Portland Observer, June 12, 1986, Page 3 METROPOLITAN ATTENTION!! CHECK CASHING Harassment reported by Lamia Duke P rii*-w in n in g Lincoln High speech teem members (from left) Bever­ ly Anderson, Kim McGuinness. Allyson Aranoff and M elanie Morris. Students win speech honors second in poetry and was a finalist in serious interpretation. Senior Melanie M orris, a first- year member, won the state cham­ pionship in expository speaking. Sophomore Kim McGuinness became the state oratory champion. Also winning points for the team were Kate W righlson, Chris Wilson, Emily Harris, Kegan Roberts and Tom Anderson. Other Lincoln stu­ dents competing at slate were Marion Voorhies, Joe Akhavein, Erin Hunt, and Heather Howard. The Lincoln High School Speech Team won the first championship irophy ever awarded at the O.H.S.S.L. Slate Tournament held a, Portland Slate University last month. Eighty- eight schools competed. Lincoln's top winner was senior Beverly Anderson, who placed third in serious interpretation and first in poetry. Senior Allyson A ra n o ff, who has won both the city championship and the U. o f O. championship in poetry for three consecutive years, placed Bring food to Friday game Many donations o f fix x l and cloth­ ing are received during the holiday season and throughout the Spring months. However, the need continues to rise as more families and individ­ uals have emergency needs. More fix x l is needed now! As the summer months begin, few­ er fix x l donations are received. Peo­ ple begin planning and taking vaca­ tions. But there is no vacation at FISH — the need continues Bringing fix x l to the Breaker game will help I educe that need and provide help to many. If not attending the game but would like to make a dona­ tion, fix x l items can be taken to the FISH office at 1335 SE Hawthorne For more inform ation about services or needs o f FISH Emergency Service, call 233-5533. Breaker fixitb a ll fans have an op­ portunity to help Portlanders with emergency fix x l needs by bringing fix x l items to the home Breaker game on Friday, June 14 at Portland Civic Stadium. The fix x l is in short supply at E1SH Emergency Service. FISH is a non­ profit volunteer organization serving emergency food, clothing and shelter needs o f over 12,500 families annual­ ly in the Portland area. The Breakers are supporting ef­ forts o f FISH by creating the oppor­ tunity for their fans to bring fresh, frozen or canned fix x l items to the Friday, June 14 game. Volunteers o f FISH will be at the 'fish barrels’ lo­ cated at entrances to collect the much needed donations. Young Turkey Drumsticks lb. Frozen Whole Watermelon S w eet'n Juicy. (Cut lb 18) lb 29 14 Kab Powdered Detergent M ot W ith Fabric Softener Banquet Dinners .79 5 Varieties. Frozen 11 to 12 o i ........ Coke Products All Flavors 8 p a c k 1 6 o z Bottles 2 99 h* ♦ Dep 1 79 SE 20» h h D IV IS IO N Forest Orove 2329 PACIFIC 14410 SE D IV IS IO N SE 72nd E» FLAVEL Oregon City 878 MOLALLA 3966 SE POWELL NE 1S»h b FREMONT Canby 1081 SW 1st NE 74th b OLISAN W BURNSIDE • »21«» LLOYD CENTER HILLSBORO 960 SE OAK SAN RAFAEL 1910 NE 122hd T R QBBQBI L L GRASSROOT NEWS, N W — (X iilining a pattern o f police harass­ ment o f two fam ily members o f Tony Stevenson, the Black United Front de- cned the non-response from the C ity Attorney when incidents o f harrass- ment were reported. Tony Stevenson, a 31-year-old Afro-Am erican, died after a Portland police officer incorrectly administered a sleeper hold A public inquest found the police officers guilty o f criminally negligent homicide. However, three weeks later, a secret grand jury ex­ cused the actions o f the police by failing 10 return a indictment against the officers involved. Officers Gary Barbour, who ap­ plied the hold, and Bruce Pantley, who claimed Stevenson struck him, returned to duly last week. At a Monday morning press conference, Rutuue Herndon, co-chair o f the Black United Front, said their return to duly leaves the comm unity “ shixked and angered." "T h e manner in which Barbour applied the sleeper hold violaied the department's own pnxedures, which slate that the hold musi never be ap­ plied on a person when standing. Ai no point did Barbour use the iwo lake-down maneuvers officers are taught lo use.” Herndon slated During Ihe public inquest, eye witnesses testified that Barbour jumped on Tony's back while apply­ ing the hold. "T h e police trainer said this should not he d o n e ." Herndon added Also, Pantley testified that he told an ambulance employee ihai they had a man who was not breathing. " A t no point did he or other o ff i­ cers use mouth-to-mouth resuscita­ tion. On any other jo b , if procedures are ignored and a life is lost, termina­ tion o f employment is immediate,” Herndon noted. Tyrone Harvey. Stevenson's younger brother, was slopped by a police officer and lold. "W e ’ll gel N e w S to re Located in N .E. P o rtla n d Wnkuwrk)»« luw »tx, i ex mh ,uv'i F»» k »n,l M»9 Wrth Ha.a 9nix»»k mon», 'ab uv«t »..« gat M»a i.rwa - S mon«, a*' i.»ga«*»e« b m you. You got yours co m in g ." Harvey was not charged with anything. Also, Stevenson's father reported that he was being followed Herndon called for an invesiiga- txin by ihe Justice Department. “ Our hope is tempered by the realization ihai ihe hxal U S. A ttorney’s office has noi filed a civil rights suit in be­ half o f a Black Oregonian in the Iasi 15 years." Herndon added. "A lthough ihe Reagan Adm inistra­ tion's Justice Dejsarimeni has done its best to dismantle 20 years o f C ivil Rights gains, we still hope the Justice Department lives up to the mandate to protect the civil rights o f all c iti­ zens," he concluded C h ic k Cashing Open 7 Days 1 2 p m 10 P M CHECK CASHING 4601 N. Williams Ave. 28 7 5605 a ¿ fa u td , ô fr e ttù tÿ . Çcatc f 6 CREEKSIDE VILLAGE RETIREMENT RESIDENCE 5450 SW ERICKSON BEAVERTON, OR 97005 FEATURING I or 2 Bedroom Apis, with Kitchenette Full meal service Maid Service Bus Service Tv-Telephone t=i • • • • • • Utilities furnished Security System Theater A Dance Productions Mini market Bank Beauty/Barber Shop • Pharmac •cy Library, Hobby Area 1. He • Greenhousc/Gai Greenhousc/Garden • Gift Shop • Social A Religious Programs NO BUY IN OR LEASE REQUIRED CALL 643-9735 For F rw BrocTux« and Information 10041 WOUS'XG OPPORTUNO» TOURS DAILY — RESERVATIONS BEING ACCEPTED A I A I K I Is! M l N I Learning center bv Nathaniel S c u l l The Black Education Learning Center w ill hold iis 15th year celebra­ tion Saturday, June 15 with a lund raiser benefit at Portland Slate U n i­ versity’ s Smith Memorial Center Ballroom. The event, scheduled to begin at 7 p m ., w ill feature a number o f events, including piano selections by Janice Scroggins; performances by ihe T a lk­ ing Drum Dancers and the Jazzmin Jazz T rio, and a host o f speakers including former sludeni Nicole Threadgill. who w ill be entering Spell­ man College in Atlanta, Georgia, this fall. But beyond the fix x l and enter­ tainment, adults $15 and children $5, this w ill be a celebration o f Black history and Black culture. The educational center was found­ ed in 1970 because there was a need; one ihai still exists, to teach Black children about their cultural heritage, the center's director, Joyce Harris said. "T h e purpose behind slarting ihe center was that Black children were noi receiving (in ihe Portland public schixils) the kind o f education that reflected their culture.” Faced with that dilemma, 15 years ago, Harris, Ron Herndon and Frank Wilson, an attorney who now works in ihe attorney general's office in Hawaii, founded the private school. The school began as a summer school program in 1970 and in 1974 it became a full-tim e private elementary school. This year, the kindergarten through the fourth grade school served 23 full-tim e students. And recently, according to the "M e tro p o l­ itan Achtedvement Test,” the Black Educational Learning Center's stu­ dents “ tested way above the children in the Portland public schools," Harris said. Harris maintain that the school's academic program is “ very rigor­ ous" while emphasizing that “ the purpose of Ihe program is to make certain our (Black) children are aca­ demically proficient.” Furthermore, Harris said, we teach the basics: reading, w riting and arithmetic along with an emphasis on Black cultural life. And this year, she said, all o f our students studied Span­ ish in addition to learning basic, key concepts (counting, salutations, etc.) in Swahili. » .4 / '•'"TT* » » -i Scientologists™ Are Helping to Solve the Problems of Education Am erica is today laced w ith the harsh (act that tens o l m illion s ot its citizens sim ply cannot read or w rite A cco rding to U S Departm ent of Edu­ cation statistics, more than 23 m illion adults approxim ately one out of seven are fu nctio na l illiterates they cannot read w rite or (u n c tio n a d e q u a te ly enough to do such sim ple things as b a l­ ance a checkbook or understand a bus schedule Each year according to Departm ent ot Education estimates, another 2 3 m illion enter the ranks ol the nation s illiterates When one looks for an explanation ol these alarm ing figures. Ihe use of p o w e r­ ful psychiatric drugs in the schools loom s as a m ajor factor As lar back as 1970. the C hurch o l S cientology pointed out how c h ild re n as young as six were being dosed w ith large am ounts o l Ritalin D exedrine and other destructive psychiatric drugs A report published that year in FREE­ DOM the C h u rc h s independent news journal disclosed that some 300.000 Am erican sch oolchildren between six and twelve years of age were being given heavy doses ol am phetam ines to m o d ­ ify their overactive classroom behav­ ior Up to 30 per cent of the s c h o o l­ children in some areas were m aintained on the m in d-crip p lin g drugs In case alter case over the years the C hurch of Scientology has shown that psychiatric drugs have dam aging and d eb ilita ting effects They have no place in the schools Schoolchildren whose lives have been wrecked by drugs can however he sa l­ vaged Tens of thousands of people have come oft drugs th rough the work of the C hurch of S cientology and have gone on to lead happy successful and p roductive lives Psychiatrists and psychologists have taught that a p e rso n s IQ does not change S cientology has shown that this is not true, a person s IQ and a bility can be increased S cientology does this routinely The C hurch has seen that children classified by psychiatrists or p s y c h o lo ­ gists as hyperactive' are in fact expe­ rie ncin g study d ifficu ltie s w hich can be resolved in a relatively short perio d ot tim e H yp e ra ctivity” and "learning d is ­ a b ilitie s " in c h ild re n are ro u tin e ly handled in S cientology w itho ut drugs U s in g th e te c h n o lo g y o t s tu d y researched and developed by S c ie n to l­ ogy Founder L Ron Hubbard, children can advance three grade levels in their reading and m athem atical skills in 20 to 40 hours Many success stories' trom children, their parents, and their teachers attest to this Thousands of teachers the w orld over more than 5 000 in Africa alone have been trained in tfie use ot this valuable technology In c re a s in g ly e d u c a tio n a l g ro u p s schools and businesses are using this technology having seen that the door to success in tile opens when one can effec lively study From the prestigious D elphian School in Sheridan Oregon to the black town ships o l Soweto in Johannesburg South Atnca and from the executives o l major co rp oratio ns to the individual seeking to better him self hundreds ot thousands ot people are using this te chn olo gy and doing better in hte as a result Psychiatric front groups object to our work and to our stand against drugs Arid ot course the vested interests they represent howl in protest when the de Structive results o, psychiatric drugging are exposed by the C hurch As more and more people are treed by S cientology from the harm ful eftects ol drugs the psychiatrists find tewer and fewer custom ers tor their m ind-num bing wares As children find the world of learn ing open to them through the study tech n olog y ot S cientology the idea ot taking drugs becomes unacceptable and even abhorrent Psychiatrists cannot tolerate this, as their livelihoods depend upon a drugged population Despite psychiatry s attem pts to p ro ­ tect its drug m onopoly however Ihe dem and lor S cientology s study te c h n o l­ ogy continues to grow The education ot our child re n is our n a tio n s future S cientology has the answer to successful education For turther information call Toll Free 7-800-367 8788 Church of Scientology* Office of Special Attairs 1413 N Berendo St Los Angeles CA 90027 " l i t « r a tr a