Portland Observer, June 19, 1906, Page 7 Freezing Highlights Fresh No wondrr trrrzin g l l the nio*t popular m e th o d o f p r a e r v i n # food for a m inim um of tim e and envrg>. it pay» great dit ideodft Beyond the benefit of having a year long »upph of delicious produce, freezing help« retain fre ih flavor*. te * turea. nutrient* and color*. qualities trflen a lte re d d u rin g canning or d ry in g pvaaMMa C apitalize on the bounty of freah fru it* available in produce department», road •ide atanda. or in your own garden or orchard w ith the following idea* from the m aker* of Ziploc* heavy duty freezer bag* P re p a ra tio n — Select firm , ripe fru it* at their flavor peak Freezing w ill help preserve, but not improve the quality of fruita Plan to freeze them a* *oon a* poaaible after pick i ng to hold fre*h flavor* — Sort, removing blemished and over ripe fru it* Waah quickly and gently in cold water and drain immediately, aoak ing in water can make fru it* muahy — Peel. trim , pit or hull fru it* and cut ,n uniform piece* if deaired - Select heavy weight freezer t ig * «pecificalh deaigned to w ithatand freezer tem perature* Zipper top bag* w ill allow you to remove virtu ally all air — a nu^or Mource of freezer burn Trannparent bag* make it aaay to identify freezer contents and «tack more conveniently than cumber *ome plantic container* Cookbook* offer neveral technique* for freezing, the syrup and loose pack method* are often preferred because they are quick. easy and result in fru it that i* ideal for many une* Loose-P ack M e th o d While the N BA season has ended, the summer season has begun battling the boards. Below. Duane Dorsey kept his body m shape by working at Olympian Fitness Center T h i* method involve* freezing berriea and fruit piece* individually in the freezer on cookie sheet* or tra y * When fru it i* nearly solid, transfer into Ziploc l»ag* and place in freezer Remove a* much air a* possible from the zipper top bag* before sealing It w ill be easy to remove content* a* needed and reseal No sugar or other sweetener* are added to loose pack fru it*, an advantage for health conscious people S y ru p M e th o d Sugar enhance* the taste of most fru it* and is a preferred technique for freezing those with abundant juice*, or that brume or ducolor easily A syrup is made by dissolving sugar in water, thoroughly cooling and mixing w ith fruit before it m sealed into a Ziploc freezer bag The concentration of *ugar to water varies, a light syrup <30 to ;15 per cent nolutioni ha* less sugar and in com monly used for *weet berries, heavy syrup (60 to 65 percent solution* ha* more sugar than water and may be used to freeze tart fru it* such a* peaches that w ill serve a* fillin g for pie. pa*trv or meringue shell* Whole, ftavorful raspberries, fatten with the loose pack method, are featured in the following recipe for Raspberry Nut M u f fin * The Strawberry Peach Pudding Pie m ake* the most of fre»h peaches and Scientologists Question U.S. Involvement in Interpol Suppose there were a private organ izatio n w h ich had access to the secret tiles of m ost go vernm ents in the w o rld W ith no checks on its op era tions it co u ld gather in fo rm a tio n on in dividu als w ith in a co u n try w ith o u t the kno w le dg e or consent of the in d ivid u a ls — and use that in fo rm a tio n in whatever m anner it chose The in fo rm a tio n gathered co u ld con cern the m ost sensitive and in tim ate m atters ot governm ent o fficia ls and private citizens The threat this w ould pose to our basic freedom s w o uld be im m ense The o rg a n iza tio n exists M oreover its p re si­ dent is an A m erican The In te rn a tio n a l C rim ina l P olice O rganiza tio n (In te rp o l) headed by U S Secret Service D ire cto r John Sim pson is a c o n d u it tor all in fo rm a tio n available in the tiles of 136 m e m b e r c o u n tr ie s I n t e r p o ls m e m b e rs in clu d e such to ta lita ria n states as Iran A lg e ­ ria Yugoslavia R um ania Libya C hile N ica ­ ragua and Syria By its m em bership the U n ited States c o n ­ sents to the view ing ot tiles on its citize ns by fascist com m u nist and te rro rist nations C oncerned about the threat In te rp o l poses to personal freedom s the C h u rch ot S c ie n to l­ ogy began in ve stig a tin g In te rp o l in the early 1970s In 1974 the C h urch began p u b lish in g its fin d in g s O ur d isclosu res created an in te r­ national scandal tor the private agency C hurch researchers discovered that d u rin g W orld War II the Nazis used Interp ol s massive c o lle c tio n ot dossiers to blackm a il Europeans in to pe rfo rm in g c rim in a l acts tor the Nazi Party Interp ol s tiles were ro u tin e ly used to track dow n Jews As a c o n d u it tor the Nazis In te r­ pol s m agazine ran wanted no tices nam ing thousands ot Jews as ' crim in a ls sentenced to death by the deadly Nazi SS SS G rupp en fu hre r R einhard H eydrich Chief ot the dreaded G erm an security po lice was president ot In te rp o l from 1940 u n til his assassination in 1942 As In te rp o l president H e y d ric h was re s p o n s ib le to r b rin g in g together the to p Nazis who m apped out the final so lu tio n to the Jew ish problem ' on J a n ­ uary 20 1942 Ernst K alte nb run ner, H e ydrich s successor was In te rp o l s pre sid ent u n til his exe cutio n as a w ar crim in a l in 1946 in N urem berg As the C h u rch unravelled In te rp o ls hidden Nazi pas' it discove red that c o n tra ry to In te r­ pol s representations its Nazi a ffilia tio n s had not been severed at the end ot the war C h urch o t S cie ntology researchers discov ered that Paul D icko p l president of Interpol from 1968 to 1972 was an SS office r d u rin g W orld War II The researchers provided m e tic ­ ulous d o cum e ntatio n in c lu d in g D ic k o p l s SS num ber (SS »33729591 and a ph o to g ra p h ot him m his SS track suit to U S C ong ressio na l hearings c o n ce rn in g In te rp o l in 1975 and 1977 Not s u rp ris in g ly m tra cin g talse m torm a tion on the C h u rch ot S cie ntology in an article printed m the G erm an m agazine Neue Revue the C h u rch tou nd that the source ot the maga zine s d isin fo rm a tio n o n th e C h urch was Inter po l T ra c in g th is fu rth e r the C h u rc h discovered that In te rp o l was dissem in atin g this talse in fo rm a tio n — com pletely u n d o c u ­ m ented u n ve rifie d and un foun de d to o th e r mem ber co u n trie s as well The C h urch also recently uncovered in fo r­ m ation that indicates In te rp o l is dissem in atin g reports on private citizens who have no c r im i­ nal reco rd w hatsoever A C ong ressio na l in v e s tig a tio n o t th is m atter has been requested In the Declaration ot Independence Thomas Jetterson expressed the co n v ic tio n that Am ericans have certain unalienable Rights that am ong these are Life Lib e rty and the pursuit o t Happiness The C h urch ot S cie ntology believes in these rights and in the freedom s guaranteed all A m erican citize ns under the B ill ot Rights W hile In te rp o ls c o n s titu tio n spe cifica lly forbids its involvem ent in m atters ot a p o litic a l m ilita ry re lig io u s or racial character a review of In te rp o l s histo ry shows that it has gro ssly violated the rig h ts and freedom s ot thousands of in d ivid u a ls Its tu n n e lin g o t in fo rm a tio n on private c itize n s today underm ines s o m e o f ou r m ost che rish ed freedom s The C h u rch believes that an org a n iza tio n such as In te rp o l has no place in a tree society It was a to o l ot op pre ssion 40 years ago long before the com p uter age In the hands o t ill- in te n tio n e d m asters w ith massive com p uters at their fin g e rtip s In te rp o l co u ld becom e a vehicle tor som ething far m ore frig h te n in g than the Gestapo Am ericans hard-w o n rig h ts and pre cio us freedom s are endangered when such an o rg a n iz a tio n is s u p p o rte d by o u r ow n governm ent For lurthar information, call Toll-Fraa 1 -800-367-8788 Church of Scientoiogy*. Office of Spécial Attairs 1413 N Berendo SI . Los Angeles. CA 90027 Cnu.cn ol Scwntoioqv S c » m o « ,. Sc.»n»o«,«F sno in , Scwmoioqr o o i i s.» "sas'"»'«. Ov I I » » n - v » . cams- l ’ d «■« »«■! —B- n p«'—»."I" Fruit Flavors strawberries fru u n in a ayrup method in freezer hags K a s p h rrry -N u t M u ffin » 1 cup fresh red raspberries 1 Ziploc* freeier bag. pint tu r d 12 cup m ilk 1/4 cup oil 1 egg, beaten cups all purpose flour cup sugar teaspoons baking powder teaspoon aalt cup chopped pecans To frrr tr brrru» Waah raapbemes and pat dry Place on a cookie sheet. freeie un til firm Store in pint ailed Ziploc freeier bag in freeler un til ready to uar 7’d prrparr m uffin* Combine m ilk, oil and egg S tir in flour, sugar, baking powder and salt juat until moiatrned Quickly and gently fold in Iroien raspberries and pecans P ill 12 greased muffin cupa two thirds full Hake in 400*F oven 20 to 25 minute« or until toothpick inserted in center cornea out clean Immediately re naive from pan Cool thoroughly and store individually in Ziploc* storage hags Makes 12 muffin» 1 12 2/3 2 1/4 12 COKE-DIET COKE TAB-SPRITE YOUR CHOICE 89 S tra w b e rry -P e a c h P u d d in g Pie 2 cupa strawberries, frown in 50 percent sugar syrup* 2 cupa peach slices, froien in 50 percent sugar ayrup* 2 Ziploc* freeler bags, quart sued I cup apple juice (approximately! 1/4 cup quick «Hiking tapioca 1 12 cupa all purpose flour 2 tablespoons sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 2 teaapism cinnamon I 4 teaspoon salt I 4 cup butter 1 4 cup m ilk I egg, beaten F r e e » fru it in syrup in Ziploc freeier bags To P rrparr P it Defrost strawberries and peach slices just until thawed, but still cold D rain and set aside, reserve juices Add enough apple juice to fruit juices to make 2 cups liquid Combine juices and tapioca in small saucepan le t stand 5 minutes Bring tu boiling and boil 1 minute, stir ring constantly, or u n til m ixture is thicken«! Cixil to lukewarm Arrange drained fruit in 8 inch square glass hak mg dish Pour thickened juice mixture over fruit, spread evenly Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon and salt in mixing howl Cut in butter w ith pastry blender or two knivea until m ixture resembles coarse crumbs Combine m ilk and egg S tir into Dour m ixtu re only u n til in gredients are moistened and a dough firm s Turn disigh onto lightly floured Issird Hull into 8 inch square, afsiut I 4 inch thickness Cut into strips Crista strips to make lattice ovrr fru it Hake at 375*F for 25 to 30 minutes, or until lop is lightly browned and flaky Slakes 8 servings •N o te: To prepure sugar syrup for fruit, combine 4 cups sugar and 4 cups water to make a 50 percent Iheavyl syrup Bring to boiling, rook until sugar dissolves C hill CHUCK ROAST BLADE CUT n tsi 2 ROASTS POUND SHOP lENOW 'S kn e w V A R I I T I I S v *w Ube S IZ t * ywu wassl I Tka PnwMfl I* T« S*R«a 190 • M H t 1 Mil.awh.e • • a » • Ma«r*eaa • I t * * a !••• *«»*••*• • lir a a M 1 Memeab •»j i i n * a h « H i m » • 31*k 1 1 1 P*alala* • k* ka»wxbat ■ •••» •• • 1*1*4 * 1 1 • ■ leg