ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS I a ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS INVITATION FOR BIDS M E C H A N IC A l/E L E C T A IC A L M U L T N O M A H COUNTV CALL FOR BIDS N E 86th A V E N U E B id * D u * J u n * 26 1986 at 2 00 P M Bid N o B81 260 0*36 '*«*»1 twfc A * t» -«« m v w J tiy ttw Oirecn» lit P ix , 1 * » « j M cult» <»«! I w w a CixwtnxJ »»nts » » I sump Har»> and SpeaficiitxxK am Nad «nt, the P u n l « n j Qreckx and a < m may be ubtaned trom the atxiw » « h a s trx a »6 00 non raturxle t*, hx, PR EQUALIFICATION OF B IDDERS Pumuant to the Muthxxnaf, County PlXA. Cl»,tract H«v»tw Bixxd Ai*,««Ktniw RiXwe AB *0 0301 l*n«|»»rf«„ IX» 6 'Jut 1« it be mquxwl hx tt»s [inaect Ptw*ia*ftcatx», apphcatx»» i» s w w ' , rnuB he |»apamd <*x»xj the i«xx«l nt I»»» to it» (»1 date «»1 „»Kt t»i w tuirfy rarxxwil < |» « tn *t> » j to Multnomah County by not later than 10 ,lays pntx to txd <»»»»«, I X » »»»» Dtxate ot a x t**a n o e are avaMXe trom the Purthawxj D m x „ , L»*»»tn««,t at General Servtct». 2906 S E 11th Avenue PtxHar»l OP 97202 1900) 2*95111 MINOPTTV A N O FEMALE B USINESS UTILIZA TIO N Al t . x x n am hem by specitx»ty advned that It » * , oondaxxs raqu»» a mxwnum ot 5% ot the nxat txd anxxxit tor M»»xtty Bos»»*, bitwpnse |*t» *» n « « , », i» » ix n»»e ot the following subcontract aieas. and 0% ot the total ba) amount tor I « , « * , Bixx»w> Eoterprae parnofxitx», n or» or more ot the h*wv»«j aut> oontracl areas N O N D IS C R IM IN A T IO N Bidders on the a « x X vat t » rarjixred to comply ■Mtt the ixoywxis ot Pnderal Executrw Order 112*6 Tlx raqu»w,»»its tor ttaXXxs arxt Ccxitractuna am esjXa» »») n the Spaohcat»«» 1*1 txd m 8 txi reoenred or uxredered »»ess the txd oontar» a Staten*,t try ttm txdder as part ot he txd that the raqurrenwits of 279 360 279 362, 279 366 and 279 366 stxd he it »it No ixt»x«al a «* be cix*dem d ixXeee acotxtswxed by a (hack ixryatXe Io MXtrxxotX, County, cxxttfted by a ret*»xwrtXe b a » , or », beu than»,! a surety bond hx an amount equal Io ten percent 110% I ot 9 » aqqmqate ¡»’ » ■ M The successful balder Xiai fumet, a bond sstKt»1i«y to tt«, Hoard », the Iti arx»»it ot the txxttrat .1 '*ultt»»oali C<»xity reeer»», tt», i^ /„ to n*ei t any or t t t» h Seeled txds tor energy conservation construction at three 13) high rise apartment complexes will txi re< etved by the Housing Authority ot Port land (MAPI a’ 8910 N A o u lv iy Avenue Portland Oregon 97203 until 2 00 p m . POT. Tuesday July 9, 198b Foflowmg a short interval, the txds will txi opened and read aloud Hnktern may attend the brd opening Basically the w o rt consists of. but is not limited to, macherxcel/efectncel construction which includes the mstaHatKxi of heat pump domestic water heaters. a hydro pneumatic water system. time clock pump and tan controls, boiler turboletors. ixpe insulation storage tank linings and a boiler control system The work is to be performed m buildings de scribed as follows Northwest Tower 33b N A 19th Avenue Hollywood East 4400 NE Broadway, and SeJtwrxxJ Canter 1724 SE Tenino Prospective bidders may obtain one set of folding documents at the HAP office. 8910 N Woolsey Avenue txrtween 8 00 a m arxi 4 00 p m upon deposit of $20 which will tie refunded upon return of undamaged documents within ten (10) days after the bid opening Additional sets of plans or specifications may be obtained at $10 each which is not refund A pre bid inspection of the sites will be held on Wednesday June 19 commencing at 10 00 a rn m the lobby of Northwest Tower 33b N W 19th Avenue end will terminate at the SeltwrxxJ Center 1724 SE Tenino A HAP representative and the A /E project designer will be present to conduct the tour of the three buildings end answer any questxxis regard mg the work Contractors and parties interested m bidding these projects should attend this tour at the time indicated above inasmuch as no other pre txd inspection tour will be afforded A minimum of 20% MBE particiaption m the executxxi of this project »s a HAP requirement and the methrxls the txdder proposes in complying with this requirement is subject to HAP review and approval prior to initiating rhe contract No bid will be considered unless accrxnpenied by BID Security ,n the form of certified check cashier's check or surety bond payable to the Housing Authority of Portland in an amount equal to 10% of the bid to be frx twted as fixed and liquidated damages should txdder neglec t or refuse to enter into a contract and provide suitable bond for the faithful perform ance of the work in the event the contract is awarded to the txdder No bidder may withdraw a txd after the hour set for the opening thereof until after the lapse of sixty (60) days from the txd opening The Housing Authority of Portland may reject any txd not in compliance with all prescribed bidding procedures and requirements and may reject fn y or all txds, and waive ail in formalities if in the judgment of HAP it a m the public interest to do so Questxxis regerrimg this project should tie direc ted to Richard Jones at 283 4602 H O U SIN G A U TH O R ITY OF PORTLAND By W C Hunter Executive Director DON EJCHMAN Ptjnïwarq Drecttx NOTICE TO ALL INTERESTED PARTIES: O July 8 19HF. at 2 00 p m a hearing will tie held in the MultrMxnati County CourttKkuse 1021 5 W Fourth Avenue Portland. Oi-.gon to establish Azzie Winston as guardian of Taleathe Winston, a mincx for a personal injury lawsuit Objectxxis to this appointment may txi Ned with the Cxcmt Court or will txi heard at the time of hearing JOBS, June 19, 1985, Page 5