Page 10. Portland Observer. June 5, 1966 Math courses equal skills >1 OWN A HOME The nolion that while girls and Black students o f either sex can do as well as white boys in mathematics gained more support this past week as an expert on testing released results of a study of almost 10,000 high school students across the United States. White female and Black high Khool seniors scored just as high as white male seniors on math examinations, the study showed, if they were equal­ ly skilled as sophomores and if they had taken the same number o f math FOR LESS THAN $25.000! courses. Dr. Lyle V. Jones o f the Univer­ sity of North Carolina at Chapel H ill, who conducted the study, said the re­ search suggests that historical d if­ ferences in mathematics test scores could be reduced further if not elimi­ nated by encouraging girls and Black males to study math. “ These results emphasize the im ­ portance of guiding all students in elementary and secondary schools, not just white males, to enroll in mathematics and science courses," i r THAT’S RIGHT!!! - HUD is offering several homes listed below for less than ’25,000!!! .INTERESTED? - Call any real estate agent and say, “I’m ★ Interested In owning a HUD home.” They’ll provide you with the information, show you homes, complete the paperwork, and best of all, HUD PAYS the agent’s commission, if there’s a sale. ★ TOO EXPENSIVE? • If our low, low asking price is more than your budget will allow, make us an offer!! We might accept It!! ★ WHAT SHOULD YOU DO? - Cali or see a real estate agent TODAY!!! he said. Jones is the author o f several wide­ ly publicized studies showing that Black children are closing the gap between scores they make on stan­ dardized tests like the SA T and scores made by while children. At U N C , he is Alumni Distinguished professor of psychology and director of the L. L. Thurstone Psychometric Laboratory. The new study, financed by the N a­ tional Science foundation and pre­ sented at a recent meeting o f the American Educational Research As­ sociation, compared how 9,700 stu­ dents who had taken achievement tests as sophomores during 1980 fared on similar tests as seniors in 1982 The tests measured skills in com­ putation, arithmetic reasoning, graph reading, elementary algebra and ge­ ometry and were part o f High School and Beyond, a project o f the N a­ tional Center for Education Statistics. As expected. Jones said, students who continued to take courses like advanced algebra and trigonometry in their final two years o f high school scored significantly higher in 1982 than students who demonstrated equal ability in 198(1, but stopped taking math. Those who had taken math all the way through avctaged 82 percent correct answers, while those whose transcripts showed no courses at the algebra I level or beyond averaged only 37 percent correct answers. “ There have been a number of suggestions in the literature that males somehow perform better or learn more from mathematics than females do,” Jones said. “ Research continues to show that the average tests scores of whites in math is higher than the average score for Black students at the same grade level." Whiles did do better overall than Blacks on the High School and Be yond tests and boys fared slightly bet­ ter than girls But after controlling for advanced coursework and sopho­ more performance, the psychologist found that the score differences disap­ peared completely. “ The important elements in the changes in achievement appear to be the initial level o f skill and the courses that the students tix»k in high school,” he said. "This suggests that by pro­ viding more equal learning opportun­ ities from kindergarten and grade school onward, we would approach equal performance." Jones warned parents, teachers and guidance counselors not to pre­ judice any children against mathe­ matics, regardless o f what their own experiences with the subject were while growing up. "W hether or not they choose to continue in higher education, stu­ dents will find that understanding suf­ ficient mathematics and science will help them keep up with changes in our technological age." he said. S cho ol Lunch M enu Monday. June 10 Cheeseburger w/French Fries Whole Kernel Corn Pear Slices Mega Chip Cookie Milk BID OPENING HOMES BID ACCEPTED UNTIL 11:00 AM JUNE 17TH BID OPENING 1:00 PM JUNE 17TH 17 4 M ( V VWcwN A M , 3 B d 2 B a . 148 8 S q Ft 2244 M 4 7 « Forti««! 3 B d 1 B a 1 7 4 9 S q Ft U M I V Notami* CL LaAt 0 m m « 3 B d 1 B a 9 4 6 S q Ft M i l N A m o m I t Fortlond 3 B d 1 B a 9 2 5 S q Ft '44 MC ‘» 4 M 17M5 41*1 A w N f l i m m i 3 B d 1 B a 9 8 8 S q Ft 11 400 * 7111 Mf 12141 A m Vtncou»M 3 B d . 1 B a 1 0 0 4 S q Ft ‘1A.4M *77,4M * 7M 4 ME 1 l i t i Ara. VancouMt 3 B d . 1 B a 1 0 0 4 S q Ft ’» . 4 M 4 » S Atti St Oraaham 3 B d . 2 Ba. 1 1 7 8 S q F t 'A4,4M BID ACCEPTED UNTIL 11:00 AM JUNE 10 BID OPENING 1:00 PM JUNE 10 1 7 M Francati U N . Feritane 2 B d 1 B a . 6 0 8 S q Ft * 111 I N a ry -iV a y Cantra! Forni 3 Bd 2 Ba IIB S S q F t *17.1 *47,M0 717 lin e a « II, Riamarti Fella 4)4 la r tla r W CM alona 3 B d , 1 B a 1 0 7 9 S q Ft MOM 11 4M 1400 Tamara Ck Orante Faaa 3 Bd 2 B a 1 1 0 0 S q F t »4M •14.4M 4417 Arateti FI. R itm o « Falla 3 B d 1 B a 1 3 7 8 S q Ft *17 A * M7 Inaurar MM. I 2 B d . 1 B a. 7 4 0 S q Ft '12.4M • 1711 CaaeaM M. Eaaana 2 B d 1 B a 8 2 4 S q Ft 1711 Orchard It. Eaaana 1 B d . 1 B a 9 7 6 S q Ft 2 Bd 1 Ba, 1 1 5 6 S q F l 4M Main E Filet Hoc« 2 Bd 1 Ba 1 0 4 6 S q Ft *10.» 40112414 Ara N I Fontano 3 B d 1 B a 1321 S q Ft ’ 4 M Uncaki I t . Illratlon 3 B d 1 B a 1 1 4 2 S q Ft 'M O M 414 17tN I t N. IprtnyflaM 3 B d 1 B a 1 2 1 0 S q Ft •1 I.4 M 1 4 7 » 40TW I t N I. Va 4 B d 1 B a . 1 2 7 9 S q Ft '12,4M EXTENDED LISTING HOMES 41 4M 114 Francati It . Riama« Falla V a c a n t Lot 4 » 5 Chaaa Ara N Feritane 2 Bd 1 B a 863 Sq Ft 17.1 141 E ld « A r a « lelem 3 B d 1 B a 9 4 5 S q Ft '» . 4 M •71.M0 711 Moalend I t . M plla CraaA 2 B d 1 B a 5 7 6 S q Ft 4424 Orane Ara N t Feritane 2 B d . 1 B a 8 6 0 S q Ft '17J 4724 Nation Dr I f . Salem 2 B d 1 B a 8 0 7 S q Ft •M O M '41.4M M 4 4 « I I 1 « FandMon 1 Bd 1 B a 7 6 8 S q FI I 7 M - 42 Afetna Ara N. Feritane 2 B d 2 B a 115 0 S q Ft D u p le « 14.1 14M Van Baran. C a tta « Orare 2 B d 1 Ba. 7 9 8 S q Ft '11,4M 41111 1 « Are ME. Feritane 3 Bd 1 B a 1 1 2 4 S q Ft 144 W 41. Oaaton 3 B d . 1 '4 B a 1 3 8 0 S q Ft '41.4M M U 144« A r a » . I 3 B d , 2 B a 1 3 0 8 S q Ft 117M CNaaMra M 1 « . laararlan 4 B d 3 B a 18 2 0 S q Ft *W ---- -* — W Wy S W , S V W W I t ^ l 4 Bd. 1 Ba l1 4 O S q F t NO TICI TO ALL RIA L ■STA TI BROKERS '14.410 IM 4 CaNieim I t N. Feritane 2 B d 1 B a 7 2 0 S q Ft ★ Only homss with * a rt eligible for FHA mortgage Insurance. Buyer must choose * * The only contingency for financing Is FHA mortgage Insurance. These properties are Identified with an *. Homes listed above as "Extended Listing Homes" and Homes listed as “Bid Opening Homes" that are not sold as a result of the competitive bid offering will remain available for sale until such time ae they are eubsequently relisted under different terms. Each working day at 3:30 pm offers received for these homes during the day will be evaluated. In the event that circumstances prevent HUD from opening offers on a given day, the properties will remain available up to the point of actual acceptance by HUD of the best net offer. Offers submitted under this procedure shall be submitted In appropriately marked sealed an* velopee containing HUD-9551 with addendum, sales contract, earnest money deposit, and forfeiture statement. ★ ALL HOMES SOLD AS IS, NO WARRANTY. U.S. DEPT. OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT ■J * ■ • 4040 O' Ancorila Dr. Trad 2 B d 2 B a 1 4 4 0 S q Ft 5 2 a e re a 24 M arl« Dr. UmatWa 3 B d 1 B a 1 0 5 8 S q Ft CHANGE OF EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT PROCEDURES Tb« R n i Estate broker m utt cottact H 000 Eemaet Monay end dapoaft m thaw cl lac f t trust account wtth«n 24 hour« attar racatpt Tha Real Estata Broker m utt hold the earneet -o n a y m thaw chant a trust account until closing AN sales offers submitted to MUD m utt include completed MUD forma Offer to Purchaaa Brokers Tandar S551. Appendix B Nat Offer to MUD. Earnaat Money Forfaitura Statement 0542 and Ear neat Monay Certificate by tha Real Estate Brokers Theta forma may ba obtained from tha local MUD office TERMS AND CONDITIONS Burrito Supreme Lettuce A Tomato Peach Slices Summer Birthday Cake M ilk /■& 1 4 M N 1 1 17«. iprtojflM d 3 B d . 1 B a 1 8 5 0 S q Ft BID OPENING HOMES Tuesday. June 11 . a At 'M O M