• a .» i* Portland Observer, June 12. 1905. Page 9 Pasta Antipasto Travel io Italy this spring with­ out leaving your kitchen! Sounds im ­ possible but it’s easier than you think with Pasta Antipasto, a unique, light meal with a special Italian zest Pasta Antipasto is a sensational mix of c»x>kfd macaroni, mushrooms, olives and red pepper tossed with bot­ tled Italian dressing. To complete this tangy dish, the dressing is also drizzled over tomatoes, hard-cooked eggs, artichoke hearts, sliced salami and cheese, arranged attractively and colorfully on a serving platter. W ith its special blend o f seasonings, the dressing provides the perfect accent for this meal that serves 8. Serve this beautifully composed meal with fresh, crusty bread and your favorite red wine, and you’ vt got a dish bound to please even at authentic Italian palate! 3 3 I % stacyadams® '/« pound provolone or mozzarella cheese, cut into strips P ortland So WE ALSO SELL KIDS' CLOTHES. HANDBAGS Corner of Union b Fremont (503)249 8546 SAFEWAY pound rotelle macaroni* cup (8 oz.) Italian dressing cup sliced mushrooms cup pitted ripe olives cup roasted red pepper, cut into strips Lettuce leaves medium tomatoes, sliced hard-cooked eggs, sliced cup cooked artichoke hearts, halved pound thinly sliced salami oi pepperoni are now in put your Florsbetms aixl yout Peddle Pushers to rest and step into Some fresh i/utvotfumi ’ today I Cook macaroni according to pack­ age directions; drain and rinse with cold water until completely cool. In large bowl, combine Vj cup bot­ tled Italian dressing, mushrooms, olives and red pepper Add macaroni and toss well On large lettuce-lined platter, ar­ range macaroni mixture, tomatoes, eggs, artichokes, salami and cheese; chill. Just before serving, drizzle with remaining dressing. Makes about 8 servings. •Substitution: Use Vt pound ziti or medium shell macaroni. PASTA ANTIPASTO Vi I I I Vt Attention Shoe Lovers! Center, St. Johns, 5920 N.E. Union & 6400 N. Interstate. Sales Limited To Retail Quantities. No Sales To Dealers. Black officers losing jobs by Jerry Garner Just when Black community lead ers say that more Black officers an needed to patrol Black communities more and more Black officers acros the country are losing their jobs. Tht is due to budget problems factnj many cities, the domestic policies oi the Reagan administration, and the administration's continued attacks or affirmative action plans. Many cities across the country are facing budgetary problems, resulting in mass layoffs o f city employees. Since 1979, the City o f Detroit laid o ff 631 Black officers. Black police in cities such as Cincinnati, Cleveland, Newark, Boston, Philadelphia and other large cities are facing the same problems as the officers in Detroit. T o make matters worse are the do­ mestic politics of Washington. The Reagan administration is proposing to eliminate federal revenue sharing to cities. I f this plan is approved, city officials will be forced to lay o ff employees, including police o ffi­ cers, This will affect many Black officers, for the simple reason that many Black police have less seniority due to past discriminatory hiring practices o f many police departments. The U.S. Supreme Court rules 6 to 3 that seniority prevails over affirm a­ tive action when it comes to layoffs. Since the Supreme Court ruling, the Justice Department moved to overturn court order decisions bar­ ring police departments in Cincinnati and Newark from laying o ff or de­ moting minority officers on the basis of seniority. The Justice Department also urged 50 slates to remove racial preferences from court-approved programs designed to remedy past job discrimination against minorities and women. As a response to the Jus­ tice Department's actions, the N A A C P filed suit in federal court against Attorney Cleneral Edwin Meese I II . The absence o f Black officers in Black communities will mean that Black citizens will continue to be har- rassed and brutalized by racist White officers who patrol their neighbor­ hoods. Cottage Cheese Blossom Time. 16-0unce Ea. Halibut Steaks Fresh, Catch 28 Of The Day! 59 Lb. Fircrest Fryers 3-Lb. Coffee S 4 W Premium Collee, Regular Or Drip Style 2 Ked Seedless Grai l>ra^)4 es C Flam e Tari, Crisp Flavor With Snapping Crunch! Oregon Fryer Parts $ 5 49 F ryer F ryer F ryer F ryer S a v e D p T o $ 2 .2 0 , N o L im it! B re a s t............ L b . $ 1 .7 9 T h ig h s ............ L b . $ 1 .4 9 W in g s ...................L b . 99* D ru m sticks... L b . $ 1 .3 9 B e e f S p a re rib s bbo G m m i ! Lb. 98* B e e f R ib S te a k s Lb. $ 2 .9 8 New White Potatoes Makes A Great Potato Salad* 4 $1 T T Lbs. A» Save Up To 5 6 Lb.. No L im it! S w e e t M ild O n io n s X c / Lb. 29* W h o le W a te rm e lo n Lb. 19* H e a d L e ttu c e lceb£ 'L , . , y Lb. 39* Soma waightirttar« taha a* many a» 250 vltamin tab­ lar* a day IV E flECORD CO N o r t h w e s t* L org«»’ G o s p e l Reco rd A Tope S elect »on» A u th o riz e d Z e n ith Color ( t ¿e/*« a nJ cSmtar IA ltS A IM V IC I StwCt IKJ2 W IM T JACKSON St O w a r G A IT A JACKSON C*Nit»ee TecAmcie« A !•**•« • **«*•> •' IN . Vancouver Portland, OR 97217 Ottica: Tm VM. 1 « Í *1 . . • * • jltl- ■ Z • . . •• • . • . .;-z •h . «> '- / K n /-