Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 05, 1985, Page 7, Image 7

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    Portland Observer, June 5, 1985, Page 7
A huge talent
in a sm all p ackag e
Daw-c I ucas proved hei-sdf to be a
one-woman gang last week at the GS&A-
LLS Bank state Class A A A track and
fwkl meet in Eugene Denise parlayed
ha talents into 32'/i individual points
I f you're not impressed by that, kxsk at
it like this. Willamette won the boys’
title with a total o f 34 points for their
entire team effort. Denise's 32'/i points
was higher than any o f the other boys'
teams at the stale meet
Inspite o f Denise's heroics at the
meet she received hardlv a mention in
the media The Saturday Oeeoruun car
ned a blurred color photo o f the Beaver
ton mile relay team savonng their vic­
tory. It’s no coincidence other that the
front page photo o f the Rose Festival
Queen was in black and white Too
Danse has steadils improved in her
years at Jefferson High School and in
this licr final vear, she has left no ckxibt
as Io her competitive nature and her
willingness to achieve. This diminutive
young lady has heart for days. Here’s
how Denise capped her career at the
state meet:
• Long Jume — Winner, Denise
Lucas, Jefferson, 19-6.
• 400-Meter Relay — Winners,
Jackie taylor, Sedrice Phillips, Ma­
rissa Minniewcather, Denise Lucas,
• 100 — Winner, Denise Lucas,
Jefferson, 12.27.
• 200 — Winner, Denise Lucas,
Jefferson, 24.84.
• 400 — W inner, Denise Lucas,
Jefferson, 55.56.
Jefferson and Madison tied for
second place with a team score o f 44
points. Beaverton won the team title
with 46 points.
T h e K a re e m a lw a y s
rises to th e to p
Kareem played Game No. I as
though he was a legend in his spare
time and Boston trounced the L akers
pitifully, the big man gathered himself
and has played games 2 and 3 as if the
exorcism d idn’ t work and he’s still
The Lakers lead the series 2-1 going
into the fourth game at the Forum
Wednesday night. Kareem is the elder
statesman o f the league at 38 but
he’s playing as though he were 28.
there’ s no secret to it, as goes Kareem,
so go the Lakers. Pat Riley has made
the correct adjustments and L .A .
starts with the big man on the offense
and on t he defense.
The most basic fundamental o f
team basketball has always been to
establish dominance in the pivot both
offensively and defensively. On the
offense this w ill force the defense
inside and create good percentage
shots from the perimeter. Michael
Cooper and Bob M cA doo have han­
dled that end. On the defense the
backcourt turns eveything to the
middle for the big guy and are in
perfect position to run the fast break
on a missed shot or steal. Fundamen­
tal basketball no matter how you
slice it. Magic and W orthy haved
handled that end. Rambis is doing
all he can to allow the Lakers a second
chance if anything fails. Superman
has sure enough handled his end.
There’s no need for you Boston
fans to panic at this point, but unless
K. C. can come up with something to
get Dennis Johnson closer to Magic,
panic time is closing in. Pat Riley
made a monster move when he moved
Magic over to guard Ainge. Remem­
ber that it was just last year that K. C,
switched D.J. over to Magic and
turned the series around. L .A . was up
2-1 at the time, too. make no mistake
about it, D. J. w ill give Magic a fit if
he can get close to him.
The media has made a big deal
about the physical nature o f the last
two games and that's ridiculous.
Have you ever watched a final series
that was not a contest o f strength?
Boston has won championship upon
championship by beating their oppo­
sition to a pulp. Jim “ Jumgle Jim ”
Luscatoff was the league’s hatchet-
man for years while wearing the kelly
green o f Boston. Tom Heinsohn was
a scoring machine when he played for
Boston because he physically wore
out the people defending him. The
great Philadelphia team o f 1967 had
a brother named Luke Jackson that
would make last year’ s McHale-
Rambis confrontation lix ik like a
square dance. Where were these w rit­
ers when Boston’s Sam Jones picked
up a stool and charged W ilt in the
championship scries? These players
have been bumping heads all season
and suddenly everyone’s talking too
physical. If a player can’ t take the
pushing, the shoving, and the txxiy
contact in the N B A , then he should
start looking for a day job. Long­
time Portland writers should be
ashamed to talk about this series
being loo rough. Take Maurice Lucas
o ff the Blazer championship team and
discuss the Blazer chances. I ’ ll never
forget how Luke busted Dawkins up
side his head and turned the series
Game No. 3 was rough because o f
the importance o f going I-up in the
series. Both teams had to have that
win at all costs. Boston must take
one game in L .A . to survive. The new
D e rm e Luces poees on her d o m a in . the J e ffa ra o n H igh School track.
(Photo Richard J. B row n )
format o f 2-3-2 dictates the inten­
sity that the players have exhibited
Maybe the fans and players w ill
begin to appreciate the job that te r ry
O ’ Brien did as leage commissioner.
Since the new commish has been in
office, the draft has been changed to a
7-team lottery, which was a joke, and
now the final format has been changed
to save money on airfare. The incen­
tive to play for the home team ad­
vantage has all but diminished in the
2-3-2 set-up. Boston has three players
that make at least SI m illion per year
and L .A . has one player that makes
S25 m illion and the league wants to
cut costs in their showstopper.
A final note: it sure sounds strange
not to hear Larry B ird’s name men­
tioned in every breath by the com­
mentators and writers The new M V P
has been in a blue funk thus far, so
let’s watch closely to sec how the tag
o f greatness fils on his chest. Kareem
has certainly shown why the great lag
was placed over his ticker.
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F rat Team
G — Istah Thomas
G — Magic Johnson
C — Moses Malone
F — Larry Bird
F — Bernard King
l ’.
Second Team
G — Michael Jordan
G — Sidney Moncrief
C — Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
F — Terry Cummings
F — Ralph Sampson
’ »
N B A M V P V o tin g
Larry Bird. .............................763
Earvin Johnson...................... 264
Moses M alone........................ 218
K Abdul ,abhar.................... 206
Terry Cummings.....................138
Michael Jordan.......................134
Bernard King......................... 70
Sidney M oncrief.................... 65
•Voting by sdecicd media members.
For those o f you that were looking
forward to our coverage o f last week’s
Boys State G olf Tournament at Glen-
doveer G .C., I apologize When we
went to press the tournament had not
been completed and I chose not to do
the story unless I could do it justice.
Kevin Newborne, the P IL medalist
from Grant High School, ran afoul o f
the (reclined Glendoveer irack and
encountered all sorts o f trouble on his
way to a first-round score o f 89
Competing for the first time in the
stale tournament might have added a
few strokes to Kevin's score during
that first round because Kevin bounced
right back for a smtxith 76 in the
second and final round. It was a case
o f a little too late this year but this
youngster will be back.
G o lf is a sport where learning how
to win is as important as your final
score and the experience that Kevin
has gained through this competition
will undoubtedly be utilized in his
quest for championships.
Byron Kelly represented Benson
High School at the tournament but be
had a tough two days. In Byron’ s case
it was: “ Some days you eat the bear
and some days the bear eats you.”
The bear ate good fo r tw o days on
Byron shot an 89 in the first round
and an 83 in the final round. Dude
was something to see because he never
lost his composure or sense o f humor.
He was going against the best that the
state had to offer when his game sud­
denly deserted him. T h a i’s enough to
make a grown man cry but Dude
just hung in there and tried to be
Keep the names o f Kevin New­
borne and Byron "D u d e ” Kelly in
your minds because they w ill soon be
two o f the top golfers in this area.
They have had the opportunity o f
starting early and they’re gaming
that valuable exposure that eludes
most young Black golfers. Hang
tough fellas!
While I was following these young
men around the course I could not
help but notice the support that the
other golfers had as they attempted to
reach for their stars. Byron and Kevin
had only myself and their fathers.
You Leisure Hour members need to
be spanked and I ’m going to do it.
If this would have been a dance,
there would’ve been 100 members in
attendance and all dressed up. As
members o f the Western States G o lf­
ing Association it is our responsibility
to encourage and support the Junior
G o lf program. Where were you?
These young men came up through
the Leisure H our program and when
they needed you most, you aban­
doned them. “ I had to w o rk " w ill be
the typical response, I ’ m sure, but it
o r the month
, ]
doesn’ t wash. I can catch at least
five you at Broadmoor, on any week
day, playing with the "B u m s ." the
time has come for Leisure Hour to
return to its intent, to encourage and
support junior golf A N D the junior
You c a n 't w in
th e m all
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C lo s e d M o n d a y
— --
Hot dogs
B ar-B-Q ue Ribs
Ham burger
H om em ade Soup
French fries
Grilled Cheese
Eggs, Bacon
Fried potatoes
D in n e rs
Cook's Choice
1329 N.E. Fremont •
I e
B A R -S B A C O N
Ammusi mi nt
Scientologists Expose
Government-supported Psychiatric
Abuses of American Citizens
The Church of Scientology has. for more
than 30 years been one ot the most effective
organizations in investigating and exposing
government-funded psychiatric expérimenta
tion carried out on American citizens often
without their knowledge and consent The
Church has stressed that Americans must be
free from such abuses and dangers
In 1975 for example the Church revealed
documents it had obtained under the Freedom
o, Information Act (FOIA) which detailed the
work of Dr Amadeo Marrazzi a psychiatrist at
the Missouri Institute ot Psychiatry Marrazzi
had been involved in the CIA s mind control
experiments since 1951 and had conducted
illegal LSD experiments on his patients with-
out the knowledge of patients guardians or
his superiors
Following the Church's revelations Mar
razzi was brought belore a Senate hearing and
accused ot having devastated an 18-year-
old psychiatric patient with LSD
Despite the irrefutable evidence ot Marraz-
zi s crimes the Department ot Justice retused
to take any action against Marrazzi and
ordered the case closed altogether
In 1979 the Church exposed massive Army
experimentation using a m ind-crippling psy­
chiatric hallucinogen, nicknamed BZ This
drug, classified as up to 100 times more pow
ertul than LSD was given to hundreds ot sol­
diers at Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland during
the 1960s as part of a government sponsored
psychiatric research program
Recently the Church released FOIA docu­
ments which showed that blacks were singled
out lor use as human guinea pigs during
extensive testing ot LSD and other destructive
hallucinogenic drugs in a CIA funded
research program at the National Institute ot
Mental Health (NIMH) Addiction Research
Center in Lexington Kentucky
Such documentation is evidence that the
government has been heavily involved in psy
chiatric experimentation on American c iti­
zens. and that U S agencies have been
supporting the psychiatric establishment with
massive funding despite the fact that psychia
try has been lound to be alarmingly ineffective
in bringing about its stated goal mental
Moreover psychiatry s dismal statistics and
its appalling results raise serious questions
about the government s support and use ot
psychiatry For example
• In 1983 the Church s newspaper FREE
DOM reported the staggering fact that psy-
chiatnsts were incorrectly diagnosing 50 per
cent ot their patients as mentally ill when they
were actually suttenng from only a physical
• The suicide rate among psychiatrists is
more than 50 per cent higher than the suicide
rate tor the average citizen in the United
• a : • , •
per cent ot all Bi ■ w I
rnit suicide have had previous psychiatric
• in ,i study ot nearly 400 reported1 ase
murder, suicide rape arson and kidnapping
it was tound that each person responsible tor
the act bad either been recently under the carr­
ot a psychiatrist or had not long before been
released from a psychiatric facility and
• T rie I,si of pay« h i. it ty a t.niiin", (( fiorr (y
Charles Whitman the infamous Texas
Tower murderer Juan Corona brutal killer
of 25 migrant workers in Yuba City California
Mark Chapman killer ot John Lennon Robert
DeSalvo, better known as the Boston Strangler
James Earl Ray assassin of Dr Martin Luther
King Jr Lee Harvey Oswald assassin ot Pres
ident John E Kennedy and Sirhan Sirhan
assassin o, Robert E Kennedy
the list is
endless All ot these murderers had a history
0, psychiatric treatment prior to committing
these murders
» •
♦ Ir' ‘
t» • •
• -
For lurther inform ation call Toll-Free / 800 367 8788
Church ot S cientology’ , Office of Special Adairs
1413 N Berendo St Los Angeles CA 90027
o ’ S c * F ” « * O 9 y Sc+ntoKtgr Scr»n»o4«>g<lf » ' r t ih » Sr: * « t t A » Q r < » o * » » •
jjt r Ç j
í t ’ . ” -:
The Church has made numerous submis
srons to Congress and to other organizations
detailing the damaging ettects ot psychiatric
treatment and ex pen mentation on our citizens
and calling tor an end to government funding
ot this destructive unconstitutional use o f t a x
payer monies As a result of the Church s
exposure ot the Army s BZ testing tor exam
pip the Army agreed to destroy their stockpile
of this drug thus preventing its further use
In response to the Church s effective
actions in exposing these experiments and in
campaigning tor an end to government sop
port ot psychiatric drug testing government
agencies have occasionally mustered attar k s
against the Church but our work to educate
American citizens and to bring about a relorm
ot such abuses will not be deterred
The Church ot Scientology believes that
freedom Irom brutal psychiatric treatment a, J
drugging is one of the basic rights ot all men
and we will continue our campaign to reform
not only psychiatry itselt but also the govern
men! agencies who have supported and con
doned the psychiatric comm unity s abuse ot
the rights of American citizens
• •
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