Voa*'» *• ee*^e »■ Ubl w i9R - 4 i- J Page 6, Portland Observer, June 12. 1905 0 ssx~-e • SPORTTALK• SPORTTALK• The Lakers take it all in 85 The greatest thing about writing a weekly sports column is the time that is allowed to see the whole picture. I f you haven't detected my eastern bias by now I'll make it easy fo r you: I was rooting for Boston. K. C. Jones had a little to do with it, but I honestly thought that Boston had the better team. Magic called it; the best team did in tact win. The Los Angeles Lakers are the 1985 N BA W orld Champions. The l akers took the title in the 6th game in the lamed old Boston (Iarden. Another benefit o f writing weekly, lor die-hard spoils fans, is, I don't have to waste our time with a bunch o f worth­ less statistics. The final score was 111-100 and Kareem showed his hips. All o f the nonsense about the team that controlled the hoards would win the game went up in smoke. Boston out rebounded the lakers 54-44 in tfre final game. So much lor stats. The home team advantage theory went out the window in this senes also, and L A. won twice in Boston and the Celts won a game in L. A. Now tliat we've eliminated the stats, let's get to the tieart o f the senes — the players. Kareem must have taken that first game embariassmeiil personally, because I k - smoked Robert Parish for die rest o f the scries. I couldn't be­ lieve how bad Parish lixikcd in Game 6 'I lie t h ie f ” played as though Ins hands were made o f stone. Reach­ ing for the ball and looking for Ka­ reem simultaneously is a definite b ixi boo. Magic Johnson has to gel my vote lor the most complete ball player in the league Guarding a man 6’9 " , with speed, continually bringing it to you from all angles, has to be the epi­ tome ot an exercise in fu tility . Magic is just a bigger Oscar Robertson and that, friends, is scary. W orthy, Rambis and Kupchak played some gixxl ball too and their efforts can't be ignored but here's a Hash for you. Michael Cooper was the killer dillcr. Every basket that C ixip made was like a knife in Bos­ ton’ s heart. Think about the number K A R E E M A B D U L JA B B A R o f times he drilled the net from the lop o f the circle while playing that 2-man game with Kareem His bas­ kets seemed to come at the most cru­ cial limes, too. Whenever Boston would make a run, Riley would gel Coop in there and suddenly l .A. would move out. I said that to set this up. He not only played on the o f­ fensive end, he shut Bird down cold. Poor shooting is just as much gixxl defense as it is a pixir shixinng night. Bird could only make a shot when he could gel someone to pick Cooper o ff and ro ll to the hoop. I'm not tak­ ing anything away from Bird, but ab­ solutely no one has given Cooper credit for the defensive job that he did on Bird. Think about it. Pat Riley is still another example that former N BA players make better coaches in this league. Riley was ter­ rific. I'm actually a bit embarrassed that his coaching skills had escaped me before now. Riley had his team prepared for everything in Boston's arsenal. He substituted liberally and flawlessly throughout the playoffs. The Lakers played so many people that everyone on the team was ready to respond to Riley's call. The Lak­ ers played basketball with imagina­ tion and instinct and I enjoyed watch­ ing it. Why do I think that former players make better coaches? The best example that I can give is the fact that four coaches in the Conference Championship gomes were all former N BA players: Pay Riley and Doug Moe in the west and Billy Cunning­ ham and K. C. Jones in the cast. Boston's side o f the ledger won't take long because i t ’s pure and sim­ ple, they just couldn’t put the ball in the hole That leads us directly to Larry Bird and his dismal shooting performance in the final series. Blood just couldn't buy a basket against the laker quickness. There’s no doubt that Bird can think out there but nat­ ural instincts w ill win out in the long haul o f a 7-game series. A p ixir shinn­ ing Larry Bird is better than most players in the league but the Celtics desperately needed the real Bird. Not letting the press make excuses for his performance has to be admired and respected when you consider how the media tries so hard to tout him as the greatest player in the his­ tory o f the league after only 6 seasons. Bird displayed a glaring deficiency in matching quickness with opposing forwards in the league but he also showed that he is not, by any means, a one dimensional player, la rry didn't have to deal with quick forwards until the Laker senes. That, coupled with the defense o f Michael Cooper, can cause a lot o f shots to hit the front o f the rim. There's no way to describe the performance o f Kevin McHale. Even you Laker fans have to acknowledge his ability as a player. Sure, he goes over the back when he’s trying for the defensive rebound. Sure, he pushes o ff when he’s jockeying for position under the hole; they all do. There’s one other thing for sure. too. Kevin McHale is a ball player. One last note: Blazer fans can now take solace in the fact that the team which eliminated them from the play­ offs were the eventual 1985 NBA W orld Champions Lite N B A /P ro A m B asketb all League Portland D on't dismay, basketball fans, there's still more ahead. This time around it will be a little closer to hixix- AN AMERICAN LEGEND IN THE MAKING. AND A LEGEND MADE THE AMERICAN WAY. Not many years ago. Danny Sullivan was driving a taxicab in New York Now h e \ driving the Penske M iller American 2 0 0 ♦ rnph Indianapolis 5 0 0 entry In the years in between, Danny proved him self In Formula Three In Formula One In Can Am And in CART Just like Danny and Indy car racing, M iller is also uniquely American It's a beer ttiat's been made the American way for over 100 years Ever since F redenc M iller put his beer into clear glass bottles, so that everyone could see just how good and pure ,i beer could be So next tim e you're in the mood for a < old one. grab yourself a Miller It has jx irity you can see Quality you can taste And. like Danny and Roger Penske. a record of success. MADE THE AM ERKAN WAY. See Danny Sullivan drive the Miller Indy car at the Portland 200 on June 16 I H o w a rd A very, o f th e S u n *, cau g h t doing w h a t ha does boat: co n tro lling the ball and o rch es tra t­ ing h it te a m 's o ffen se (Pohto: Jernigan) The 1985 Lite Beer P ro /A m Summer League has o fficia lly begun. The ac­ tion will be taking place at Irving Park and all o f the local skywalkers have been fueled up by the N BA playoffs. It w ill be a repeat o f the same fast paced, grueling basketball that you witnessed last year in the Kuz-ins Summer League. The only change has been the sponsors. Due largely to the efforts o f Wally Scales, Director o f Community Relations for the Port­ land I rail Blazers, the 1985 Sum mcr League has taken on the flavor o f an NBA contest. There's a 24-second clock and a J-point circle to add to the excitement. The Kuz-ins, Byron, Tracy and Dennis are still running the league and they have upgraded their efforts o f last year The community needs what is being offered over at Irving Park, so let’s go over and lend some sup­ port and see some gixxl basketball Sjvace permitting, I w ill attempt to print the schedule each week so you can see your favorite teams in action. In an attempt to whet your appetites, I'll run down a tew o f the players and their teams. I'll start with my main man, Howard Avery I coached Howard a lew years ago, so maybe I ’m partial, but I think he’s the best guard that ever came out o f this slate. If you have never seen Howard play, check him out. Howard is playing for the Suns. The Lakers are strong and boast the high-powered guard combo o f Terrel Cage and Greg West Bobby Flowers, Mark Strutt, and Mark Radford make this squad a definite contender. The Rickets are led by last year’ s M V P , Ricky Lee and former Grant star, Andy M o ll. Amos " S ilk '' Allen has former Jefferson standouts, Phil Hopson and Keith Jackson, running with him on the Nets. The 76ers w ill rely heavily on the d irty left hand o f Charles " D u ffy ” Jernigan. The name alone should strike enough fear for at least 30 points, " D u f fy . " The Bucks are led by I.eRoy Ellis and Jimmy Winters. Trail Blazers ticket hike The Portland Trail Blazers an­ nounced Wednesday that prices will increase next season on less than half o f the tickets available in Memorial Coliseum. Increases are from $19.50 to $22 50, fro m ^ l.5 .5 0 to $18 (X) and ^ jtL E T IN •< V .1 Are you tired of your hair being a part of a science project? Does it look like a classroom experiment? Well — Lashay’s has the answer to your problems. They have the best line of products to suit your needs, also a courteous professional staff that will take care of your hair care needs. And if your hands are out of place, we have a manicurist at LASHAYS PLACE National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 284 7722 3806 N. W illiam s Ave. • 281-3136 A Rübke Servtce of the (By A ppointm ent Only) Portland O h & rv tr I Form er G rant A ll-S tar, Richard Hollis (center), appears to be an interested sp ectato r at th e U te N B A /P ro -A m S u m m e r League at Irving Park. (Photo: Jernigan) from $14.50 to $16 .00. There will be no increases for tick­ ets priced at $13.50, $12.50, $10.50. $8.50and $7.50. In a letter to season ticket holders, the club pointed out the necessity for additional revenue to remain com­ petitive in the NBA Par, o f the revenue w ill come from gate receipts and part from ancillary programs such as radio, television and cable •