Portland Observer, June 19, 1985, Page 3 METROPOLITAN Scientologists leave Rose City by Lamia Duke GRASSROOT NEWS. N W — Since May 17, Portland has experi­ enced an in flu x o f 10,000 Scientol­ ogists who believe a $39 m illion de­ cision by a Multnom ah County ju ry posed a threat to the freedom o f religion. They protested at the courthouse, marched on Salem and held a variety o f free concerts to call the court de­ cision an assault on the First Amend­ ment and Portland became the place for the Scientologists' Religious Free­ dom Crusade. A parade o f musicians and cele­ brities followed the crusade with sup­ port, music and song. Among those who came were A l Jarreau. Edgar Winter, Chick Corea. Frank Stallone, John Travolta and Michael Roberts. Currently, they are heading home awaiting a decision on whether a mis­ trial occurred because the p la in tiff attorney pul their religion on trial A decade ago, Julie Christofferson became a Scientologist but was later deprogrammed. In 1979 she filed suit and won a $2 m illion judgment against the church. The judgment was later overturned by the appcls court. The appeals court returned the case fo r retrial, directing the lower court to determine one narrow pur- What is Scientology? Scientology was founded by L. Ron Hubbard who laid down a set o f prin­ cipals for individual application. Through a counselling procedure called Auditing, Scientology slates that a person can improve his or her ability to communicate and under stand Scientology is pan-denomina­ tional It supplements rather than substitutes a person’s religious be­ liefs. Scwntologists uMintaMwd a downtown vigil pose: Was she promised gains or business gains? spiritual Scientologists said their religion was placed on trial and records from the trial proved that it was. The plain­ t if f s attorney told the jury that Scien­ tology was not a religion sinci her Food drive begins Customers at selected Shell stations w ill be ask d to fill Salvation Arm y food barrels as they fill their tanks, beginning June 28. Salvation Arm y officials are o p ti­ mistic this “ Drive for F ood" pro­ gram w ill help bolster food donations during the summer months. Salvation A rm y food collection barrels w ill be placed at participating Shell stations in the Port land-met ro area and in the Willamette Valley Barrels w ill be in place through A u ­ gust 10. "W e have a critical need for lood during the summer months,” said Li. Col. David P Riley, commander o f The Salvation A rm y ’s Cascade D i­ vision. "J u ly traditionally is our sec­ ond heaviest month in terms o f the number o f people who come to us for fixtd, so we're grateful Shell is get­ ting involved." The “ Drive for F o o d " will run in conjunction with Shell’ s SU 2, (XX) anniversary celebration. For more inform ation, contact The Sals at ion Arm y at 234-0825. Nicaragua teachers' tour set "Nicaragua: A Two-Week Pro­ gram for Educators and Others” will be offered by Lewis & ( lark C o l­ lege August 1-15. Zaher Wahab, prolessor o l educa­ tion, w ill lead (he trip to Nicaragua. The program w ill offer an overview of the country’s education, culture, economy and relations wnh ihe Unii- ed Slates. Participants w ill travel as a group from Pori land lo Mexico Cily io Managua and back. Arrangements in Managua include nxtms al the I ido Hotel, three meals a day, a micro- bus and bilingual guide. The program fee is $1,350 if taken for credit; $1,277 without Early reg­ istration is recommended I.Q. and eyesight did not improve. pat Jones, a Scientologist since 1979, said the church was not selling some­ thing. "T h is is an issue that is religion based It’ s like saying my partiopa lion in my religion did not enlarge me as a spiritual being Do you sue that religious denomination'’ ” According to Scientologists, the C hristofferson case placed their relig­ ion on trial Six anti-Scieniologists testified on the religion o f Scientology which was forbidden by the appellate court In their literature. Scientolo­ gists said, "T h e seed o f religious in­ tolerance that have been sown in the court room in Portland poses a grave threat to all religions. If there is any hope at all o f restoring religious lib ­ erty, the legal community must take a firm stand to uphold the justice sys­ tem And take any action necessary to effect an immediate reversal o f the Portland jury verdict.” THUR - FRIDAY - SAT - SUNDAY PRICE ITEM NUMBER TIES SOCKS BELTS 2 RACKS UN-BELIEVABLE 1RACK TOO CHEAP 1RACK EVEN I CAN T BUT THAT CHEAP 2 TABLES SE E IN G IS B ELIEVIN G MI3C. ITEMS GOOD PRICES INSIDE TOO □ you make your best bit with us M a n * a g ra n d '»'am m M ie -, ’ hr jh n r*wsp«p»” a d v e rtis in g ' V ie re yi»ur b e s t t »•! as fa r as r e a d e r s h ip (th e b ig g e r o u r c ir c u la tio n , th e iarg«” , >u r a u d ie n , »• e< on >rn»ct Id s th e m o s t e c o n o m ic a l «H» 1 pr ” de b u s in e s s ) a n d e ffe c tiv e n e s s (yo u II g e t r e s u lt ! you an t i a o n ') l et s d - .t u*-s y o u r a d v e rtis in g fu tu re s o o r l PO R TLAN D SIDEWALK SALE OBSERVER OREGON S AW A R D W IN N IN G BLACK NEW SPAPER 288-0033 LLOYD CENTER o tte s. .1 bar BY THE RINK órne on the range jwith the Loan L Arranger, a II you want to play where the motorhomes roam, come to the Loan A rranger-T he Benj. Franklin. We can l arrange your loan ✓ for a new or used ¡T motorhome in 24 y' hours or less, r So instead of ■F having to pull up stakes ewrytimc you go camping, you'll haw your own home on the range Plain talk Eaiy banking ¿55$ F r a n k lin I lr p t iu lt iw u m l t b\ fh r F S U C $1(10 0 0 0