Jobs Jobs Classifieds NOTICE TO ALL INTERESTED PARTIES On July 8. 1986 at 2:00 p m . a heanng w8 be held n the Multnomah County Courthouse. 1021 S.W . Fourth Avenue, Portland. Oregon, to establish Azz» Winston as guarían of Taieetha Wnston, a minor, for a personal injury iawsKt Objections to the appointment may be Bed with the Crcurt Court or w i be heard at the time of heanng NEEDED: Minister of Music Choir Director/Organist for NE Church (pert time) Send resumes to: Worship 12170 SW 128th Tigard. OR 97223 HELP W A N TE D DRIVERS W A N TE D Nursing (Hom e Health Aids) Needed for assignments immediate home care V o lu n teer D rivers State of Oregon Travel and lunch expenses reimbursed. Medical Personnel Pool 234 0968 Call 229 5680 Equal Opportunity Employer FREE READING BY PHONE Let B uddy tell you all — you need not say anything N U TR IT IO N Senior C om m unity Health W orker Cell 1904) 629-9123 Washington County Public Hearth, W IC Program, $1,00 - $1338/m o. Provides specialized assistance to low income pregnant/nursing women, infant and preschool children, performs and inter­ 2620 N .W Pine Ave. Ocala, FL 32675 prets simple health screening teats; inter­ view clients and provides nutrition coun­ seling Washington County application forms required, resumes NO T accepted. Apply by June 14, 1986 to W aahington County Personnel 150 N. First Ave., Room B 2 Hillsboro, OR 97124 Equal Opportunity Employer M ATERIALS T E S T IN G ENGINEER (S E N IO R LAB T E C H N IC IA N ) $ 1 .5 0 7 - $ 1 , 9 ? 5 M o n t h ly THE OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPOR­ T A T IO N . HIGHWAY D IV IS I O N . IS CURRENT LY R EC R U ITIN G FOR M ATERIALS TESTIN G EN G IN EER . A CURRENT VACANCY E X IS T S IN SALEM. IN POSSIBLE FUTURE VACANCIES SALEM ANO M IL W A U K IE . YOU MUST HAVE A BACHELOR'S DEGREE WITH MAJOR COURSEWORK IN P H Y S IC S . C H EM ISTR Y. E N G IN E E R IN G . MATHEMATICS OR A A D M IN IS T R A T IV E Assistant 2 The Oregon Department of Energy in Salem is now recruiting for a AAII posi­ tion. This position requires four years progressively responsible expenence in coordination and/or technical évalua­ tion Experience with computerized data base management and research pnnci pies is desired. College course work may be used for up to tw o years of ex­ perience Salary $1,301 $1,648. If m terested please call Sherri Hampton, 378-4912 or write OOOE 102 L Et I Bldg Salem, OR 97310 by June 10. 1986 ODOE is an Equal Opportunity Employer Page 2, JOBS, June 5. 19B5 CLOSELY RELATED F IE L D ; OR THREE YEARS Q U A L IF Y IN G EX P E R IE N C E . IN FO R M A TIO N . FOR CONTACT OOOT PERSONNII 4 1 9 TRANSPORTATION B L D G .. SALEM. OR 97310. JUNE (5 0 3 ) 12. 3 7 3 -7 6 6 3 . APPLY BEFORE 1985. FhR Oregon Oep,»/f