.< ¿.V./ Jobs Classifieds MENTAL HEALTH Emergency Home Cere Provider« Family or couple to provide short term emergency shelter for adults experienc­ ing m ental and em otional crisis Include a m onthly stipend o f $400 Providers will receive intense support and training from m ental health professionals. N o rth / Northeast location required Call or w rite for applicaton: N o r t h /N o r t h e a s t C o m m u n ity M e n t a l H e a lth C e n te r 310 N .E Oregon Portland, OR 97232 239 8871 PROGRAM EXECUTIVE C (RESOURCES COORDINATOR) INSTRUCTOR/COUNSELOR t? 1 1 4 - J?698 MONI HLY Duties include teaching skill develop E d u c a tio n a l O p p o r tu n ity P ro g ra m THE OREGON DEPARTKNT Of TRANSPOR­ IN SALEM. YOU MUST HAVE EQUIVALENT merit courses in the areas of reading, writing, and study skills, providing aca demic advising and counseling to a case load of EOP students, participating in testing and assessment of student aca TO A BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN BUSINESS demic skills, planning and conducting ADMINISTRATION. ENGINEERING. ECON­ workshops for students, and assisting in the developm ent of cultural activities for TATION, HIGHWAY D IV IS IO N . IS CURRENTLY RECRUITING FOR RESOURCES COORDINATOR. A CURRENT VACANCY EXISTS OMICS. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION OR RE- LA ItO rlL L U ANU FOUR YEARS GF EXPER­ students IENCE INVOLVING STEADILY INCREASING FORMATION CONTACT 0001 PERSONNEL. Qualifications B A /B S , experience working w ith disadvantaged students, including m inority, bilingual, returning 419 TRANSPORTATION BLD6.. SALEM. OR and handicapped, dem onstrated ability 9 7 3 1 0 , (5 0 3 ) 3 7 3 -7 6 6 3 . APPLY BEFORE as JULY 1 . 1985. classes MANA6EKNT RE SPONSI BI L IT Y . FOR IN­ Equal Opportunity Employer Home Care Provider Live-In Individual or couple to provide 2 4 hour supervision and support for five mentally ill adults. Skills in hom e m anagem ent, cooking and the ability to w ork with mentally ill adults Needed for im m ediate hom e care Portland State University is an equal opportunity affirmative action employer Qualified minority, women and mem­ bers of other protected groups are en­ couraged to apply. Opportunity available tor a full time Social Worker to provide »octal work services to patients and tne«r fan *l»ea Bachelors de­ gree