■■■■■■■ Jobs Classifieds Jobs Classifieds M ULTNOM AH COUNTY PARKS FOREMAN I Chy of Salem «1.838-«1.848/mo. Working foreman and supervisory work in horticultural, conetruc tior, mainte­ nance. and repair of Regional parks and landscape areas Knowledge and super- v a o n of construction of imgation sys terns, concrete work, carpentry, turf and planting. Prepare and control budget, estimating maintenance and construction costs. See job announce­ ment for more information Closing date: June 28.1988. Apply: City of S eism Pare. Dept. 566 Liberty S . E .. Room 228 S alem, Oregon 97301 Equal Opportunity Employer I Victim Advocate current license to practice medicine in I responsible work in advocacy for victims Oregon, and professional experience in I of crime, requires knowledge and ability the practice of medicine, or completion I in working with victims A N D able to of a residency training program (prefer J drive in Oregon, apply by June 21, 1906 Physician «45,320 «58.969 annually, requires I $9 97 per hour; performs independent, Board Certified or Board eligible in medi | Master s degree in the health care field X and (raining; requires 2 years of experi- or related area A N D 2 years of health | 0nce |n tha eeq / aa field; apply by July care managment experience; apply by 5 (ggg J I Nursing Supervisor/ Senitarian/Vector Control I Corrections Health «9 70 per hour; performs field and labo j $25,140 - «32,677 annually; (previously ratory work for the control of various | announced as Corrections Health Super­ June 28. 1905 ENERGY M ANA G EM ENT SpeciaMat 42.387 62.872/Month Demonstrated ability to perform energy anaiysee for commercial facihties. write technical reports and proposals, and to plan and lead projects A Bachelor of Science degree m alsctncal or mecham cal engineering, or equivalent combina­ tion of education and experience. Train­ ing in buAkng electrical or mechanical systems and equipment Vakd driver's be ansa required. Closing date: June 28. 1986 Sand resume to: Restitution Investigator I $9 70 per hour; Half time work perform- ^ 9® i ing restitution services; requires 1 year of Health Services Specialist J professional experience working with «26.142 «33,993 annually; management | clientele in the criminal |ustice or human position responsible for operation and/or I service systems; apply by June 21, 1905. coordination of a specific work unit or j Affirmative Action Officer program; requires Bachelor's degree in I 528 668 - «37,271 annually; responsible the health care field or related area AN D » f a ^ B E monitoring, program planning, 5 years of health care experience OR I design and analysis, reporting activities cine or family practice), apply by July 19, | j potential vector species; requires regis responsible for operation and co- tration as a Sanitarian or Sanitarian ordination of health care delivery within Trainee with experience or formal tram Z the ass^ ned correctional facility; re- mg in entomology and integrated pest | qUires degree and 5 years nursing I management desirable; apply by June 28 1986 j experience or equivalent; J 21.1905, apply by July WHERE TO APPLY: M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty C o u rth ou se 1021 S W Fourth Ave., Room 134 Portland. OR 97204 Equal Opportunity Employer Eugene Water * Electric Board P 0 Box 1 0 1 « Eugene. OR 974*0 Attn.: Personnel Equal Opportunity Employer JOBS Magazine 1463N.E K illin gsw o rth Portland. O R 97211 (503)288 0033 PROGRAM M O NITO R Full-Time Permanent Poeition Social service and employment pro­ gram. assisting Portland area refugees. «21.000 annually plus full benefits. Post hon to begin July 16, 1986. Apply at Canter for Urban Education O B « S W Bancroft Portland. OR 97201 Completed applications due no later then 5:00 p m on Monday. July 1. 1986. The Center for Urban Education is an Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employer Page 14. JOBS, June 19.1985 HOBBIES Art ft Craft Supply Catalog Over 16,000 items, 250 pages, «4.50 re­ fundable on 1st purchase over «20 00. Creative Cache P. 0 . Box 3640 Salem, Oregon 97306