Jobs ................................ ......... t< < m Classifieds ................... % n *< ; 7 •si P i N % IS O R S s r a lfle based P r o p e r ly 1 » a s u a l l s I n * C o s e e ls * 2 * u p e s r s is o r s l» l p o s itio n re .p o n s ib le fo r c o n s o lid a te d in te r n a l S ta tu to ry fin a n c ia l v ir t u « \A IC annual tim i a n ti l u n f i l .1 b u r e a u f l h n t f t m i p o s i t i o n r i '» n i n t ih i« - fo r i.A A H A tto u n iin a 'i« » t C o *« A t r o u n lln a A P la n n i t i M R e q u ir e d q u a ilf l . »H unt HA a t t n u n lln tf 4 v r s r t p m 4 b t n r a r e a s p lu s s u p e r s is m n P re fe r P u b l ic a c rl e s p CPA a n d p r o f» . t e n t s in l . t i i u s I 2 J I f y o u o u a lliy a n d a r e lo o k i n « »o i n r in i h f b e a u t i f u l N o r t h w e s t p le a s e s e n d r e s u m e A ■«alars r e q u i r e m e n t s i o 1 n l a a r d S e t u r l l s In c < o P e r s o n n e l H id a « lia a i M 2 4 in H e lle s u e . W A • Jobs Classifieds CABLE TV OFFICE AIDE Installer Needed Prepare at home for Post Office Clerk Carrier employment exams Write H a lf-tim e Entry Level Clencal position is open at the Vancou ver Housing Authority IV H A ). Salary range $451 $575 a month Duties in­ clude typing, filing, simple posting and preparation of standard forms Requires minimum 40 W P M typing, ability to work with numbers accurately and basic English composition Resume will be accepted in person on Thursday, June 20, 1985, from 10 a m. to 1 p.m. and on Friday, June 21, 1985 from 2 4 p.m at Federated (OR6) Vancouver Housing Authority Box 3006 Hattiesburg, M S 39403 500 Omaha W ay Vancouver, W A Experience preferred Applications taken till June 14 at PCI Cable TV 025 S .W . Sherman Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer HELP WANTED $20.000 Yearly Possible Equal Opportunity Employer SIGNAL lecHKÌcÌAH * T R A Ittl Trainee: $1.412 - $1.727 Tec hnfcftn: $1,626 - $ 2 .0 5 8 The Oregon Department of Transpor­ ta tio n , Highway D ivisio n, is accepting applications fo r the above p ositions. These positions are located in Salem and Portland. Vacancies are expected in Salem during June. A Signal Technician in s ta lls , te s ts , and repairs t r a f f ic signal control devices. These d e v ic e s in c lu d e c o n t r o l l e r s , e lectronic masters, and speed measuring equipment. Contact ODOT Personnel, 419 Transportation Bldg Salem, OR 97310. (503) 373-7663 f >r q u a lific a tio n s , re c ru itin g and application information. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE EARN $4.87 HR. Design Change W e N eed Assistance in evaluating and responding to daily work reports submitted by our agents throughout the state No experience necessary; paid to complete training Work at home For information send self addressed, stamped envelope 9V4 inches long to: Flashing arrow sign Only pennies daily to operatel Almost free advertising $297 complete, was $499 Perfect condi tion Warranty Call Hale Signs 1 8 0 0 4 2 3 0163 anytime AWGA, Dept. E SCHOOLS/INSTRUCTION Northwest Nannies Institute First state licensed vocational Nanny training school in Oregon Free place m ent/incredible demand Contact NNI 710 N E . 21st Portland, OR 97232 Tel (503)234 4671 INVESTMENTS Stop Paying Federal and State Taxes on interest from savings and CD’s by in vesting in Oregon Tax exempt municipal bonds FREE bond list Tom Moore 1 800 452 0956 Page 14, JOBS, June 12, 1986 HELP WANTED Int'l Student Exchange Org seeks individual (p /t) to find homes for high school exchange students. Exclpay (509)639 2652 BUILDING MATERIALS Pole Building Kits Complete building packages. 1/sliding door, 4 / colored walls, 6x6 poles, 24x36x10 $1,850, 24x48x12 $2,450; 30x60x12 $3,350 Many other Labor and financing available sizes 1503)263 1806 TV/R A D IO or M iscellaneous for Sale 50% and more off retail Major brand CBs, Scanners. Marine and 2 Way Radios. Radar. Stereo, Satellite Free calaloq Call 405 721 7677, 7312 C h erokee Plaza Oklahoma City, OK 73123 Dealers wanted Box 49204 Atlanta, GA 30359 FOR SALE Real Estate FIFTEEN ACRE mountainside forest/ pasture, modern house, great view $134,900 owner financed Also adjoining 9 acres with mobile home Newberg. 503-538 3923 or 538 3144, ext 418 HOUSE FOR SALE 4113 N E Garfield 2 Bedroom b newly decorated and riew furnace $28,000 10% down $275 jrer month Please call 297 8071