Portland Observer, June 5, 1985, Page 3 METROPOLITAN aa Sickle cell anemia drive The Portland Sickle Cell Anemia Foundation is launching a paper drive during the M onth o f July Please save all o f your clean paper (no magazines, mag cards, etc.), Taylor stated Mrs. Taylor, who is the Executive Director o f the newly established foundation, is a former genetic counselor for SCA and holds a BA in business and education, but states she has a First­ hand education in Sickle Cell Anemia because an immediate fam ily member is a victim o f this deadly disease, which strikes prim arily Blacks. One out o f every 12 Blacks are carriers. Taylor hopes the newspaper drive is as successful as a benefit musical held this past March at Allen Temple Church where the late Ira M um ford was a member. Mrs. Taylor attributes much o f the success o f that musical to Rev. M um ford, who not only helped Bicycle skills Bicycling for Fitness and learning to improve bicycling skills are topics o f two 3-hour classes scheduled by the Park Bureau’s Outdoor Recrea­ tion in June. A bicycling skills session from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m . Sunday, June 9, w ill concentrate on gear shifting, effective braking, signaling and road position. Participants will meet at Sunnyside Park, SE 34th and Yamhill The fitness session is designed tor intermediate riders who w ill learn stretches, pedaling with cadence, and hill climbing techniques for aerobic benelits. This session meets at Nor- mandale Park, N t 57th and Halsey, at 1:00 p.m. Saturday, June 15, and goes until 4:00 p.m ., also. ta ch session has a $3.00 fee. pay­ able in advance to C ity o f Portland, and mailed to Outdoor Recreation at its new address, 1120 SW 5th, Room 502), Portland. OR 97204. Fix- mlonnaiion number is 248-1018 Africa fund dance Saturday Students at M t. Hood Community College w ill hold a dance to raise money for the USA fo r A frica fund Saturday, June 8, from 9 p.m. to 1 a m., in the Vista Dining Center. "Three students came to me and said they would like to do something to contribute to the fu n d ," said Ozelle Hazzle. student activities cixirdinator. "T h e y presented the idea to the ac­ tivities committee and it was ap­ proved." The music fo r the dance w ill be provided by Hazzle. Admission is $2 for M H C C students, $3 fo r others. Call 667-7260 for more inform ation. Jewish federation supports HR 2001 The Board o f Directors o f the Jew­ ish Federation o f Portland has voted to support H B 2001, joining with those many other comm unity groups which have asked the State o f Oregon to divest itself from corporations whose business practices make pos­ sible the continuation o f the abhor­ rent system o f apartheid. implement the musical, but sang with the Portlanaries Taylor says a van w ill be centrally located in late July for those wishing to make news paper drops, i f you wish to have your clean newspapers picked up, please call 249-0023, 281-4070. or 645-7642. Young people wishing to participate or anyone else desiring to drive cars, trucks, help stack, etc., are asked to call one o f the above numbers. Youth program Each o f Portland’s Five city sup­ ported youth service centers has re­ cently developed a new delinquency prevention program called the Neigh N»rh e tea « «»’ ■ ee* »«*»*« « ae»e w th u» be»« >»>«»««» >e»i <>»«• S««e t.m« e>vtl root»«» e" togeihe« "T h e kids had a lot o f jo b s," he continued. "M o s tly the men would work with cattle and the women cooked most o f the food. The kids would play games like tag." Shamsud-Din said he wanted to give children's imaginations a chance to lake o ff. "Y o u can do a kx of fancy things in artwork but a child is not necessarily going to understand. I think they enjoy sim plicity." Zululand is on permanent display at the Children’s Museum, which is free and open to the public Tuesday through Saturday from 9 a m 5 p.m. In adition to Zululand, the museum offers exhibits o f stuffed animals, art classes, a child-scale grocery store and a huge basement clay shop.______ h •*” * Ch^ck Cashing O pen Days 12 p m 10 P M cV CHECK CASHING 4601 N W illia m s Ave. 287 5606 A Ç cmc f 6 CREEKSIDE VILLAGE RETIREMENT RESIDENCE 5450 SW ERICKSON BEAVERTON, OR 97005 C reek S ide V il l a g e FEATURIN G 1 or 2 Bedroom Apu. with Kitchenette e Full meal service e M aid Service e Bus Service « Tv-Telephone ta toutl "OuSikt OPPORIUNItt « Utilities furnished e Security System e Theater A Dance Productions e Mini market e Bank e Beauty/Barber Shop « Pharmacy Library, Hobby Area Grecnhouae/Garden G ift Shop Social A Religious Programs e e e e NO BUY IN OR LEASE REQUIRED CALL 643-9735 Par P»w Brocfxx« »na miormaUon TOURS DAILY — RESERVATIONS BEING ACCEPTED Ride with the Loan Arranger. If the horses under the hood of Old Paint arc out to pasture, come to the Loan A rranger-T he Ben). So instead of plodding along, you'll be riding high in the saddle. O r high-back bucket seat, as it were.