A M In lt M a rt 2 N . K illingaw orth Mgt« Sca»«e« CLEANERS JEWELRY 707 NE FREM ONT «1 «A» 281 »495 U N ITY OF LOVE BEAUTY SALON - Juna 2 - J una IS OCHMCK SELL Bethel holds Women’s Day -J u ly 7 - J u l y 14 - Aug 4 Sources of depression in women la»w self esteem Absence of romantic love in marriage 49 min W H A T W IV E S W IS H T H E IR H U S B A N D S K N E W A B O U T W O M E N M O N E Y . SEX A N D C H IL D R E N Nathan Barnett, Pastor Drvrmtyl IB ThaoTogy • M Moo rbo> T4BOOI I I « . » » b ELK C L E A N E R S LAUNDRY Established m 191? and »til1 providing quality dry cleaning 1 at rea«onat»le rates 1014 N K illin g s w o rth 500 N W 23rd A v e n u e F rW a y 7 « D e « PATON JEWELERS 00a a 1 >• jm tiiiih W jt» IftAfl»» |>i.»r»t«»n«t Yrttmg Paa U «O sa ll« ia 11 ODg a Phone: 284-3979 U .»1» h A 1« w» l» ‘ 8» |».»»r |»itr> S 1 Sjnrts .’HI MIMI’ E V IC T IO N S S TO PPED MR* c t; PHARMACY s W'O* Rental lenbnt»' Do you W you art timny untbwly IrM te iP P R M C C L IN IC PHARMACY .. St4<»rt * •raatx*«nona • Counter arsu ra * traga tara *tg ’a. *«aa * - arare* 18 N M orrta St P ortland O regon 87277 2B1 8831 N t rR »*O H t »i » » - M a y 2* io pul their families at the highest level of priority. 61 min. F IL M 7 284-2334 BROAD! at B ro ad w ay Huw io aswn tale behavior with consequences. When to lei gd of your child and how 60 min F I L M PREPA RING EUR A D O L E S C E N C E : T H E 4 O R IG IN O F S E L F -D O U B T The secrets of self-esteem 50 min F I L M PREPA RING FOR A D O L E S C E N C E : PEER 5 PRESSURE A N D S E X U A L IT Y Physical changes, sexual development. 48 min. F I L M W H A I W IV E S W IS H T H E IR H U S B A N D S 6 K N EW A B O U T W O M E N : T HE L O N E L Y H O U S E W IF E 4822 N. Vancouver Ave. AUTO 1B34N.E 7th 1 Childish irresponsibility vs. w illful defiance. 1’ndcn.undinn your guilt when disciplining your child. 63 min F I L M C H R IS T IA N F A T H E R IN G 3 .I f America survives, it w ill be because lathers begin A rc B ro ad w ay H a irw e ev e r» b Designer« Beauty Salon ha t th« solution .S '.n niict .1 I ife-C.hangtng } Experience F o r F a m ilie s N a tio n w id e . F I L M S H A P IN G T H E W il l. W IT H O U T B R E A K IN G 2 T H E SPIRIT T h .» P a g e W H Y BE B A LD 7 • C a n d id , T H E ST R O N G W IL L E D C H I U ) O n F R ID A Y S B E A U TY SU P P LIE S WhotoMie and Reta>i W e carry products that ar« ww»r< in J«1 and Ebony M aya/'^e Open 9 a m 8pm i?tri M Q3b3 FOCUS O N THE F IL M BEREAN BAPTIST CHURCH ( (immunity Directory and pro files Ad! f PRESENTS F IL M SERIES 11 00 Communion Each First Sunday The American Baptist Convention, American Baptist Churches of Oregon: Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention: National, Oregon, Portland Ecum enical M inistries. A m erican Bible S o c ie ty . M b M Board. M R S C S W IQS 4822 N. Vancouver Ave. FAMILY John H JacKaon Minister M Ed M D 9 » A M Church School 11 00 A M Congregation«! Worship 5 00 P M V w p fe Serve« 10 00 A M Baptism Fourth Sunday parents.” may be experienced by the child as "Everybody's angry at m e,’ ’ or " I 'm feeling badly about m yself," gets turned in to , " N o one likes me anymore." A n o ther factor that affects the child’s sense o f self in a negative way is fee child's tendency to blame him- seff/hersdf for the divorce Again, this may not seem logical to an adult, but it’s very real for children. More often than not, a child will tell you that the reason his/her parents divorced was because he/she didn't do the dishes or throw out the garbage when asked, and somehow this "b ad " behavior by fee child made one o f his/her parents angry enough to leave. All of these things can be very con­ fusing for parents who are trying to help their child deal with the emotional aftermath o f a divorce or separation. What makes it even harder on parents is that often they are the last people with whom their children w ill share their feelings (especially when these feelings are expenenced by the child as "bad fedings"). After all, children see their parents hurting so much at the time o f a divorce that they may be afraid to share their pain or anger for fear of hurting the parents more Then there’ s the fear o f punishment. Parents need to recognize that this is a time for them to use community resources: teachers, school counselors, pastors, therapists or friends. TO YOTA bums mortgage Tueaday Btble Band b T H E M O U N T O L IV E T B A P T IS T C H U R C H N.E First S ch u yler • 284 1964 -A u g 11 Bethel A M E Church announces a special program in recognition of W omen’s Day, an annual observance of that church. Mrs. Jewel Bell and her famous husband, Dr. Derrick A. Bell, dean o f fee University of Oregon Law School, will, together, speak at the regular 11:00 a.m. church service on Sunday, June 23. Dr. and Mrs. Bell have chosen to speak on “ Women Committed to Spiritual Renewal,” drawing from their own viewpoints concerning a creative relationship of parents, chil­ dren and the «im m unity. Co-chairs o f the event are Mrs. June Terry and Mrs. Lenora Morris. The public is invited to attend. Professional Services 8720N.E. U N IO N 283-4123 o a ira n A T io irs ' PHIL R E Y N O L D S M E D IC A L C L IN IC Catortn< Sannca Walter C Reynold« M D Kalpana H Rajdev M 0 Physician» b Surgeon» Y R ID A Y S B E A U TY S U P P LY »agata ana Ratto W * ca»p p«