Portland Observer, June 19, 1905, Page 5 ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK B.E.A.N. Presents Summer Funk „85" R ft B Showcase and Dance Saturday, June 22. 1985 Starry Night (N.W. 6th & Burnside) 9:00 p.m. until 2:30 a.m. fe a tu r in g Visions Velvet Street Music Band Strawberry Gamblers Clean Cut Untouchable Rappers Incredible Force ♦4°° ♦5°°., Ticket« Available at House of Sound Records - 287-1960 Mrs C s Wigs - 281 6626 In Advance Music M illennium - 231-8926 Everybody'» Record« - 286-9841 Door Alcohol Available — ID Required Di«co provided by The Chez end Lerry Bell C om plete E ntertainm ent Services • P ro m o tio n s A ft.o u .r i0 ô & ü B I& A n o F « » fO C H < C k £ N Joe "Heart" Keller, Entertainment Editor LuM CN; S P iT . J O The « X Thearae w d ptaaamt a «kaged reeckng o i a new p«v by Furtbnd «trate» Darmy B «l «nuttsd The fttmcb." on Saturday A A 13 « B P-m. The p e rfo m w x e «id be « the N e e e e CuRura) Center 5 3 « N. Sítem ete Ave. "The Panee" e a cxmkamporary urban M c * varvun o i Shakespeare i "Mamiat." and « »at m p reaant dsy North Portland. The saagad reeetng «rd Otete nwwnel «et». R /ie n g . etc.. and the actor» «dl caray «capta et hand. thereby punrng the durranani lucua o i the partormance on the w r« n g AaeM The audance e mvdad to «lev altar the readng to o««» comments. crfccem and «ugoaaaune «bout the ptay The larga east for ttve leackng oi "The Punce" «d mekud» AI Jarraeon. A c * Junaa. A Lee Wtbcm Jk.. AJe*a Pattaraon, Vincent kfem net Nancy Bramar Steve Lee and Eugene Hughes. among othen. The drector e Gary O Aran. tresne cbrectur oi the IFCC Theeae TkAets lor the «tagad reeekng o i "The Pwnce" are urdy « . and aarty raaar yeaons tre advead C aí the IFCC at 24» 7 9 » The project e mada poeatbta. n p « t. by KaxSng burn «he MetrupotSan A m Commeston CM W + h pHoNE : 2 Sr«.- 410 I IFCC prasents *The Prince* M W Praxe H ei Grw S a i3 1329 N.E. Fremont • Tue» Sat. 6 a m. -1 2 a m ., Sunday 1 p .m .- 1 2 a.m . Closed M onday ' I * ________________________ ____________ ___ ___________________ ___ Dinners Cook's Choice PORTLAND OBSER VER 0B 0 ADDY Obo Addy does new show Rolls Royce Productions presents The World Prenwere of A S 1TR A N 8U K A W I w d be presented « the Portland Flirt Band An Museum Swann Audtonum on June 28, 1986 at 8 p m A SITR A N B U K A W w h x h rneere «rt down, telex. and aryoy yourself. • a tvefy presentation of the mua*.. dance, and costume of Ghana The «how waa written and produced by Obo Addy The «rst scene begaw m the C*y of Accra. G hra*. with the Ga peopta The tre d tx x *) ceremony which mckidee the pour n g of tbation opena the «how Scenes whrch feature the music of the Ga. Ashanti. Iw a . and bagom ba peopta w d be n cN d ad G t w w I musx * known lor *» runcete hand tbumrrang and tvefy rhythms. A* the natrcMnanw rax) costume are authentic Obo Addy « m o an « group. Ktdrudu w d a m « with the muse Other cast member« nchide Barmy Bafl Mchaa) Grwu. w id the PaasmAn Theater Company, and many more A S IT R A N B U K A W promwea to be an axcrbng. unuauaL and dynarrac eve^ rar^ of antartammant Saats are tmrtad Ticks« are a v a M N through Baa« oude«. G J Joaa. « id AzachcAamua« fo r »7m advance. »B atthattoor Ghana dance workshop Two member« of the Odadaa Dance Troupe from Ghana. W aal Africa, w d teach a two- hour »rorluhop m the tredbona) dance of Ghana D o r* Ptpoe « id H i g « Ouartay w d teach tha m ovam an« and dance «fybe bom »ever« « a at of Ghana. They have performed, «mce «raving m the U S . « the World'» Fa* m Knox vda. Wofftrap. Tha S m «hso r«n matitute the Nehor*) Fob Feetrv« m CNva- bmd. « id Canada » « n t bnam abon« FoBJura Fee»»« Obo Addy w d lead tha ebumman and asaat wdh the worfcahop T h * cfaas w d onfy ba offered o r * bma: Saturday Am a 29. 1986. 12 noon to 2 p m . 9 1 8 S W Ytm hd. Fourth Floor T hecfaeatea• M. A Public Service of th a Portland Observer Sheraton Hotel Airport Way Saturday, July 6,1965 {9;00 pM tj| 2 (X) AM) (Columbia Ballroom) ♦5 00 *6°° Tickets Available at m Advance House of Sound Records M rs C s Wigs at Door 287 1960 281 6626 King s Ransom Jew elers 228 6448 W AVES Hair Desiqn 249 1940 21 and Over — ID Required Albina Ministerial Alliance Enjoy Your 4th of July Weekend 284 6023 1