Jobs Classifieds MENTAL HEALTH Em ergency H o m e Cere Provider« Family or couple to provide short term emergency shelter for adults expenenc ing mental and emotional crisis. Include a monthly stipend of $400 Providers will receive intense support and training from mental health professionals North/ Northeast location required Call or write for applicaton: N o rth /N o rth e a s t C o m m u n ity M e n ta l H ealth C enter 310 N E Oregon Portland. OR 97232 239 8871 Case M a n a g e r 2 $8 56-$10 78 per hour; requires BS in services or social sciences with a practi cum and one year’s experience or 2 year s experience, performs complex direct social service work involving a broad range of clients and a spectrum of services for the Aging Services Division; apply by June 21, 1985 WHERE TO APPLY: Multnomah County Courthouse 1021 S W Fourth Ave , Room 134 Portland, Oregon 97204 Mental Health Center 310 NE Oregon Portland, OR 97232 239 8871 Applications received until position filled Equal Opportunity Employer MENTAL HEALTH Direct Cere Work A A /E E O Employer At group home for M R /D D adults Pert time b on-call. Experienced only- Valid Oregon driver’s license $3 40 hr. to start Call TYPESETTING 'Z z ' Z Z Z Z ..Z Z Z z z Z Z / _ or »end resume to Blue Goss and Blue Shield of Oregon h n w in d 0»portm«n> Sit 100 SW M » k .l Portland O « 9 7 7 0 1 Program M a n a g e r Salary Range $2,447 to $3,127 per mo Excellent Benefits The Department of Environmental Quality is seeking a man ager for its hazardous waste program The position requires a solid technical background in environmental control or hazardous waste statutes and rules, and proven management skills V alu atio n M a n a g e r $33,616 $43,764 annually, requires seven years of experience in property appraisal and administration of ad valorem taxes; apply by June 28. 1985 H o m e Cere Provider Live-In Individual or couple to provide 24-hour supervision and support for five mentally ill adults Skills in home management, cooking and the ability to work with mentally ill adults Contract salary ap prox. $850/monthly plus room and board, plus relief staffing beginning immediately Minorities encouraged to apply Applicatons available from N /N E Community Blue C ro u and Blue Shield of Oregon otter» on «.ceMent employee benetit» package H ob work hour*, ond competitive »alary Pteow apply HAZARDOUS WASTE Planner $11 47 per hour; requires three years professional planning experience. Mas ter's degree in Planning or Urban Studies may substitute for one year; apply by June 21, 1985 H V A C Engineer $12 34 per hour; requires five years of training and experience and a welder cer trficate; apply by June 21, 1985 Equal Opportunity Employer The m houw Printing Dopo