ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS PORT OF PORTLAND INVITATION FOR BIDS ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAL PORTLAND INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT LEMON ISLAND MOORAGE RELOCATION SITE PREPARATION Sealed bets for energy conservation construction at three 131 high nee apart,»«,! .u m p le .e . will be re rn v n t by the Housing A uthn ntyof Purl land (H AP) at 8910 N Woolsey Avenue Portland Oregon 97203 until 2 00 p m . PD T. Tuesday July 9 1986 Foknymng a abort «larval, the Sealed tads for the Portland International Airport. Lemon Island Moorage Relocation Site Preparation will be received by the Purchasing Manager of The Port of Portland. 700 N E Multnomah Street. Portland. Oregon (mailing address Post Office Bos 3529 Portland. Oregon 972081 until 2 00 p m . June 26. 1986 and thereafter publicly opened and read M IN O R ITY B USINESS ENTERPRISE IM B EI INCENTIVE PROGRAM A 2 PERCENT B IDDING A D V A N TA G E W ILL BE GIVEN TO BIDDERS txds wkl be opened and read aloud Bidders may attand the bto open«g R aw ally the work c o n w ta of. but « not limited to. mechanical electrical construction which include« the .n.taHahon of heat pump domestic water heater», a hydro pneumatv water syltem time dock pump and fan control», boker turbolator». pipe «suletion. storage tank knmga, and a boiler control system The work is to be performed in building» tie scribed as follow» Northwest Tower 336 N W 19th Avenue. Hollywoito Last 4400 NE Broadway and Sellwood Crriter 1 724 SE WHO 1 HAVE BEEN CERTIFIED BY THE PORT OF PORTLAND AS MBEs. OR 2 EMPLOY SUBCONTRACTORS THAT HAVE BEEN CERTIFIED BY THE PORT OF PORTLAND AS MBEs AND ARRANGE FOR THEM TO PERFORM WORK THAT REPRESENTS NOT LESS THAN 10 PER Prospective bidder» may obtain one set of bidding document» at the HAP office 8 9 ,0 N Woolsey Avenue between 8 00 a m and 4 00 p m upon deposit of »20 which will be refunded upon return of undamaged documents w ith « ten 1101 day» after the bto openmg Add.,« m at sets of plan» or specification, may be obtained at »10 each which is not refund able CENT OF THE TOTAL DOLLAR AM OUNT BIO A pre t»d «sp ec!««' of the sites will tie held on Wednesday June ,9 commencing at 10 00 a m « t h e lobby of Northwest Towei 336 N W 19th Avenue and will terminate at the Sedwrxxt Canter. 1724 SE Tenino Scope S«e (mpareotsi tor rNocal»« of a houeabo« m uorap «during deawni ■to (pubbtog rkedgng appmsmWeN 25.000 « 4 » yen*. (4»x g appros m aM y 29.000 cube yank of 18 material and [SertoU rod. *< > protect»« A HAP repreeentative and the A /E protect designer will be (xeeent to conduct the tour of the three buikkngs and answer any quest.xis regald mg the work Contractors and [ interested in bidding these protects should attand this tour at the time indicated above inasmuch as no other A prabtt «inference w8 be held at 11 00 a m on Tuoertey. June 18. 1986. ixe bto inspect«« tour will be «ffonled « Osrtraence R.*-«' 3 0 0 6 « » « lemsnrt B.Afcig « Pnrttand « ter.w ts.el A»,s to to .*■ .vs«. "* 19 was» of tf w ea to, to the Project Steve J»maan A itnnrtHim of 20% MBE perhoephon « the e.ecution of this pro|e< t is a HAP requirement and the methods the txdder proposes in complying with this requirement is subpret to HAP review and approval prior Io initiating the « « tr a c t (9001231 5000. Est 748 Bate must ! • on the tad form w b tt. w4 he proaaded to [to «s« tive tetters ■to usjst ba ecoomparsod try a certjfted or caafser s check d e c « on a t > ettel States task or a t r i bond [«yalSe to The Port of P>tott.l « «< amount to at « « to (jerrent of the total ■ n .x n t tel Bddere are, to prequskfy Pmguaafsats. s ta ir« « ,« .nuto te nsesasl « mast 5 days (toot to the nme sat tor bto oparxg Appfcabona tor prerM * » canon mey be submated Isas then 5 days before opanexi. but coreriaret.« by Prto cannot be assured The drew»MA «to oontrect nrw xri mey tie s u r r a : at Port o * » C op« mey b e . jfitaeert by m «per true tekkrs at no n e t Attn Its« e cried to the provwote of the O e g .« Reveerl Statutes 279 380. ,rovtttog that worKais be pettprevaAngv^ga rates THE PORT OF PORTLAND Starkey H Jones Ptachaeng M eagre No bto will be considered unless accompanied by BID Security in the form of certified check cashier s check or surety bond payable to the Housing Authority of Portland in an amount equal to 10% of the bto lo b e for farted as fixed and liquidated damages should btoder neglect or refuse to « .te . « to a contract « to provide suitable bond for the larthful perform ance of the work « the event the contract .» awarded to the btoder No bidder may withdraw a bid a ft« the hour set for the op«.,ng thereof until aftm the lapse of Sixty I80I days from the bto opening The Housing Authority of Portl«to may reiect « .y bto not in compliance with all prescribed batting procedures « to requirem «.!» and .nay reject any or all bids and waive all informalities ,f « the ,udgmm.t of HAP it s « the public «..west to do so Q u e s t« « , regmding this project shook! be directed to Richard Jones at 283 4602 H O U SIN G A U TH O R ITY OF P O R Tl A ND By W C Hunter Executive Director NOTICE TO ALL INTERESTED PARTIES: On July 8. ,986 at 2 00 p m . a heenng win be h e tt « the Multnomah County Courthouse. 1021 S W Fourth Avenue Portland Oregon, to establish Avne W m stix. as guardian of Taieett'« Winston a rrxrxx tor a personal «jury lawsuit O b je c t« « * to this appointment may tie Ned with the CxcuH Court or w * be h e « d at the time of hearing JOBS. June 12.1986. Paae 5