Paged. Portland Observar, Juna 12.1985 A P u b lic S e rv ic e o f th e _____ • Dinner - Piedmont Leave « id F W » , featuring ham and roast turkey dinners, Saturday. June 15. I I a.m - 4 p.m. « Piedmont Presbytenan Church, RELIGION UPOA TE 5760 N.E. Cleveland Home deliveries. Portland Observer For more information, call 285-5348 by Dee Armstrong A lb in a M in is te ria l A llia n c e Ueten for Biehop O enleli’ radio broadcast Sunday mornings. 7:45 - 800. on KAAR 1480 A M , as he presents to you the Bread of Life, God’s Word. I w ith th e o p p o rtu n ity o f a one-on-one interview with Evangelist Betty Titus o f Houston, Texas, the day was Monday, M ay 27 — Memorial Day. The place was Washington Park Rose Garden, where Minister Titus shared these thoughts: “ I have a burden in my heart for the churches and even more so, for the women. M y ministry is therefore two-fold, fin e , for all the people o f the Lord, the laymen, the deacons, the children, the teenagers. O h, Lord, the ministers, and God bless and help our leaders, the pastors. Tw o, the women o f the Lord, This is why I am where I am today.” The N a w B eginning Faith B aptlat C h u rch of Portland celebrated their annual "W om en o f the Brides o f Christ" Convention. “ As a guest speaker, I addressed issues that affected women, but still edifying to the whole church. Men love to attend our meetings." said Betty Titus. “ You would be surprised to know all the women from different denomina­ tions with different backgrounds but sharing many o f the same hurts and pains that must be ministered to by the Holy Spirit. These women have a ministry for Jesus but often unaware. God is going to raise up a church out o f these d if­ ferent denominations and churches. Women have a work; they do have a min­ istry. It may not be to evangelize nor to preach, teach and sing. But all o f G od’s people have a job to do in His Kingdom. "There is a scripture that we hear often in women's services, ’W ho can find a virtuous woman?’ (Prov. 31:10). W e look around for the mysterious crea­ ture, thinking one day I may reach this goal, when in fact a virtuous woman is merely a woman that fcareth the Lord and in doing so she shall be praised. These are «ime o f my little golden spirit-filled nuggets I share as I go,” Betty said. I f you did not get a chance to hear Betty Titus during her visit to Portland, her next stop is Seattle, Washington, at Northwest Evangelist Center Church, host pastor Elder Wood. Thu wefk’S UPDATE with food for thought: "Favor is deceitful, and beauty a vain " Welcome to the Betty Thue Third Annual Women’s Convention to be held August I • 4, I9H5 in Houston, Texas Betty Titus will be speaking with -r husband. Rev. James Titus, along with spe­ cial guests, Beverly Glenn of Los Angeles. CA; («orgia Wilson of Hot Springs, AR; Delores Kendnck of Seattle, W A , and others. For reservations please call Betty Titus personally at (713) 686-2964 or Helen Smith at (713)686-2964. They will be planning a tour of Houston for all of their guests who would like to tour the dty. There will be many other special events planned. "A woman that fearest the U x d , she shall be praised " — Proverbs 31:30 r* ALLEN T E M P L E C M E C H U R C H C o rn er of 8th and S k id m o re Sunday School 9 30am Sundav Worship 11 00am Christian Youth Fellowship 6 00pm (second and fourth Sundays) 84 N .E . K illin g s w o rth • 281 0499 " A warm spirit of fellowship always" -J * Un 7 30 p m 7 00 p m Sunday 9 16 a m Morning The Ark of Safety ! Church o f God in Christ TUMM» kuruin AeaAv 8Vwe W Ñama» OO the B W i jc tK u ^ - Worxhip YPW W Evangeli«« W orihip tt 15a m 6 30p m îuaaday Enday Noon Day Prayer 8 00 p m Friday "The Paator Speak• 7 30p m F o llo w peace with all n,cn.f- holiness Saturday w ithout which no Morning Prayer man shall sec the Cord 9 00 a m KM» A M KAAft M B M M Û U Berean Baptist Church 4822 N. Vancouver Ava. R im D ataa S T im s • 00 P M Candid, .Scm ifive. . .A l.ife-Changing Experience For Families Nationwide. T H E ST R O N G W IL L E D C H IL D Childish irresponsibility vs willful defiance. Understanding w u r guilt when disciplining vour ihild 63 nnn S H A P IN G THE W IL L W IT H O U T B R E A K IN G T H E S P IR IT How to assiK talc behavior w ith consequences When to let go of vour child and how. 60 min C H R IS T IA N F A T H E R IN G If America survives, it will be because lathers begin lo put their families at the highest level ot priority. 61 min. PREPARING EOR A D O L E S C E N C E : T H E O R IG IN O F S E L F D O U B T The secrets of self-esteem 50 min. PREPARING FOR AIX3LESC F.NCE: PEER PRESSURE A N D S E X U A L IT Y Physical changes, sexual dcs-clopmcm 48 min W H A T W IV E S W IS H T H E IR H U S B A N D S K N E W A B O U T W O M E N : T H E L O N E LY H O U S E W IF E Sources ol depression in wsimcn. l.ow sell-esteem Absence of romantic love in marriage. 4** min. W H A T W IV E S W IS H T H E IR H U S B A N D S K N E W A B O U T W O M E N M O N E Y , SF.X A N D C H IL D R E N Materialism a root cause The maior sexual dit- Icrcncc Menstrual and pswhologkal problems 34 min. Building Up Your Family ■' «• • ' ; "s ' i» Ms Diane Green. West Coast Regional Coordinator o f New El Salvador Today (N .E .S .T .), will be speaking at a Coffee and Dessert re­ ception on Sunday, June 16th at 7:30 p.m. at the First Congregational Church, 1 I2 6 S .W Park in Portland Ms Green accompanied Berkeley City Mayor Gus Newport on a fact­ finding tour to El Salvador in March of this year. Then visit included trav­ eling in regions controlled by oppo­ sition forces fighting against the gov­ ernment o f El Salvador. The group withsuxid a 40-minute rocket attack while in the rebel-held area o f Chalatenangn Province, El Salvador. The atiack occurred as the group was making its way to San Antonio Los Ranchos, Berkeley’s Sister City in El Salvador, lo examine destruction caused by aerial bombard­ ments, shelling, and ground sweeps by government troops. Contributions and the $3.00 admis­ sion for this event will benefit devel­ opment projects sponsored by N .E .S .T . in El Salvador. Kids aged 6-12 have the opportun­ ity to attend four special low-cost summertime "day camp” sessions through The Salvation A rm y’s M ixire Street Corps Community Center, FOCUS ON THE FILM SERIES The Portland Branch o f the N a­ tional Association for the Advance­ ment o f Colored People will meet Sunday, June 16, at 4:00 at the Van­ couver Avenue First Baptist Church, 3138 N. Vancouver Avenue. Rev, O. B. Williams is the host pastor. Each year since 1978 when the N A A C P National Convention was held in Portland, the Portland Branch has participated in the program known as the Afro-American Cultural Tech­ nological Scientific Olympics — A C T-SO . This is a contest for young people to give them an opportunity to compete on other levels than athletics. The N A A C P Youth Group, headed by Youth Advisor Lucious Hicks, promoles A C T-SO . The tryouts have been held, and on Sunday afternoon awards will be presented as follows: First category. Visual Arts: 1st place, Joy St. John — photography; 2nd place, Vicki Barnett — photog­ raphy; 3rd place, M ary Debnam, — drawing. Second Category, Performing Arts: 1st place, Donna Eason — dra­ ma; 2nd place, Patrick Minner — vo­ cal; 3rd place, Sharon Davis — ora­ tory. Third category. Science: 1st place, Kivesie Harmon; 2nd place, Anna- marie Gisvold; 3rd place, Leslie Kyle. Fourth Category, Humanities: 1st place, Sharon Davis — poetry; 2nd place, Annamane Gisvold — Original essay; 3rd place, Andrea Slater — poetry. Day camps set PRESENTS FAMILY John H Jackaon M m i.ta , M Ed Overall winner on points is Donna Eason, and 2nd is Patrick Minner These two will go to the N A A C P na­ tional convention in Atlanta, June 21, 22, 23 to compete nationally. The Portland Branch N A A C P would like to send the next two point winners if the money could be raised. " It is heartbreaking to have this fine talent, and not he able io afford to send them ," branch President Ora Nunley stated. Contributions to A C T -S O will be gladly accepted. M ail to Portland Branch N A A C P . P .O . Box 11367. Portland, O R 97211. M D 9 30 A M Church School 11 00 A M Congregational Worship 5 0 0 P M Veaper Sarvtce 10 00 A M Baptism Fourth Sunday 11 00 Communion Each F«rat Sunday The American Baptist Convention, American Baptist Churches of Oregon Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention: National. Oregon, Portland Ecum enical M inistries, A m erican Bible S o ciety , M & M Board. BEREAN BAPTIST CHURCH Father's Day 4822 N. V a n c o u v e r A ve. 284-2334 Dads P A C announces a grand Father’s Day picnic, Sunday June 16, The site is Creston Park in Portland near SE 43rd and Powell, picnic area A . All fathers and their families and fnends are invited to help celebrate fatherhood. This is a “ Bring your own picnic and beverage" affair. We have several games planned and will supply items for the games. Those interested in a baseball game should Nathan Barnett, Pastor IB Theology • M Dnaratyl Services: 9 30 a .m ., Su n d ay School 1 1 :00a.m ., M o rn in g W o rsh ip 6:00 p .m .. Evening W o rsh ip The Barnetts b Berean welcomes your family A t Berean w e em ph asize building strong fam ilies. Y o u ’ll gat solid Expository Biblical Preaching i t Teach in g. bring a mitt and bat. Activities start at noon, rain or shine. The picnic is free. For more information call John West at 642-7089 ( (immunity Directory and profile* A ds O r. This P a g e A r e O f l o t a ) B u s in e s s e s Thot A rc H e lp in g B uild A B e tte r C o m m u n ity AUTO E lonza J. E d w ard s (P astor) YOU ARE W ELCOM E TO W O R SH IP AT THE M O U N T O LIVET B A P T IS T C H U R C H N .E . First ft S ch u yler • 284 1964 NAACP to fete ACT-SO El Salvador *4 L Tukkdky Band Thurkday Chow Rabaarxai 284 6023 - May 2B - J una 2 Juna 14 - J u ly 7 - J u l y 14 - Aug 4 — A ug 11 5335 N Williams. The camps, divided into week-long segments, begin June 17 and con­ clude July 12. Cost pet week is $20 for M ixire Street members and $30 for non-members. "Camperships," where The Salvation Army help-, pay camp costs for families in need, are available. Activities will include arts and crafts, swimming, field trips, over­ night camping, movies and competi­ tive sports events. For more information, call the Moore Street Center at 282-2572. M IS C E L L A N E O U S BROAD i WAX, 307 N E. B ro a d w a y P o rtla n d . OR 97232 (5031 284 1106 Attorney at law ■ T ï/M a fr JASPER L. AMBERS 234-7466 • B 9 t r RENTALS RENTALS Injury, Accidents Criminal Defense Wills/Probate Drunk Driving/Traffic Divorce Juvenile B ro ad w ay Exxon C o m p ta ta C ar C « 'S C an tar Artae P ta d v c ts T o w t n g U t v « « Oaortca ati fa ta ta n • d o m a a tK a Owr m ách em e C h vch « n e a e w « t e o. Owfy l * M » W a opan I U M $ 8 1 11 t u n a a y • « > 4 M a m a » ta tta n M a la g a « 519 N E B ro a d w a y 284 5060 Rent to own T V Stereo VCR vdeo game» b m o v fa Fran W h ite Appliances b T V. U) BEAUTY jo’bell’i • Se*ee h Serva m tn bu—r>eee »or I t » • On« of »M world • 'noet B E A U TY b B ARBER SU P P LIE S ■ XaMk fc W . 0 H — 284-0804 ' C' 5834 N E U nion A va 15031281 8393 M o u n » > Wo,. t m m c tgtwited t«xhn•« 707 NI FRIMONT a i 8626 F R ID A Y S B tA U T Y S U R P L U S WhoUtaale and Retail W e carry product* that an lenn in Jet and (bony M aga/'ne Open 9 a m 8pm 3617 N t 16th» 7«» 0363 W H Y BE BALD? B roadw ay JEWELRY ELK C L E A N E R S b LAUNDRY PATON JEWELERS M o« atilt I E s ta b lis h e d m 1912 a n d pro vid in g qud lity dry clean in g 1 )• jm«m«1x 1014 N K illin g s w o rth 500 N W 23rd A v e n u e .it« h fx («•»»«•Ir* . S 1 S .in ih TW ’ <» » ■ F n O ty lO e « N’ »» ••» 11 p ■ 1240a« SeiwOay YOO a « l2 4 0 i« 8 « 114 0 p ■ SwaOey ♦ DO |)ijm««n .u rg tot 281 9495 U N IT Y O T LO VE C * PHARMACY *1 0 * e • Covnre» Az««« (W *«ne '«r * w e »uwMa i-M M I !' 16 N M o rris St Rorttend O reg o n 97227 a i 9931 » 1 «676 fi« Professional Services BEAUTY SALON 8 7 2 0 N .E . U N IO N 2 8 34 12 3 Gospel convention The 16th Full Gospel Pentecostal AsstKiation National Convention will be held June 16 - 23, 1985 at Em ­ manuel Temple Church, 1032 N . Summer, Portland, OR 97217. Events are as follows: Sunday, June 16, Sunday School Day; Mon- day, June 17, Music Day; Tuesday. June 18, Fellowship Day; Wednes- __June 19, Evangelistic Day; day. Thursday, June 20, Women's Day; Enday, June 21, Youth Day — Bless­ ing of Babies; Saturday, June 22, People Awareness — Bishop's Day, and Sunday, June 23, Ordinations, Association Promotions. ’ » . ' » J * . r . ra . y*-. I