Page 6, Portland Observer, June 5, 1986 9 by Hoy L t t Jem igan Sports E d ito r • • SPORT TALK • SPORT TALK • • tvse cnif «m aton community Team ¡wéfcSBi £55¡U¿¿*. Bynxi Dude Kotty of Benson High School, takes it all in stnde after posting first round 88 Som e days are better than others. Dude (Photo: Jernigan) Under the gaze of a proud Bill N ew bom e, PIL medeliat. Kevin N ew borne «tick» a short w edge close to the cup during first round action at state. (Photo: Jernigan) M cCord hike John Kelly and Benson head coach Robin HW are probably dis cussing Byron Kelly's promising future on the golf links (Photo: Jernigan) The Forestry Center is offering a guided hike to McCord Creek Falls on Saturday, June 15th in celebra­ tion o f the Fifth Annual Columbia Gorge Appreciation Weekend. For registration and further in fo r­ mation, contact the Forestry Center, 0 3 3 S.W. Canyon Road, Portland, (503)228-1367. For a complete list o f hikes occurring this weekend, con­ tact Friends o f the Columbia Gorge, (503)241-3762. Hoop cam p offered If there has ever been an offer that couldn't be refused, Tom McKenna’ s Grant Girls Hoop Camp should rank up there with one o f V ilto Corleone's infamous deals. Here's the offer. From June 17-21, at Grant High School, Coach Tom McKenna will be joined by a star- studded cast o f guest instructors to offer city kids the opportunity to meet local coaches and to learn some great basketball techniques while having fund, the cost makes the deal even sweeter, just $25.00. The list o f guest instructors include: • Andy Mcloskey, assistant wo­ men’s coach at OSU. • Deb Weston from U. o f O. • Duse < Quisled, t.ciid coach at the (J. o f Portland. • John Lee, head coach at PCC. • Joan Bonvicini, head coach at Long Beach State • Mark Radford, former player at OSU and Seattle Sonics. • Darrell Tanner, U. o f Washing­ ton and Central Washington. • Ken Trapp, from Clark Com­ munity College. •Jack Ramsay or Bucky Buck- waller from the Trail Blazers. Tom McKenna is an excellent coach in his own right but when you add the guest list that he has com­ piled, not taking advantage o f this op­ portunity would be criminal. I he camp is open to any young lady o f Jr. High and high school age. C O M M U N IT Y TE A M CHALLENGE II Saturday, June 29, 1986 • 12 noon - 5:00 P.M . Delta Park DON'T MISS 0UTI BE A PART OF THE MOST EXCITING EVENT OF THE SUMMERI Form a team of 12 people and com pete for exciting prizes in events, such as: 3-legged races • team relays • egg toss • long jum p obstacle courses • volley ball • tug of w ar • dunk tank and more 11 To register your team , call 286-2066 Deadline: Friday, June 7,1986 Come onll Accept the Challenge!! T rn was gray Speaker, the great American baseball player, known as the "Gray Eagle" because of his hair and his speed in playing the outfield. MADETHE AMERICAN WAY * l o o " ’ ,. Co<»,w — SMORO^ ( „ y r t o « 1® " 0 ' O n 'Y »ov iia ” on OuO«’ * ’- The O'Vn'P'°'1 7¿Cen’ e' rane" 7 Mbe*0 a Ransom Um« ' " «0»' 5.30 P coo’ a 4’ î 87.9883 Q \ V ^ P '° BffH BflfWfO Bt Ml I FR KHf WIKCCO MUS ftl ses® ; i w