JobsC lassifieds CITY OF PORTLAND Operational b Perform ance Auditor $ 2 .4 1 8 /m o . to start. Apply by Jun e 21, 1985 All positions include City paid benefits R E S U M E S W IL L N O T BE A C C E P T E D Apply to: Portland Civil Service 1220 S .W Fifth Avenue, First Floor Portland, O regon 97204 or Urban League 10 N. Russell Portland, Oregon 97227 SECRETARY/RECEPTIONIST R a d io S ta tio n F ro n t O ffic e Heavy phone ft typing, accurate 60 W P M m inim um , pleasant phone manner (Excellent English), gram m ar, spelling, punctuation. M inim u m 2 years secre tanal experience. P o rtla n d Observer P. O. Box 3137 TELLER M ULTN O M A H COUNTY C o rre c tio n s H e a lth S u p e rv is o r Part T im e $25.140 $32,677 annually, responsible for operation and coordination o f health Join our friendly staff at the Benj Frank hn Part tim e openings St Johns. Van care delivery within the assigned cor rectional facility; requires B S N degree and 5 years nursing experience or equiv couver and N .E . Portland locations. 20 hours per w eek Process transactions on our on line system , provide assetar*» alent: apply by June 14, 1985 to uEtornors ar*1 VfA assx-iatxxi |xrxkxts A d m in is tr a tiv e S e rv ic e s M a n a g e r A g in g S e rv ic e s D iv is io n $12 04 $15 65 per hour, duties include planning, organizing, coordinating and directing the adm inistrative and servir«» Rrxxuni six nxxittis i « i i twrxfcfx) exjwnence arx) [jutAc contact lOkey arx) ht/it typing Previous teder or nXrtl sales exp Ajxily n pervio at