Page 8, Portland Observer, May 29, 1986 A Public Service of the Portland Observer A lb in a M in is te r ia l A llia n c e 284 6023 Send notice o f your church activities and events IO: Reh g ton Editor, Portland Observer P O B o s íM Portland OP 97208 Ueten for Bishop Daniele' radio broadcast Sunday mornings, 7:45 - 8:00, on K A A R 1480AM, as he presents to you the Bread o f Life, God's W ord. THE M O U N T O L IV E T B A P T IS T C H U R C H N.E. First Er Schuyler* 284 1964 Revival - Extended for one more week at Greater M t. Calvary C .O .G .I.C .. located at 1234 N .E Killingsworth with Evangelist S. E. Mitchell. Bishop H . John H Jackson. M inister M Ed 9 30A 11 00 A 5 00 P 10 W A M B. Daniels, host pastor. RELIGION UPDA TE by Dee Armstrong Vacations just don't coma soon enough, but whan they do I think of lying on the beach, bathing In the sun taking Ilfs easy. However, this Is not alwaya the case for the people of the Lord. There is a Spirit of Re­ vival going on and Revival was the subject of my vacation in Renton, Washington, at the Saad of Abraham Pentecostal Church." with Pastor M . J. Barnlkow and Evangelist. Apostle Joe Kayo from Nlrobe, Kenya. East Africa. "Our mission is Apostolic'." said Joe Kayo. "My vision Is to let the world know the power of the resurrected Lord. I believe that 'with Qod all things are possible', that faith In God's word Is the key to answer prayer. I am merely an Instrument In God's hand: the Bible. God's word Is the only base I have for my prayers. I can't heal. I am not a 'faith heal­ er'. Christ Is the healer, the saviour, the beptizer with the Holy Spirit. "Since the year 1867 when I was converted to Jesus Christ. I have traveled far and wide telling people that Jaaus. the son of the living God is the same yesterday, today and forever. M y calling is to 'win souls'l I have seen them coma to the master by the thousands, mir­ acles of healing have been performed upon the sick, demons flee as I proclaim Christ. Many times the Lord has revealed Himself to people In different formal In Ethiopia they do not only starve for food but for the word of God. said Evangelist Kayo. Your missionaries coming from the U..S. are outdated, there are powers of darkness in Africa that only the power of the Holy Ghost can break. Thera are many pastors and lead era in Africa with no Bibles. In certain countries and parts of Africa they will not allow the people to have Bibles." ha said. Truly my soul was blessed In revival at the Saad of Abraham Church. To know that there era people In thia world that are deprived of the word of God brings tears to my ayes. These people must really know what the scripture means to hide the word of God within their hearts whaneve they have the occasion to sea it. This week 's UPDA TE with food for thought: "In the last day. that great day o f the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, I f any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drtnk. He that beheveth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers o f living water. " — St. John 7:37.38 ALLEN T E M P L E C M E C H U R C H C o rn e r o f 8 th a n d S k id m o re Sunday S chool 9 30am Sunday W orship 11 00am C hristian Y ou th Fellow ship 6 00pm Isecond and fo u rth Sundays) p E lo n ra J E d w a rd s (P astor) YOU ARE W ELCOME TO W O R SH IP AT 84 N.E. K illingsw orth • 281 0499 "A warm spirit of fellowship always" Tuesday Bibla Band Thursday Chou FI «Vi u t u l 7 » p m 7 00 p m Sunday 9 15s m I ÜZCSt ( ■rwetve hurt h of God in rvaw -.« Ae»4»r fc a w l*^ * Morning Worship Y P W W EvsngshstK Worship 11 IB s m 6 »pm 8 00pm 1 Tuesday Friday Noon Day Prayer the Bike baya- Friday Toltati’ peace u’ilb ■ Ths Pasini S pasi» 7 30 ’ p m all metre, bolines? wilboul which nos-’u <1-v Prtysr 9 00 ■ m Mornmg man shall sec the torà Berean Baptist Church 4822 N. Vancouver Ava. The 41st A n n u a l S ta te C o n vo catio n o f the Churches o f God in Christ. Jurisdiction No. I will be held June 10- 16 at Greater Ml. Calvary C O G 1 C .. 1234 N .E . Killingsworth. Host pastor. Bishop H . B Daniel Sr. FAMILY FILM SERIES Benefit D in ner - Piedmont Loaves and Fishes, featuring ham and roast turkey dinners. Saturday, June 15. I I a m. - 4 p.m. at Piedmont Presbyterian Church, 5760 N .E . CLeveland. Home deliveries. For more information, call 285-5348. North Portland Bible College - Celebration o f Achievement, Friday, June 14, at 6:30 p.m. in honor o f students who have earned their E T T A Certificates, as well as students who have completed planned sequences of classes There will be testimonies from Rev. Sylvester Jackson and Missionary Elizabeth Proctor, with a message delivered by Rev. T . L. Lewis of Morning Star Baptist Church. Dinner: $6.50. For reservations, call 288-7241 or 288-2919 Location, Maranaiha Church, Wendell Wallace Multi-Purpose Room. 4222 T H E S T R O N G -W IL L E D C H IL D Childish irresponsibility vs. w illfu l defiance. Undcntanding your guilt when disciplining your child. 6.1 min FILM S H A P IN G T H E W il l. W IT H O U T B R E A K IN G 7 TH E S P IR IT How to associate behavior w ith consequences When to let go o f your child and how. 60 min C H R IS T IA N F A T H E R IN G I f America survives, il w ill be because fathers begin to put their families at the highest level ol priority. 61 min. PREPARING FOR A D O L E S C E N C E : T H E O R IG IN O F S E L F D O U B T The secrets o f self-esteem 50 min PREPARING FOR A D O L E S C E N C E : PEER PRESSURE A N D S E X U A L IT Y Physical changes, sexual development 48 min W H A T W IV E S W IS H T H E IR H U S B A N D S KN EW A B O U T W O M E N : T H E L O N E L Y H O U S E W IF E Sources of depression in women Ixrw self esteem. Absence o f romantic love in marriage. 49 min W H A T W IV E S W IS H T H E IR H U S B A N D S KNEW A B O U T W O M E N : M O N E Y , SEX A N D C H IL D R E N M aterialism —a root cause. The maior sexual dif­ ference Menstrual and psychological problems 34 min Building Up Your Family M a y 21 - Juris 2 - J u n a IS — July 7 - J u l y 14 -A u g 4 • fs .- . BEREAN BAPTIST CHURCH 4822 N. Vancouver Ave. 284-2334 Nathan Barnett, Pastor W e lc o m e to th e B e tty T itu s Third Annual Women's Convention to be held August I - 4, 1985 in Houston, Texas. I will be speaking, along with my husband James Other special guests will be the recording artist Beverly Glenn o f Los Angeles. C A ; Georgia Wilson of Hot Springs, A R ; Delores Kendrick of Seattle. W A . and others. W e will also be having other noted speakers from various parts o f the country. We also would like to inform you that we would be happy to make reserva­ tions for you at the Doubletree Hotel. You are asked to call me personally at 713-686-2964 or contact Helen Smith at 713-434-9098 We are planning a tour o f the city o f Houston for all o f our guests who would like to tour the city. There will be many other special events planned. (B Theology • M Drvtrvty) Services: 9:30 a .m .. Sunday School 11:00a.m .. M orning W orship 6:00 p.m .. Evening Worship The Barnetts & Berean welcomes your family At Berean we emphasize building strong femllle». You'll get solid Expository Biblical Praaching & Taaching. "A woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised. ” — — Proverbs 3 1 3 0 Tennis open J ( 'ommunity Directory and p ro f iles \d s O n T h is P a g e A r c O f L o c a l B u s in e s s e s l h a t A r c H e lp in g B u ild A B o t t e , C o m m u n , ly Tennis players across the nation are readying for the First Annual Drum M ajor for Justice Open Tennis Tour nament to be held in Atlanta June 8 through June I2. Sanctioned by the United States Tennis Association, the contest is sponsored by sck/W om en as part of the sclc’s annual M artin Luther King Jr Memorial Observance The found­ ing president o f the sclc, King won the I964 Nobel Peace Prize for his non-violent civil rights crusade and was assassinated April 4, I968. The tennis tournament takes its name from King's description o f himself in a speech shortly before his deaih. Arthur Ashe, the first major Black tennis player, will be honorary co- chairman o f the tournament at the South Fulton Tennis Center at 5645 Mason Road in College Park Serving with him will be Atlanta Mayhor Andrew Young, an sclc board mem ber and an accomplished tennis playet Junior players, aged 12 to 18, will play in their own Drum M ajor for Justice tournament June 2 through 8 at Washington Park Tennis Center at 1125 Lena Street N W , in Atlanta. Adult players must register by June 3 Interested persons should call sclc national headquarters at (404» 522-1420 or John Bailey at <4O4> 344-8309. AUTO M IS C E L L A N E O U S BROAD»W A X Attorney at law 307 N E. B ro a d w a y P o rtla n d . OR 97232 <503)284 1106 infamous deals. Here’s the offer. From June 17-21, at Grant High School. Coach Tom McKenna will be joined by a star- studded cast o f guest instructors to offer city kids the opportunity to meet local coaches and to learn some great basketball techniques while having fun. The cost makes the deal even sweeter, just $25.00. The list o f guest speakers include: • Andy M doskey, assistant wo­ a B r r e n t a ls 234-7466 Injury, Accidents Criminal Defense W ills/P robate Drunk D riving/Traffic Divorce Juvenile Broadway Exxon aR ♦©»»••« » «omaa«»«» Ov< m a c h e n « C h u t» K n o e t wrt* b a u tut* MM -T S /M a r t JASPER L AMBERS ComP»a«e Ca» C are Ca««»« A ttas P ro d u cta t o w » « f ta c v 'c » » ♦ « » '< • f W a o p a« 6 12 M 6 M 711 lu o d it • r a d M o *n a t i a t i o « M an ag »« 519 N .E B to a d w a y 284 5060 Rent to own T V . Stereo VCR video game» b m o v fs Fran W hite Appliances & T V. Ml BEAUTY ja’bell’s B E A U TY b B AR B ER S U P P L IE S Sa»ae b S e»v ee • bue^'eee ’ >»» » ’ ea»« • O«se o» «ha wo«»d » -»x>ei tatentad tat h « < * « a 284-0804 R ata* • Who«eae»e Mow«« • > Mo« Sa« 5834 N E U n ion A v» 15031281 8393 5001 N .E. U n io n (C o rn er of A lb e rte ) 288 5303 716 N. Alberta » MRS C S W lO I « a l» Scary»» a A ccetto"«» 707 N t FR EM O N T 211 » 6 » B E A U TY S U P P LIE S WhoJaasete end Rete>i W e carry product» that err seer m Jet end Ebony Megne Open 9 • m 8 p m » 1 3 N f c jf r h • 24» Q3B3 CLEANERS JEWELRY ELK C L E A N E R S b LAUNDRY PATON JEWELERS BARB'S Stop-A M lnlt M art 2 N. Kllllngaworth M oa I )• .«miiitrl» .»•» ht' |t»At 1rs I >i.ini«»»«1 Established m 1912 end «tri’ providing quality dry cleaning at reasonable rates 1014 N K illin g s w o rth 500 N W 23rd A v e n u e $ \ i h h A |> w i lt s H . |i.n r S I s .n u b TW 7<»e« ll4 0 * a F rM e y ’ t t a a Saturday SOD a • • I2 O 0 « « %ae*ey S O a a* 11 p • Phone: 284-3979 .’M I ' h M h ' E V IC T IO N S S T O P P E D « mr * c » W H Y BE BA LD 7 B ro ad w ay He