Portland Observer, May 29, 1906, Page 9 Low-salt dishes offer flavor, health Htx and spicy low-sail main dishes are easy io prepare with a jar o f no sal) added spaghetti sauce and some favoriie seasonings. No sail added spaghetti sauce is a blessing for people who are watching their sodium intake. This testy home­ made-tasting sauce has a deft blend of herbs to heighten the flavor and take the place o f salt in these exciting recipes. Chicken stuffed peppers are a new, healthful version o f a traditional American dish Green peppers cooked tender-crisp are filled with a com­ bination o f spaghetti sauce, diced chicken, rice and corn. Onion and hot cayenne pepper add extra flavor zip. The final touch is low sodium swiss cheese melted on top o f the stuffed peppers and a coaling o f sauce. Roll your own low-salt meatballs. Spiced just right, meatballs are easy tb prepare with no salt added spa­ ghetti sauce, ground beef, bread crumbs, onion and hot pepper sauce. Shape into meatballs and brown in saucepan. Spoon o ff fat and simmer In spaghetti sauce, garlic and crushed red pepper Serve over spaghetti with fresh Italian bread to sop up the spic­ ily enticing sauce. 1; Making a low-sodium Swiss Pizza it, easy as pie and tastes as good as regular pizza. Use prepared pizza ghells and spread them with no salt added spaghetti sauce. Cover gener­ ously with shredded low-sodium swiss cheese and top to taste with chopped green peppers, onions, sliced mush­ rooms, cooked ground pork or crushed red pepper flakes. Bake according to pizza package directions. You’ll agree, we think that the flavor is there even if the added salt pepper. Spoon mixture into green peppers. 5. Bake at 400 deg. for 20 minutes or until hot. Top with remaining sauce and cheese. Bake 5 minutes more or until cheese begins to melt. Makes 4 servings. N O S A LT M EATBA LLS I jar (31 Vi ounces) no salt added spaghetti sauce (3Vi cups) I pound ground beef '/» cup fine dry bread crumbs */« cup finely chopped onion I egg. slightly beaten '/« teaspoon hot pepper sauce 2 tablespoons salad oil V4 teaspoon crushed red pepper I medium dove garlic, minced Hot cooked spaghetti I M ix thoroughly '/» cup sauce, beef, bread crumbs, onion, egg and 1/8 teaspoon hot pepper sauce. Shape firmly into 24 meatballs ( I-inch). 2. In 5-quart heavy pan over me­ dium heat, in hot oil, cook meatballs until browned; spoon o ff fat. 3. Stir in remaining sauce and hot pepper sauce, garlic, and red pepper. 4. Reduce heat to low. Cover; sim­ mer 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Serve over spaghetti. Makes 4 cups or 4 servings. SW ISS P IZ Z A 1 jar ( IS 1/« ounces) no salt added spaghetti sauce ( I Y< cups) 2 frozen pizza shells ( 12 inch) 2 cups shredded low sodium swiss cheese (8 ounces) 1. Spread half o f sauce over each pizza shell; top « c h with half of cheese. 2. Bake following pizza shell pack­ age directions. Makes 8 servings. Pizza toppings: Top each pizza shell with one or more o f the follow­ ing before baking — chopped green pepper, chopped onion, sliced mush­ rooms, cooked ground pork, crushed red pepper flakes. Fully Processed, Your Choice Of Chops Or Roast isn’t. Cut And Wrapped In One Single Pkg. C H IC K E N S T U F F E D P EPPER S 4 medium green peppers 1 jar (1514 ounces) no salt added spaghetti sauce (1 ’/« cups) 1 cup diced, cooked chicken I cup cooked rice >/i cup cooked whole kernel corn 14 cup finely chopped onion 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper '/« cup shredded low sodium swiss cheese 1. W ith sharp knife, cut thin slice from top o f each green pepper; re­ move stem and seeds. 2. In 3-quart saucepan over medi­ um heat, in I-inch boiling water, heat green peppers to boiling. Reduce heat to low; cover. Simmer 5 minutes or until green peppers are tender-crisp. Hen Turkeys SAFEWAY 78« Lucerne Premium Ice Cream Citrus Hill Select Orange Juice Half Gallon Container Save Up To 70* Each 12-Oz. Frozen Can Save Up To $1.00 Each $149 1 Free ride home at graduation dent. Lb. MANOR HOUSE Drain. 3. In 1-quart casserole dish, ar­ range green peppers. 4. In medium bowl, combine I cup sauce, chicken, rice, corn, onion and Portland area high school students have yet another choice to make this year at graduation time: whether or not they will ride home with a drunk driver or attempt to drive home in­ toxicated themselves. To make this an easier choice, P IR D -Y Stroke Rehabilitation, Inc., a Portland stroke therapy company and Broadway Cab Co-op are spon­ soring free cab rides home for gradu­ ating seniors and other students after prom and graduation festivities. The Free Ride Home program is in effect for any Friday or Saturday night throughout M ay and any night from June I • June 15 after any prom or graduation party or event. Students can call the Free Ride Home hotline number, (503)226-7551 and a Broadway cab will pick them up and drive them home. The P IR D -Y Stroke Rehabilitation Co. (pronounced “ purdee” ), in coop­ eration with the cab company, is sponsoring the free rides because o f Eric Anderson, a 19-year-old victim of a June 2, 1984 drunk driving acci­ Grade “ A ” Natural Each QQC W W E a . Tender Number 1 Sweet Corn Gregg’s Gold-n-Soft Margarine Crest 6.4-0unce Toothpaste From Coachella Valley Save Up To 14c Each 1-Pound Tub Save Up To 40‘ Each Reg., Mint Or Gel Save Up To 38* Each Whole Watermelon Lb 29e fiQc Uw Ea. $129 1 Each June 1st. & 2nd. Rose Festival Hot Balloon Classic! C o m e W atch The B a llo o n R ace! Fun And E x c item en t For All At D elta Park. Enjoy SAFEWAVS SPONSORED PANCAKE BREAKFAST June 1 & 2 - 7 (H) To 11:00 AM $2 00 Tickets. $1 00 Off Ticket Coupon At Vour Neighborhood Safeway Store' tV E DECORO CO. Norlhw«» ! lergal’ Go ID * «»tord » Top. S*o