Jobs Classifieds Jobs Classifieds P LANNING ASSOCIATE PLANNER CLINICAL SOCIAL W ORKER C ode E n fo rcem en t O fficer Washington County, $1,79242,179/mo. Interprets the County land development ordinances and processes violations Re quies college level training and respon sible experience in planning or related fields. County application forms re­ quired resumes NOT accepter) Apply by June 21, 1906 to W a sh in g to n C o u n ty Personnel 160 N. First A v e .. R o o m B 2 Hillsboro. OR 97124 Land D e d v elo p m en t Washington County, $1,792 $ 2 ,179/mo. Processes and reviews land use applica tions Requires college-level training in planning or a related field and response ble experience in land development review or related current planning areas Washington County application forms required, resumes NOT accepted Apply by June 21, 1906 to W ash ing to n C o u n ty Personnel 160 N. First A v e .. R oom B 2 Hillsboro. O R 97124 M u s t H ave A C S W , R C S W Eligible General out-patient caseload in com ­ munity mental health center. Supervi sion of 2nd year social work students within multidisciplinary training pro­ gram New A C S W preferred Variety of treatment approaches used Minimum salary $22,000 Good benefits package Resumes, including references, please, postmarked by July 15, 1985 D ealun ay M e n ta l H ealth C enter 5215 N Lombard St. Portland, OR 97203 Equal Opportunity Employer Equal Opportunity Employer Equal Opportunity Employer ELECTION TE C H N IC IA N COFFEE SHOP SECRETARY W ash in g to n C o u n ty $1,156 • $1,406/m o Services, repairs and supplies all votomatic and ballot boxes for elections in the County; main­ tains election records and supplies Re quires responsible office experience, with experience working within the elec tion process preferred County applica tion forms required, resumes NOT ac cepted Apply by June 21, 1906 to W ash in g to n C o u n ty Personnel 150 N. First Ave , Room B 2 Hillsboro, OR 97124 A tte n d a n t Needed for coffee shop serving approxi mately 100 employees/guests per day. Must have 1-3 years experience in similar setting. Neat, clean and personable indi­ vidual must be able to handle variety of tasks at one time — cashier, ordering, serving, clean up Able to purchase sup­ plies, assist with menu planning and maintain daily cash receipts. Oregon Food Handlers Card required. Apply at 1601 S .W . Jefferso n Portland D ead lin e, Ju n e 21,1986 Im m e d ia te Full T im e Position available for busy department. Heavy typing, phones, and filing Must be able to type accurately 60 W P M , compose correspondence ndependentfy, ability to prioritize and organize Knowl­ edge of office methods and machines. Beginning salary $978 48, good benefits Please apply by Friday June 21, 1905, at Personnel D e p a rtm e n t American Red Cross 4200 S .W Corbett Portland, OR 97207 Equal Opportunity Employer Equal Opportunity Employer Equal Opportunity Employer FLEET M A N A G E R W ash ing to n C o u n ty $2,648 $3,218/m o Directs the activities of the County's Fleet Management Divi­ sion, including the acquisition, utili­ zation and disposition of fleet vehicles and construction equipment Requires increasingly responsible experience per­ forming fleet management activities including fleet purchase and equipment maintenance; and college level training in economics, business or public ad ministration, accounting, finance or related areas County application forms required, resumes NOT accepted A|>ply by June 28, 1906 to W ash in g to n C o u n ty Personnel 150 N First Ave , Room B 2 Hillsboro. OR 97124 A FFIR M A TIV E A C TIO N DRIVERS W A N TE D V o lu n teer D rivers State of Oregon Travel and lunch expenses reimbursed Call 229 5660 HELP W A N TE D Nursing (H o m e H ealth Aids) Needed for immediate home assignments M ed ica l Personnel Pool 234 0968 care Equal Opportunity Employer M /F LET ME TYPE YOUR Reeum ea • T erm s Papers • Letters Submit your State of Oregon Applica tion IPD100I to Announcement Number OC85O277 Applications must arrive at Personnel Division 156 Cottage St., NE Salem, OR 97310 by July 1, 1906 Applications may be obtained at Person nel Center, 775 Court Street, Salem, (Oregon 97310 or at any State of Oregon Employment Office. Announcements may be obtained at 775 Court Street, as wb N Equal Opportunity Employer Fast Equal Opportunity Employer A c cu ra te Phone (603)886-7423. ask for Cathy Page 2, JOBS, June 12, 1 9 » .to r ’» O ffic er With Adult and Family Services Division monthly Salary $1,917 - $2,447. Excel lent Benefit Package * I PLANS A N D SPECS N e w A rrivals Daily Available at: N o rth ea st Business C en te r 4232 N.E. Union Ave. Portland, Oregon 97212